Certain TV Shows Setting The Hobby Back?


Jr. Member
Dec 18, 2003
So, I was talking to a coworker today (who owns an old farmhouse and a nice piece of property) about my weekend, and how my Son and I hit a cellar hole in the woods. His first question was, "So how long before you drove in the backhoe like they do on that Savage show?".:BangHead:

It occurs to me, that the last 20 years I have detected, and many more years by some of my friends and fellow club members, is being diminished by certain TV shows. We have struggled with convincing land owners that we aren't there with a pickax or a bulldozer to dig up their yard. This show is doing a few things.

1. It makes land owners think everyone has a 20% split of thousands of dollars just hidden under the soil.
2. Makes the ill-informed think that we are all modern day pirates, ready to scrape off half the yard to find one rifle barrel.
3. Proves that there are people out there who don't care how much damage they do to other artifacts while they roto-till someone's yard up looking for arrow heads. Kind of proves the point archaeologists have been trying to make about us for years.

The reality is much less lucrative than people are seeing on their television, but you would never convince anyone of that now. I look forward to the day these shows go off the air. About the only people who I see benefiting from these shows, are detector manufacturers.

Just my humble opinion, curious to hear yours (even if it is in disagreement with mine). :laughing7:

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Yes I call it Generation Boom Baby.

Many of the friends I have recently told about my detecting have ALL commented something along the lines of "You don't act like those idiots do you?" Even non-detectorists know how stupid they act on those shows.

Totally agree...i like the digger guys on nat geo..if i see tv at all..now that the ground isnt frozen here and the snow almost all gone..my tv will be dusty but not as dirty as my hands:)

Diggers don't bother me so much, except when they act crazy, but that Rick Savage is stupid. No way he sells stuff for that much money, and why do he and all of his guys dig with their Army shovels like it's a pickaxe? That bugs me more than anything! If there was something in the hole they'd break it, or dent it, or scrape it!

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"Boom Baby"? No thanks...no backhoes here, just a nice Lesche digger and sand scoop for the beach.

I would rather be kicked in the groin than watch Savage swing that detector like he's chopping weeds. I can't believe anyone would buy that show.

I must be in a very agreeable mood, because I agree with all of the above statements. I have only watched the show once, I tried watching twice more, and that's as far as it goes. I have also been judged by people who have watched the show, I guess we all are by the new closures around the country.

AMEN Iowa Mike, Savage's gotta go. He and his family should team up with Dog and his family and go shoot bail jumpers with paintball guns. That's Really another waste of ..........pretty much everything. Diggers I could handle a lot better w/o the juice, roundness and all the other BS. Like somebody said earlier the only one's that are gaining anything by these knuckle heads are the manufacturers.

I really like the National Geographic channel " Diggers " but I can't take the " American Digger " show.

It's like it always is- A few a$$h@!es screwing things up for the rest of us. Kinda like lawyers/ politicians setting rules/ regs./ laws for our own good, based on a few wackos falling off the edge of sanity. Gubberment is not friendly just reckless and greedy.
Maybe Savage and the other idiots need to have a class action lawsuit filed against them for defamation of character of the hobby detectorist. That would put a stop to their BS. Maybe a boycott of the shows sponsers would bring it to a halt but I fear the damage is done. HH yelnif

AMEN Iowa Mike, Savage's gotta go. He and his family should team up with Dog and his family and go shoot bail jumpers with paintball guns. That's Really another waste of ..........pretty much everything. Diggers I could handle a lot better w/o the juice, roundness and all the other BS. Like somebody said earlier the only one's that are gaining anything by these knuckle heads are the manufacturers.

LOL, I could absolutely envision those two shows merging in a 1980's throwback that would make me vomit Depeche' Mode cassette tapes. Just the thought of those two roid raging clans uniting is like an acid trip where "wonder twins activate" into a mullet sporting, butterfly knife spinning transformer that transforms back into an AMC Pacer.

LOL, I could absolutely envision those two shows merging in a 1980's throwback that would make me vomit Depeche' Mode cassette tapes. Just the thought of those two roid raging clans uniting is like an acid trip where "wonder twins activate" into a mullet sporting, butterfly knife spinning transformer that transforms back into an AMC Pacer.

Of course I mean no disrespect to anyone still cruising their pacer, trippin' on blotter, cranking the 'Mode, sporting the mullet, cutting with the butterfly knife.

LOL, I could absolutely envision those two shows merging in a 1980's throwback that would make me vomit Depeche' Mode cassette tapes. Just the thought of those two roid raging clans uniting is like an acid trip where "wonder twins activate" into a mullet sporting, butterfly knife spinning transformer that transforms back into an AMC Pacer.

I laughed so hard I cried.

Of course I mean no disrespect to anyone still cruising their pacer, trippin' on blotter, cranking the 'Mode, sporting the mullet, cutting with the butterfly knife.

Don't be hatin on the Pacer, or the Pinto, or the Gremlin!

You funny!

LOL, I could absolutely envision those two shows merging in a 1980's throwback that would make me vomit Depeche' Mode cassette tapes. Just the thought of those two roid raging clans uniting is like an acid trip where "wonder twins activate" into a mullet sporting, butterfly knife spinning transformer that transforms back into an AMC Pacer.
That was some serious 80's flashback!!! LoL my brother in-law had a pacer lol looked like ship off of the jetsons.... LoL

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