Cops ran us out again!

flyinguy said:
respect the police. get WRITTEN permission. maybe the police can't arrest you for that, but if you P. them off it won't turn out good!

Yes they always have Alternatives.

IF they say leave & Don't come back & you do it's
"Defiant trespass"

If you get ignorant with them, Start yelling & Refuse to leave
it's "Disordley Conduct"

Don't wait for HER to call the police. You call first to report a "disturbed" woman harrassing you. Then, hopefully, they will focus their attention on her, instead of you.

Ok guys and gals I think we are missing a VERY big point here.

I agree the police officer MIGHT be violating your rights. BUT think about this...

The police can and have asked other people in the park to leave when someone has complained. I have seen it happen. It does not matter whether it's right or not. If the police officer charges you and hauls you to jail then you are basically done detecting, aren't you?

The right steps to take instead of getting all worked up is to get a formal letter on the City letter head along with numbers to call. Then show that to the police if they bother you again but be aware they may still ask you to leave if a complaint is filed or they feel like it. Some people are just jerks. Period.

Remember when you are out detecting you are not just representing yourself but all of us detectorists. You may win the battle but end up losing the war. Do you want to get a reputation of being a trouble maker with your local police force? If you do the next time they run into you out detecting they aren't going to be to quick to be nice to you.

I'm not saying to roll over and take it, I'm just saying stay calm, think it through rationally and take the proper steps. Maybe the parks lady has her own machine and wants the park all to herself. If you make enough people mad over this they will surely pass a rule saying no detecting in any of the parks....

Just a thought.

I had a store owner next to a public square like her.

first let me say this is a long story & I posted it
before i'm sure. But don't know where.
it's probably gone by now.

when I went to the town, I saw a cop going the other way.
I swung around (U-TURN) flew up behind him Flashing my lights
till he pulled over. Asked him what he thought.
He told me From what he knows of the town
they won't allow it in the square. He said his Brother detects
and knows first hand It's tuff to get permission. and He said
He would have to tell me No.
I asked if He would mind if I went to city hall
& Went over his head just to be sure. He said go ahead.
he didn't care.
After going to city hall they made calls & Gave me Permission.
I parked at the square & Went at it. the store owner next door
walked over and told me I wasn't allowed. I told him i had permission
and he left. about a week later while detecting there again
he come over and insisted they had a Town Meeting & Made detecting
the square illegal. I said I didn't hear that & Glanced towards
the Town hall & saw the cop & the woman that gave me permission
outside standing. so I walked over & told them what the old man said.
They both Chuckled, the cop said "Let me guess ----- ---- over at the 5&10 ?
& the woman jumped in & said We've been watching you, & we see nothing wrong
with what your doing. & the cop broke in and said "Just ignore him"
so back to detecting I go.
a few weeks later i'm hunting on a sunday & somone pulls up
and says he's with the parks Dept. & received a complaint & said I couldn't do that.
I told him i had permission, & he left.

this was probably about 1998

in about 2005 I was told by another detectorist who tried then
that he was told he would have to go before the comittee at a town
meeting & submit a written request of Where, When, Why to get Permission.
But not sure who he talked to.

I must admit The old man at the store may have been upset because
I would take a meter in front of his store to park.
But He dosn't own the street & Everytime it got low I would
take one of my Clad Dime finds & feed it.

One thing I forgot to mention.

Whenever I have permission letters or slips to hunt a given location, I laminate them and then keep them on a big ring and carry them with me. I have had to pull this out a couple of times and show to security or police. I even used it to get permission to hunt one yard by showing the landowner that I had permission to hunt other locations and that I wasn't just making it up. . .

As others stated I detest the name "pigs". Most parks I have hunted aren't worth the hassle of getting permission...etc...I haven't been ask to leave one yet but if I am that is just what I will do...LEAVE.....Not that I am a coward, but more or less it's usually just not worth it.

Always get written permission BEFORE hunting an area. It will save you a headache later on.

My two cents,

Some people here are advocating asking city officials, who have just given you an "ok", to have them give that to you in writing. I side with Treasure Tales on this: That is not a good idea, from a psychological perspective. I mean, that would be like being told "it's ok to make a U-turn at such & such intersection", and then asking the traffic person: "please give that to me in writing".

For starters, if they've just told you "it's ok", the only thing you'll do by asking them to give that to you in writing, is to stir up the imagination of some sort of legal stuff. Why should they be bothered? I mean, if the law is silent on an issue, since when does a desk-bound bureaucrat have to tell you, in writing, that there is no prohibitions? I mean, it would seem odd, like "give me permission to sing in the key of C at the intersection of Main St. and 3rd Ave, at noon tomorrow, while wearing a blue suit". If someone comes in asking for this type of permission, it would seem to only conjur up problems. Ie.: all it seems to do is caste aspursions on you, or your hobby, that it is so evil, that it needed written permission, to begin with! Does anyone else (kite-flyers, birdwatchers, domino players, etc...) need "written permission"? I question even asking permission for innocuous non-historic public parks to begin with, but to take it a step further and go telling them "put that in print", would only put the light on you differently, it seems. And when push comes to shove, they'll merely yank your "written permission" if they want anyhow. (oh gee, we didn't know you'd have to DIG", etc....)

Thanks for all the repsonses.

I have gotten permission. Researched the laws. Researched them again.

The cop told me if he gets a call he has to respond. Fine.

When I told the cop I had permission, he told me to get permission again, just to pacify the woman who was harrassing me and endangering children.

Its not about how "important" the park is to me. Its about my rights being trampled. When I get pulled over for speeding I dont make a fuss because I broke the law and should pay a fine.

This is different. People are allowed to have their dogs shit in the park. People are allowed to play football in the park. People are allowed to do all sorts of things in the park. Why are the singleing out metal detectorists? It is a case of discrimination in my opinion.

I understand there are people who dont "rock the boat". I normally dont either. But I refuse to stand still while some woman on a power trip tramples my rights. If I have to make it so they make a law, I will, because atleast then it will force them to make a legitimate stand on an issue that they seem to not be able to make a stand on. And for those concerned that there will be no metal detecting allowed...atleast now there will be a law that says it, rather than a make believe law enforced by someone with no authority.

People who say i should ask for a permission slip i offer you this.

I was told It was ok already. I was told the woman had no authority to ask us to leave the park. I will not go ask permission for somethign I already have permission to do. In my opinion we shouldnt need permission at all as we are tax payers and my money goes to fund the park as well as anyone elses. When grandpa jones asks permission to walk his dog or billy the neighbor kid asks permission to play a game of sandlot with his friends then maybe I will ask.

Im tired of being treated like a criminal for excercising my rights.

I understand there are some who think that you should just do what everyone says in order not to "cause problems". I used to do that however I refuse to do it anymore. If i lay down now, what will they go after next? What is the point of having rights if your going to lay down and let someone trample them just because they are ignorant.

And about the pigs thing, I already stated why i use the term. It wasnt directed at anyone here.

Thanks and HH.

One way to get it in writing is to be very polite and very thankful verbally, to excess. Then follow it up with an email or written mail again thanking profusely and restating what was said. If the official does not respond, it can be deems OK. Better yet, they respond out of politeness, and you keep copies of both your letter and theirs.

I call this the "Organ Lady Defense." If you remember the closing scene in The Sound of Music where the Organ lady takes numerous bows to gain time, while the von Trapps escaped, you'll get the reference. This is useful in all kinds of situations, not just detectoring.

ryaan21, it appears you have decided to make this a "Last Stand" sorta deal. I wish you the best of luck my friend. Keep us informed.

You know, I am vey, very new to this. I lost my hearing aid and finally tried to repair two older detectors, and went on line looking for information.

This thread interests me as one trained in Anthropology at UC Berkeley at the undergrad level.

I think what is going on is that most people in a park or recreational setting are at most times at least peripherally aware of the everyone around them. If they are playing volleyball, at least they are aware of the other players, and that is deemed normal social behavior.

What freaks these people out is that detectorists appear to be oblivious about others, since they are so focused on the sounds and the ground. For most people, it's, "all about me," and if you completely ignore them, they take affront. In effect, your behavior makes you like you have the mental characteristics of a stalker.

The only thing I could suggest would be to take short breaks and relax. Put the detector down and stretch, talk to somebody if possible, that way you might appear a bit more "normal," whatever normal is.

I see the written permission slip as a followup to getting permission only. If I was a cop and I respond to someone I think someone said on here was in charge of the parks there and she says you can't be there hunting. I think I am gonna take her side as she is in charge of that area and instruct you to leave. If you say well the City Manager said it was ok, sorry she is there in person and says no. Guess what nothing personal but folks do lie. Even to cops I know hard to believe. I am sure if you showed the officer responding the letter of permission he/she would of told the lady to take it up with the City Manager.
There are many public places in Florida that you just can't walk up and hunt at. Some due to artifacts but many city parks, playgrounds, etc from others leaving their tracks (holes) there and personally I don't blamed them for saying No.

relax and enjoy. there are a gazillion spots to hunt but that damn park. take a ride. keep your eyes open. talk to old folks and take your damn blood pressure medicine, before you stroke out. life is short. enjoy your m.d. experiences. mess with the police and they WILL get you. is it that important?

I would think if this turns into a court battle and you lose it might set a president no metal detecting inside city limits, be careful you may sh!t in your postoasty's. :D

Find another place to MD, I got permision to detect a place about 1 month ago by the land owner. Well about a week ago i was MDing on this same spot. Well the guys son was mowing grass ..and i stopped to talk to him before i left.Just by talking to him i knew that he didnt want me there. Just real attitudish toward me .So guess what Im gonna leave that spot alone!!and start on my other dozen places, i have not got to yet ;D

I only been turned down 1 time the place was outside a factory ..And i think the only reason they said no is because that is the only time i didnt talk to the owner face to face..for some reason its hard for them to say no when your in front of them ;D

This doesn't seem like a cop problem to me. Here is what I think you should do.

Contact the person that told you that it is ok to MD the park. Ask them to send a memo to the police chief stating that it is ok to MD the park. The chief will then put this info out to his patrol officers and dispatchers and the problem will most likely be avoided. Also, have an original copy of this memo on you when you're there so that when they show up, you can politely show it to the officer.


ryaan21 said:
Thanks for all the repsonses.

I have gotten permission. Researched the laws. Researched them again.

The cop told me if he gets a call he has to respond. Fine.

When I told the cop I had permission, he told me to get permission again, just to pacify the woman who was harrassing me and endangering children.

Its not about how "important" the park is to me. Its about my rights being trampled. When I get pulled over for speeding I dont make a fuss because I broke the law and should pay a fine.

This is different. People are allowed to have their dogs #@!$%#@! in the park. People are allowed to play football in the park. People are allowed to do all sorts of things in the park. Why are the singleing out metal detectorists? It is a case of discrimination in my opinion.

I understand there are people who dont "rock the boat". I normally dont either. But I refuse to stand still while some woman on a power trip tramples my rights. If I have to make it so they make a law, I will, because atleast then it will force them to make a legitimate stand on an issue that they seem to not be able to make a stand on. And for those concerned that there will be no metal detecting allowed...atleast now there will be a law that says it, rather than a make believe law enforced by someone with no authority.

People who say i should ask for a permission slip i offer you this.

I was told It was ok already. I was told the woman had no authority to ask us to leave the park. I will not go ask permission for somethign I already have permission to do. In my opinion we shouldnt need permission at all as we are tax payers and my money goes to fund the park as well as anyone elses. When grandpa jones asks permission to walk his dog or billy the neighbor kid asks permission to play a game of sandlot with his friends then maybe I will ask.

Im tired of being treated like a criminal for excercising my rights.

I understand there are some who think that you should just do what everyone says in order not to "cause problems". I used to do that however I refuse to do it anymore. If i lay down now, what will they go after next? What is the point of having rights if your going to lay down and let someone trample them just because they are ignorant.

And about the pigs thing, I already stated why i use the term. It wasnt directed at anyone here.

Thanks and HH.

Sorry, I didn't see this before I posted before. I understand your frustrations about your rights being trampled. But, I think in this case you're going to have to get the papers to avoid further trampling of your rights. I think the ball is in your court. If you don't get the papers, then you're bringing more problems on yourself. Just my opinion.


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