California college student teaches school $50,000 lesson

It is not the same...! Mall is private, college is Public they are 2 very different cases.... Why do you think the college apologized and settled before the court ruled and on top gave student $50k? They settled because they knew they were wrong and would lose and the monetary award would have been much higher... American by birth, Patriot by choice. I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

Im not talking about public vs private. I am talking about 2 individuals being given an opportunity to do exactly what they wanted to do under the established rules of the respective venues. The folks involved threw a temper tantrum instead of acting in a reasonable manner. This never had to be an issue for anyone.

Im not talking about public vs private. I am talking about 2 individuals being given an opportunity to do exactly what they wanted to do under the established rules of the respective venues. The folks involved threw a temper tantrum instead of acting in a reasonable manner. This never had to be an issue for anyone.

The college student acted in a reasonable manner, the apology by the school, the changing in their rules and the cash award all shows they acknowledged he was right and they were wrong.....

"individuals being given an opportunity to do exactly what they wanted to do under the established rules of the respective venues."

Do it under the rules that violates our Constitution... No thank you...

"This never had to be an issue for anyone"

This means the violation of the 1st Admendment of the Bill of Rights would never have been addressed....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

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You guys are making some very good points, and having a good convo with debate while being completely civil..its a breath of fresh air and I hope it lasts.
Now I find it scary that places of any kind are trying to create rules/laws that clearly violate the constitution and the country is really walking on eggshells and or walking a taught line while trying to stretch said line.
As far as I am concerned, the line that's the constitution should stay tight, and anybody that is trying to loosen our constitution by enacting rules and laws to skirt around it should be immediately exiled to somewhere else.

There are a ton of legal battles happening right now that all revolve around the constitution, being brought on by people trying to maintain the tight line of free speech and other constitutional rights, such as that veto in Arizona that forces christian companies to ignore their beliefs and serve folks they don't agree with, which of course religious freedom is covered by the constitution.

Then there are those that are trying hard to loosen and unravel that tight fabric line to stretch or abolish said constitutional freedoms by making ignorant rules such as saying somebody cannot pass out copies of the constitution on public property where of course we are supposed to have the freedom of free speech.

Or the line breakers trying to destroy law abiding citizens abilities to protect their selves and their family's since we all know a armed society is a polite society..but No we ( ignorant folks ) say that the people should be disarmed and everybody will be safe..Uh Huh!!.let me tell you, the bad guys are NOT going to say are my guns.
So then all the law abiding folks are left to defend the family with sticks while the thug is packing an thanks I'll pass.

We must all band together to stop these actions against our freedoms, for in my own life I have seen alot of freedoms vanish and it will only get worse.
The constitution was always meant to be an unbreakable tight line, and well it is getting pretty dang loose.
Ok ? Good needed to vent this.


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You guys are making some very good points, and having a good convo with debate while being completely civil..its a breath of fresh air and I hope it lasts.
Now I find it scary that places of any kind are trying to create rules/laws that clearly violate the constitution and the country is really walking on eggshells and or walking a taught line while trying to stretch said line.
As far as I am concerned, the line that's the constitution should stay tight, and anybody that is trying to loosen our constitution by enacting rules and laws to skirt around it should be immediately exiled to somewhere else.

There are a ton of legal battles happening right now that all revolve around the constitution, being brought on by people trying to maintain the tight line of free speech and other constitutional rights, such as that veto in Arizona that forces christian companies to ignore their beliefs and serve folks they don't agree with, which of course religious freedom is covered by the constitution.

Then there are those that are trying hard to loosen and unravel that tight fabric line to stretch or abolish said constitutional freedoms by making ignorant rules such as saying somebody cannot pass out copies of the constitution on public property where of course we are supposed to have the freedom of free speech.

Or the line breakers trying to destroy law abiding citizens abilities to protect their selves and their family's since we all know a armed society is a polite society..but No we ( ignorant folks ) say that the people should be disarmed and everybody will be safe..Uh Huh!!.let me tell you, the bad guys are NOT going to say are my guns.
So then all the law abiding folks are left to defend the family with sticks while the thug is packing an thanks I'll pass.

We must all band together to stop these actions against our freedoms, for in my own life I have seen alot of freedoms vanish and it will only get worse.
The constitution was always meant to be an unbreakable tight line, and well it is getting pretty dang loose.
Ok ? Good needed to vent this.

Keep one thing in mind...religious beliefs don't trump the Constitution.

Keep one thing in mind...religious beliefs don't trump the Constitution.

Nothing trumps the Constitution....

American by birth, Patriot by choice.

I would rather die standing on my two feet defending our Constitution than live a lifetime on my knees......

I took this statement as indicating that religion trumps the Constitution....
"There are a ton of legal battles happening right now that all revolve around the constitution, being brought on by people trying to maintain the tight line of free speech and other constitutional rights, such as that veto in Arizona that forces christian companies to ignore their beliefs and serve folks they don't agree with, which of course religious freedom is covered by the constitution."

That said, however, I believe we have the freedom to discriminate as we want. The Constitution is to prevent the government from discriminating. When the government starts telling us how we should act in our own beliefs, the government is wrong. We should be able to conduct our own, personal and business, affairs as we think they should be conducted. If our decisions are out of line, we'll be punished financially in our business dealings, and punished socially in our personal dealings. The government is not supposed to be in the business of deciding what is correct behavior of the citizenry, providing the behavior is not aggressive to our fellow citizens.

There is a school here in California that is banning students from wearing American flag t-shirts etc. on Cinco de Mayo but yet the students of Mexican heritage can wear a Mexican flag themed shirt. One court has already said that the presumed "safety" of the students trumps the Constitution in this case. You have to keep in mind that a boy student in this state can take showers with the girls if he feels like it and anyone that complains will be the criminal. Thank goodness (don't want to say God here) that he handed out Constitutions on the campus as that's probably the closest most of them will ever get to knowing what's in it. Kids graduate from high school these days and have never heard of Little Big Horn or the Korean conflict. Legalizing pot should clear their minds though.

NOTHING should trump the Constitution.... and safety be damned! Good post packerbacker....

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