CBD Oil - well I guess I'm going to find out what it's all about


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2013
SW, VA - Bull Mountain
Detector(s) used
CTX, Excal II, EQ800, Fisher 1260X, Tesoro Royal Sabre, Tejon, Garrett ADSIII, Carrot, Stealth 920iX, Keene A52
Primary Interest:
I'm rolling into age 72 in about 3 months. I certainly don't feel like I did just even last year = too danged lazy and worn out to even get out and swing a detector. I look back at this and the fact is - I was just giving up and blaming it on age.

Well, I did some looking (kinda a bit of research but not in real depth), and decided to order CBD Oil. I did some looking around to try to figure which one of the many to purchase.

So I should have it in the mail pretty soon - 3 days maybe?

I'll share my experience on here.

Yeah, I’m kinda beaten up right now too. I think I might just skip straight to the pot.

I’m very curious because I never felt any kind of change I wasn’t sure if it was BS or not.

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There are different products for different applications, oils, lotions, creams ...
We were recommended the lotion type that has cbd, as well as thc.

Doesn’t alter state of mind, but does seem to have better powers of remedy, over cbd alone.
We just use per directions, and it helps take the edge off quite a bit. :icon_thumright:
I have a bad back ... it’s chronic, and long term use of pain medication, was not something I wanted to continue. :dontknow:

Sometimes just taking the edge off the old bones, can be enough to get up and start moving around. Got to keep moving .... or get stoved up. LOL

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Here it is 8 days later, and still haven't received it yet. But it is a certainty - they got my bucks already and I don't got squat!!!!

I wish you the best of luck. I've "dabbled" with CBD several times over the years, and I never got any noteworthy results, ever. They should just leave cannabis in-tact. That in itself does work. Personally I think CBD is a sales gimmic with no reward. I hope it does work for you. I'd like to be wrong.

Just walked down to my mail box - not a danged thing but a couple of bills. That's a danged long walk!!!

Mom did get some CDB oil? Huh!!! What the heck???? 94!!!! And CDB oil? Well, she retired an RN, so she must know what she's doing.....

I'm not going to sneak any of it...... And it just started raining :( Got up here dry :)

Lightening striking all around me right now. As I typed that sentence, the rain came. Well did need to cool down a little....

Well, I did receive the CBD Gummies and Oil, today was my second day of taking the prescribed amount.

Certainly nothing yet, and may never be noticeable, but I'll post again here if I feel any results.

But I do feel it's worth a trial..... Only something like $50....

The Gummies and Oil I received were from TruNature.......

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Well Deep, kinda sorry to see you go that route. I'm 78 and consider myself lucky. I have some buldged disks in my back, and we all know everyone over 35 has arthritis. When I hurt I pop ONE ibuprofen and am good all day. It's not a pain killer, it just reduces inflamation.

I’m very curious because I never felt any kind of change I wasn’t sure if it was BS or not.

I agree. I’ve taken it orally, I’ve used CBD lotion on my bum joints and quite honestly, I think that it didn’t do anything except lighten my wallet. On the other hand, I’ve spoken with a number of people who swear by the stuff. Thank goodness for Aleve, that stuff helps a lot. Doesn’t do anything for my lack of energy though. Connecticut will legalize marijuana soon, that will probably kill the CBD sales here.
Best of luck.

2nd day here going with the prescribed directions. Certainly no "high" related to it. And certainly no difference in the way I feel - yet.

The gummies are like a candy, sweet to chew. And the oil, a drop on the tongue once a day, and it certainly doesn't taste like medicine. Both are from "TruNature".

It's evening now, and I actually got out today doing yard work.

My neighbor and I are working around our standing mud & rock chimney from around 1803 - second house on the property. The first was built quickly with round logs, the second house had squared logs. I'm sore but I don't really feel all that bad - but I'd taken the oil and gummy at the start of the day. My joints are sore - like my kneck & middle back. I do not feel any harm is involved if I take a "bedtime" round again.

Virginia has been one of those long standing strict states on marijuana - and it seems now many of the convenience stores are stocking the oil & gummies.

Never thought I would see this day.

Never thought I would see this day.

You and me both, brother! As CCR said back in my heyday “There’s a bad moon on the rise...”

Want / need help with what ails ya ? ? ?

Smoke a damn joint and be done with it.

ERrrrrr um... fo you "first timers"... DONT smoke a whole joint... OR EVEN half...

Just a puff.

One SINGLE puff with slight hold for a second will do.

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Well, I woke up alive again this morning. Even though I should be sore as all crap after my labors yesterday, I slept like a rock, just awakened a few minutes ago. I "know" part of me is sore as heck, but I'm not feeling it - and for the day ahead I just put a drop on my tongue and chewed up a gummy.....

Very interesting! I'd say by the end of this year we'll be buying bags of ganja in the grocery stores.....

After my last post, and I was sitting at my computer, Mom (95 next week) started coughing convulsively downstairs. Jumped out of my chair and became "responsible" for a bit. I took down my oil & gummies and got her to take both.

Now she's back to normal = no coughing or issues, just peacefully watching TV.

Danged stuff works!!! Certainly made Mom's day a whole lot better :)

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