Century Old Family Cache Still Underground--Looking for Assistance

I've been as overly honest (50 x 50) and nice as I can.

SWR, you are wrong. Otherwise for me to find anything gold on the mountain would be a million to one. (Correction. in the acres, a billion to one.)

Badger Bart, any good pulse machine with large loops. (I like the loop wire type so I can make three different size loops. One, thats one meter x one meter, one about 30", and one aprox. 18".)

I Said I Have Done It. So any of you negitive 'Treasure hunters' are on your own now.


(PS, it depends on ground conditions. Depending on ground conditions I can Easily be with-in 10 feet of center with LRL. And I in Cache hunting would never be without it. (You men who are getting old doing nothing with it, well, its your choice hehe.) You have been told, and have a good life. Bye.

I have been lurking around for awhile, and learning so much!! I have an old md that I mess around with a little bit, but am saving to get a better one. Anyway, not to sound stupid.. but what is LRL? Thanks!!

No it doesn't help hehehe :D

Once upon a time there were two brothers trying to get their airplane off the ground, and the reporters didn't even want to show up. Well, a few years after that we are whizzing past the moon :-*

The world is a very interesting place, or very uninteresting, and not all cars are created equal.

Not all LRL are equal; and, truthfully, the subject and ground conditions are so deep that most people will probably never wake up to the truth of the subject.
But, I have ;D and I would NEVER be without it, if, you were actually treasure hunting :) , and friends to all, especially friends to those with ears :-X

Its hard for me to imagine how negitive and blind some can be, (reminds me of the above Welber Wright story), its hard for me to imagine hows it is possible that people would think that the world is just always going to stay the same? That computers and things each year can and will never get any better? I cannot imgine that mentality, can you?

The year 2006 is coming. Can and will the worlds electronics and inventions get better and better, you decide :) But, Thank God I know that everything each year in electronics is only getting better and better, and that I have enough brains to pay attention and watch :-*

Just curious, but *If* your system works......then why are you trying so hard to convince everyone that it does? If I was the only one "smart" enough to use a device that pointed out gold and it worked........well, the last place I would be would be HERE trying to convince everyone that it does?

On the other hand, I have this cool stick that points to water and is 100% accurate EVERYTIME. Now if I can find a gold one I can quit my job!


PS I forget to mention, my water stick only works when I am on a boat..... ;D

Once apon a time, there was no need to talk to the wall..

This does sound like a possibly viable hunt..as far as the $10K for each coin, sounds like a vindictive relative bulls88ting another.
Sometimes these stories were made up just to gain power over other family members.

While i can not verify his story at all, i did read where it says "Betty expects over $10K a coin".
Well, my two boys expect Santa Claus is coming soo, too! :D
They just don't know he ain't real yet... well, he is, but daddy is Santa! ;D
So like the last couple of folks said, he's probably just restating what some
knuckleheaded relative said.

Please forgive the naysayers on here, they can't believe anything unless they see it.
I have a Garrett CX II with the bloodhound deepseeker. It will (and has) picked up car parts at 3 or four feet. I recently got a nice IDX Pro so I'm not using the two-box now. If you want it for the hunt, just pay for postage and keep it for 3-4 months. really simple to use. I spent a day last week building a "thing-a-ma-jig" to attach this to my riding mower and it works.

grizzly bare
(I trust my fellow man)

GG's last post was Sept 05. He's out lookin for the treasure, not b.s.ing here. I think he took off when the bickering over LRL's started. Unless.... it really is Beekrock!??? There's only one time I've ever seen on these forums where somone showed some actual cache silver treasure bars. They were still partially buried and had old style markings on them.

Digger Joe said:
Its hard for me to imagine how negitive and blind some can be, (reminds me of the above Welber Wright story), its hard for me to imagine hows it is possible that people would think that the world is just always going to stay the same? That computers and things each year can and will never get any better? I cannot imgine that mentality, can you?

The year 2006 is coming. Can and will the worlds electronics and inventions get better and better, you decide :) But, Thank God I know that everything each year in electronics is only getting better and better, and that I have enough brains to pay attention and watch

If you really believe it works, why not snatch an easy and cool $25K? The money is now being offered to anyone, not just manufacturers:

The Challenge

I am offering a $25,000 reward to any manufacturer of a "long-range locator" device if they can simply demonstrate that it really works. I am also extending this offer to anyone else, with slight restrictions.

Originally this offer was made only to manufacturers, and the test protocol was left undefined, because I thought the fairest possible test to be one in which the manufacturer could specify the exact protocol that he felt would demonstrate his particular claim. Unfortunately, this concept was too difficult for some people to comprehend, and they wanted to spend more time arguing about the diabolical reasons for my offering flexible conditions, rather than just stating, "Here's what I can do with my LRL, and here's how it can be tested."

Since most LRL claims, explicitly or implicitely3, involve locating gold at a distance, I have decided to propose a standard protocol for testing this ability. Returning to the metal detector in the first paragraph, if I wanted to create a test to see whether a metal detector could fundamentally detect metal, then I might try something that should be ludicrously easy, like an axe head at a distance of 2 inches. Likewise, in testing a basic ability of an LRL to do anything useful, a test that would seem ludicrously easy is a good starting point. If an LRL can pass this test, then further tests can be designed to evaluate performance claims, such as distance and discrimination, if there is any desire to do so. This challenge is limited to basic functionality.

The Test

A summary of the standard protocol is as follows:

* Place a target (manufacturer's choice4 ) at a randomly chosen location out of several possible clearly marked locations.
* Use the LRL to determine which location the target is at.
* Test will be repeated several times, in order to distinguish real performance from guessing.5

The full details of the test can be found on the Test page.http://www.thunting.com/cgi-bin/geotech/pages/common/index.pl?page=lrl&file=reward_test.dat

A diagram of the house that still stands would be helpful, and also what kind of floor does the house have, foundation, walls etc??

In terms of Two box, I have used the Garrett, Whites TM 800, whites TM808
The best performing one was the Whites TM 800, however it is not available anymore from whites, but now comes with a different brand and dual frequency, it is the Discovery TF-900, aparently the designer worked for whites for a while and when he parted took his patents with him. That is why my TM 808 does not work nearly as good as the 800, different circuit etc

Good Luck

TNet friends'
five weeks ago I offered my CX II with the deepseeker attachment . There were no strings attached except that I asked for him to pay postage. Today (December 26) I have still received no reply, not even a "No thanks". I really enjoyed beekrock's original story and I have never questioned this one. But I am intrigued by the lack of response.
I am now withdrawing my offer.
My old g'daddy used to say "put up or shut up".

grizzly bare

I have come to realize it has been several months since my last posting. I apologize for not being more prudent in responding to your helpful advice and offerings. The winter has delayed my plans to begin the hunt, but with summer upon us, we are scheduled to begin the hunt in June.

Further research since my last posting has led me to believe of several caches on the property (smaller in size). I have decided to intially tackle the hunt myself with the help of two others. I am looking to get some training on a two-box detector. I am looking to purchase a two box used or rent if possible.

I will keep everyone posted. I intend to chronicle the event through digital video.

I do have a couple of questions--who and what is NUMA?

Secondly, what is this flap talk about "Beerock?" Anyway, I just assumed it had to something to do with people with no lives who like to post nonsensical jabber on this forum.



National Underwater and Marine Agency

Beerock ....that that was a long and interesting thread that led us no where...and often kept us dangling for months without a word.... ;)

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