Brass Battleaxe


Aug 13, 2019
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi all , new here.
Have posted pics of this item & would like to know more about it.
300mm long , 150mm wide , weighs 0.896gr.
Obviously been used for something as lots of scrapes/ divits in the brass.
Not so much interested in value but age , where , really the provenance.
Cheers battleaxe full.jpgbattleaxe head otherside.jpgbattleaxe head.jpg

Hi Guys , thanks for the responses.
Yes it has ornate detailing as in randazzo1 photo but that battleaxe is different completely in the handle patterning but the seller on Etsy , UAK mobile , has another battleaxe very similar to mine. I asked him about this battleaxe and his response was , that he was told by the previous owner it was made several decades ago , so that would support your theory. Upon hearing this i had a closer look at the 2 battleaxes & although his & mine bear striking resemblance there are 3 differences & once again in the handle. (other UAK mobile axe shown in photo) This could mean everything or nothing.
Again mine is very aged & patinated & tons of useage/wear compared to the etsy ones , again that could mean everything or nothing. The provenance passed onto me for the axe i have is " was found under the floorboards of an old villa that had been pulled down several years ago" truth or not i cannot substantiate this.
But im open to all suggestions , i have my own half theory at this stage.
PS , my length measure was wrong , should be 330mm not 300mm , typo of older man haha
etsy axe.jpg

Nice display piece! :icon_thumleft:

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