Can a metal detector find hope


Full Member
Nov 30, 2008
I have been looking for some hope and I am wondering if it may
be in the dirt.

I had some once but I've seem to have lost or misplaced it.
I sure could use some.

I had a bankruptcy / bad divorce / lost my own business and NOW,
I've had my hours cut at my low paying job- Just signed up for
unemployment today.

Think I'll got to the park and dig around - ya never know,
maybe hope is under the next plug.

Everyone have a great holiday


Having been through some tough times myself, I have learned to find solace in the fact that, when you are at rock bottom, there is only one direction left: UP !

Hang tough - things will almost certainly get better


Pray,before you go out! Maybe that diamond ring or rare coin wil show up ;D God Bless.

i know what you mean........i'm at the rock bottom now . i sold everything i can just to put food on the table . i pray everytime i go out , just to hit that one thing worth something just to get me ahead alittle . i got my health and so does my wife and kids . i put it allin gods hands , and hope he can give me all i can take . i hope something breaks .soon .....hang in there i say a prayer for you tonight . .....alfonso

Pray for me too.I am unemployed,my wife works,but it is hard and I pray when I go out also! God Bless everyone on this site!!!!

It's hard to make a living at this hobby--and anything you find will only be a temporary fix, financially speaking. The best thing you can do is relentlessly search the classified ads, pick up extra jobs, and work hard to make ends meet. You will earn much more doing that on average than than from what you could pull from the ground.

Best Wishes,


I dont make a living metal detecting. It is my hobby for 38 years so far! I know God will provide those that need with a job. As my pastor says "Gods Got A Plan For You"

No, metal detectors can't find it, but it's right there in front of you. All you have to do is be willing to see it & grab it for yourself. You may have to change your mindset or even your way of life in order to get to that point, but it's there for you! As Nick would say - persevere! Best wishes to you. :wink:

kimsdad said:
No, metal detectors can't find it, but it's right there in front of you. All you have to do is be willing to see it & grab it for yourself. You may have to change your mindset or even your way of life in order to get to that point, but it's there for you! As Nick would say - persevere! Best wishes to you. :wink:

agreed! change your name to something more positive for starters!

At the therapists today. The gal did some manual traction on my spine. Reached in, ripped it out and held it in the air and did that holler like Predator getting his trophy. Then she asked me if it hurt very much.
"Nope, doin' just fine" sez I.

So she went on to separate the meat from the bone in my upper leg, she called it a massage.
"Feeling better?", Sez she.

"Yep, doin' just fine, Miss Du Sade" Sez I.

Yeah, it does get better, just gotta leave the pain killers behind and learn to love the hurt. The more you enjoy the pain, the less the pain will bother you. The less the pain bothers you, the more you can do in it's face. Get in it's face and keep your head down and humbled, and you won't walk over that dropped coin unless you can knowingly do without it.

Eat well this week, it's a holiday!

I also have been bankrupted,divorced,lost my own business,loss wages and been so depressed i felt like digging a hole and pulling the dirt over me. But I kept pushing and trying to make my life go forward no matter how much i had to dig in and push. It didn't happen fast and it definitely isn't easy but hard times can only experience you and lead you in another direction until you find the way out .
I have done jobs that i thought i would never think of doing and settled for alot less to make things workout.I have custody of my 3 children and a Daddy to 2 more for the last 13 yrs.I have never got child support or any help from the mothers and never received Government help.

I Pray Much better times come your way and for all others that need it ,very very soon.
Keep your head up and keep pushing forward. doing some detecting will relieve stress but the hope is in your will power.
Nova Treasure

Hang in there bro........I know where you are coming from,,,,still recovering from the same(hence the handle"suckerpunched") We all have hope that we will find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow someday, whether it be MD'ing,,gambling, lottery........Just don't count on it. I took up this hobby recently as a way to relax, get outside, and have fun without costing alot of money. Haven't found anything worth much but everything I find is a treasure to me(except poptops). I agree with Diggem,,,,at rock bottom, the only way to go is up......just keep diggin.

Thanks for the encouragement! I dont know what I would do with without the Good Lord,Family,Friends,and Metal Detector!! God give all these things and more!!! Heres to a great and better year ahead!!!!

Well I changed my name and feel better already.
I think I found the hope I was looking for - from all of you.

Thanks again and have a great Holiday


You all helped encourage me too.Thanks I needed that! Glad you changed your name.Take care and keep the faith!!!

You never know what's really going on with your fellow detectorists until
one let's it all hang out. Then others are able to express the hard times
they are going through too. I can really feel it because I've been where
you are now. But the good Lord sent me an angel to get my life on track.
I hope all your guys hurting now know that we care about you and will
hit our knees tonight praying that it get's better soon. lastleg

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