πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION Returned class ring. Great find, but even greater out come.


Jr. Member
Oct 28, 2018
Pittsfield, Ma
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So on Saturday I went out with Cheffer to some open public land two town away from us. We did not find much, but then I got an 81 on my ORX, dug the plug and down 3 inches was this mans class ring. We noticed that it was from a high school that we are aware of in our county and it was the class of 1966.

When I got home I could see initials in it, I tried to look up the year book from that year on line but had no luck, then I thought I would try and call the school but thinking they would be closed for the summer, to my amazement the superintendent of the school answered. I explained why I was calling to try and find the owner of the ring and hope he was still alive or may be a relative He said that he would do some research and get back to me.

So the superintendent call back and told me that not only was the owner still alive but he lives in you city and is waiting for your call.

So as of 4 pm today, ring retuned, he was thrilled. He told me that he wore it everyday but about 4 years ago he lost it while hiking and thought he would never see it again, we chatted for about an hour, nice guy.

Not just because you're a fellow Mass hunter, but great story and return- you're a credit to what we do. Strong work- Congrats!

That's awesome Joe, glad you got to have it for a couple days and then return to its rightful owner. Still waiting for a callback on mine from Kaynor. A story now you can both tell for years to come.

good luck

A return of lost property always brings good luck. Hope you find some gold eagles.


That’s awesome Joe! There are so many benefits to this hobby outside of what we get to find and keep for ourselves!

Great story! Kudos to you for returning the class ring to its rightful owner...good karma there!

As my brother in law used to say "you're a gentleman and a scallop ".

Congratulations on the find and the return! You are a credit to humanity and have created some great PR for the hobby! Thanks!

Very Nice!!! Good Job!!! Congrats!!!

Acojoe, great find and even better return. I really enjoyed reading your write up. Definitely worthy of a Honorable Mention. Good luck with your hunts. Walt

That’s such a great story. So cool. Great find and great ending.

Nice find and return. Glad you took the time, and you get an Honorable mention from me.

That’s amazing Joe! There're several benefits to this hobby outside of what we get to find and keep for ourselves!

SUPER-nice thing you did there! Here's to all the good karma coming your way. May you find something 5x as old and valuable.

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