🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Class ring found and returned :)


Bronze Member
Dec 3, 2014
Central Texas
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800
Modified Explorer 2
Raptor c-31 digger
31" Lesche Sampson
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
2 weeks ago I was hunting along the water when a park ranger pulled up and asked me if I was having any luck. I told her that I had just begun and had found mostly trash. She commented on the fact that she has seen me here quite a bit and that she had a favor to ask me. Her nephew had lost his college class ring and if I found it to contact her so she could get in touch with him. I said sure thing and she drove off.

My first thought was I'd have a better chance of finding a needle in a haystack than finding his ring. A week goes by and I decide to head down to the lake and hunt, this was last week. It's starting to get crowded, so I pick a spot out of the way. That spot didn't produce so I moved to another. Same story, no luck, time to move. I'm driving down the beach and see an open spot, pull in and head into the water.

I'm in the water maybe 10 minutes and see a guy walking over to where I'm at. I head over to him and say hi and he proceeds to tell me that he lost his college class ring 3 weeks ago close to where I'm hunting. He tells me the story and describes the ring and shows me where they were when he lost it. Lol...what are the odds I park right next to the guy who lost the ring :)

Anyway, he says there is a reward and asks me to look for it. I told him he didn't have to pay me and I'd do what I could to help out. I spend a couple of hours hunting the area and told him I would come back and look again, . The next day I go back and regrid the shore and then in the water for 2-3 hours, no luck that time either.

I decided to head out today and do a little hunting. First 2 hours I'm digging nothing but trash, so I wander down to the area where the guy said he lost the ring, but, I'm not expecting to find it. I get a nice solid hit and dig down about 6" and see a blob of sand and a glint of shiny stuff :) I knew instantly it was his. I looked around and saw an old plug about 8' away from where I dug the ring. I have no idea how in the world I missed it the other 2 times.

I was able to get in touch with the owner and I dropped the ring off at his aunt's house. Happy ending :)


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Awesome! that is a good ending. I have been asked on several occasions to help find a lost ring with no luck. However...persistence pays off and you have made at least one person very happy. CONGRATS!

Congratulations for finding and returning the ring! Great PR for the hobby! Thanks for all, and for letting us know. :icon_thumleft:

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