🏆 HONORABLE MENTION Class ring return follow up.


Bronze Member
Dec 3, 2014
Central Texas
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Equinox 800
Modified Explorer 2
Raptor c-31 digger
31" Lesche Sampson
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I found a ring on Jan. 1 2021, a 1967 Thorndale High School class ring. I was able to track the owner down by going to the Thorndale community board and asking if anyone had a 1967 annual.

Well, low and behold someone did and there was only one name with the initials that matched what was engraved inside the ring. Another person, who was a student of his gave me his phone number. I texted him a message asking him if he lost a ring at the spot where I found it, and sure enough, this is what he wrote back....

"Yes I did...our Senior Trip. (May of '67) One of the last ST's that Thorndale allowed. I figured I lost it swimming.. never to be seen again. Is there a story behind you're coming to possess the ring? I was upset when I found it not on my finger. My parents did get me a second ring, but my future wife lost it during our dating. 1970/71. Anyway will be exciting to have the ring again. (almost 54 years later)"

The ring will be on it's way back to the owner tomorrow, here's before and after cleaning pictures.


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Very cool I have found one and was able to return it also, it is a good feeling. Honorable mention deserved.

Congrats on the recovery and the return. HM indeed

Cool ! Keep us Updated :coffee2:

A great story - a great way to start the year and some real good public relations for the hobby - well done !

Well done, Sir!

Very kind of you--you are an asset to this hobby for sure! Definitely an "Honorable Mention!" :icon_thumright:

Nice return Dan! :icon_thumright: Find out where his wife lost the second one. Maybe you'll get a two-fer. :laughing7:

Very Nice!!! Good Job!!! Congrats!!!

Here's a picture of the returned ring on the owner's finger after 54 years. Here is a text that he sent me...

"Hey Dan,
Ring received just now. Looks great after 53 + years in the lake and mud. Well, here's a picture. Ring made it to the ring finger knuckle, so had to go to little finger...not bad for 54 years come May 2021. Used to have a beginner detector years ago. On my school bus route here in Hamilton County I drive by a few empty homesteads and wonder about detecting around them. Better let you go. 2021 began on a happy unique note. Thank you! Bailey Mc."


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That’s amazing! My parents live about 5 minutes from Thorndale between there and Lexington! My mom got a new detector for her anniversary present this year and we actually were just hunting a local lake beach there maybe 5 days ago but didn’t find what we were looking for-we dug maybe 60 pulltabs though, just couldn’t get the gold! I probably know the guy who lost that ring!

really nice of you :)

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