Covert Metal Detecting

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Jul 28, 2013
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I'm going to a beach and while I'm there, I'm going to do some covert metal detecting. I've been thinking of ways I could do this.

I have some old work boots with thick soles. I might be able to take my F2 4" coil and carve a slot out of the sole and slide the 4" coil in them and just run the wire through my pant legs up to the F2 panel.

What do you think? Might I crush the coil? Would it even work?

They make sandals with a built-in metal detector, but I've heard they're not good.

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edit: Don't do it. No one here can advise someone else how to sneak or hunt off-limits sites. And to my knowledge, you're right, fed. beaches (some of them) get their panties in a wad for md'ing there. Not sure if you'd get a warning first, or perhaps not hear anything at all? But now that you "know better" (as you yourself say in this post), then ........ don't do it.

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Check out They sell an undercover detector that looks like a walking stick. Good luck and call if you need bailed out for lootin!

This may be more like what you're looking for:


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Tom, I like you man, you seem very intelligent from reading your posts here on Tnet. You've actually helped me more than you know when I first got into the hobby, from just reading through topics on here that you posted in....

But every once in a while, I just get this feeling your one of the people who after they change the oil in their car or truck- they just still think its cool to "dump the old oil in the ditch out in the backyard".

I know your stance on the matter at hand, but you shouldn't have encouraged this guy to do something illegal. Which he's clearly stated that he knows it is forbidden there. That might be some 15 year old kid you left that impression on? You got kids? Think about it. I still hold you in high regards, but straighten up.


Tom, I like you man, you seem very intelligent from reading your posts here on Tnet. You've actually helped me more than you know when I first got into the hobby, from just reading through topics on here that you posted in....

But every once in a while, I just get this feeling your one of the people who after they change the oil in their car or truck- they just still think its cool to "dump the old oil in the ditch out in the backyard".

I know your stance on the matter at hand, but you shouldn't have encouraged this guy to do something illegal. Which he's clearly stated that he knows it is forbidden there. That might be some 15 year old kid you left that impression on? You got kids? Think about it. I still hold you in high regards, but straighten up.

Yup, no one should break laws, is the advice that should always be given on public forums. Just don't go out of your way to find a "no", where no real rule saying such a specific thing existed before you asked.

Don't hunt federal beaches! There. There's my advice for this fellow. Stay away from Bodie, Shiloh, Ghettysburg, and all such sensitive historic monuments.

Tom, I like you man, you seem very intelligent from reading your posts here on Tnet. You've actually helped me more than you know when I first got into the hobby, from just reading through topics on here that you posted in....

But every once in a while, I just get this feeling your one of the people who after they change the oil in their car or truck- they just still think its cool to "dump the old oil in the ditch out in the backyard".

I know your stance on the matter at hand, but you shouldn't have encouraged this guy to do something illegal. Which he's clearly stated that he knows it is forbidden there. That might be some 15 year old kid you left that impression on? You got kids? Think about it. I still hold you in high regards, but straighten up.

I must say that if there's a consistent thread to Tom's replies concerning issues such as this, it isn't that he's telling people to break the law but rather challenge the often times poorly written, other times poorly perceived laws that scare many people because they simply don't understand them.

As Tom said, do it. It's only the Federal government we're talking about, only a felony you've gotta face down in court, sure, what's the problem? Sure, the first rule of metal detecting is only detect in places you have permission, but hey, Tom hates the government, so let's stick it to the man! Yeah, we'll show Obama who's boss round here, yee-haw! Buddy, if you've gone onto the internet looking for support to break the law, from total strangers, you're in the wrong hobby. Tom in Ca is not going to pay your bail to get you out of jail, nor am I, nor is anyone here. If you are going to detect illegally, at least have the savvy to not talk about it on the internet. You're talking about South Carolina from your description, am I correct? Listen, don't put yourself and your freedom in jeopardy for a few hours of coil time. Don't go to jail and get your gear snatched, because they can, and will, snatch you and your gear.

I must say that if there's a consistent thread to Tom's replies concerning issues such as this, it isn't that he's telling people to break the law but rather challenge the often times poorly written, other times poorly perceived laws that scare many people because they simply don't understand them.

I know I'm usually on his side of the fence.

As Tom said, do it. It's only the Federal government we're talking about, only a felony you've gotta face down in court, sure, what's the problem? Sure, the first rule of metal detecting is only detect in places you have permission, but hey, Tom hates the government, so let's stick it to the man! Yeah, we'll show Obama who's boss round here, yee-haw! Buddy, if you've gone onto the internet looking for support to break the law, from total strangers, you're in the wrong hobby. Tom in Ca is not going to pay your bail to get you out of jail, nor am I, nor is anyone here. If you are going to detect illegally, at least have the savvy to not talk about it on the internet. You're talking about South Carolina from your description, am I correct? Listen, don't put yourself and your freedom in jeopardy for a few hours of coil time. Don't go to jail and get your gear snatched, because they can, and will, snatch you and your gear.
Tom said DONT do it.

If a) there's no people as far as the eye can see, and b) you're going to be going at night, and c) if there even WERE a ranger to come by at night, it would only be "perhaps 1x p/hour" and d) if he's making rounds in a beach vehicle (jeep, buggy, or whatever they drive), the presumably he'll have headlights. Therefore why not just detect normally, since e) you would simply see headlights coming from a long ways off. No? Time to go take a seat at the foot of the dunes for a "break", eh? and f) just wait till he's "made his rounds" and detect an hour.

Yeah, that's really discouraging to would be law-breakers. Good grief, like I said, if you're going to give the middle finger to all that detectorists value, at least do it quietly.

Honestly I think the whole "you can't metal detect on federal land" is total crap. Seriously we the people own it, we paid for it,we continue to pay for it through supposed reasonable taxes. Do I think everyone should be able to just grab a detector and shovel and just dig like ******ed prairie dogs NO. I think there should be some kind of happy medium somewhere like being evaluated somehow or given a permit a license..something to where we can retrieve relics from the ground that are otherwise rotting away till they won't exist anymore which makes no freaking sense. I'd be willing to hunt and pull relics and donate to national museums with the credit of finding to me. Seriously what is going to be protected on another few years, the stuff is being eaten by the soil. So what if someone finds a relic and wants to keep it as long as the area isn't destroyed that's let the area be hunted at certain times of the year by just so many people. Only a government lets you or makes you pay for something then says you don't own it or you can't do anything with it but we the government can do whatever we want. Sorry for the rant, wat he'd too much news I guess

Sent from my RM-820_nam_att_100 using Tapatalk

Don't hunt federal beaches!!! What's to understand? Besides giving the rest of us TH'ers a bad name, You will be caught, have your vehicle and gear confiscated besides having to pay heavy fines, loss of work, and don't forget the money lost for paying a lawyer. If you go to prison, you'll met many hairy friends. Its just not worth the chance you might find a pull tab.

Check out They sell an undercover detector that looks like a walking stick. Good luck and call if you need bailed out for lootin!
When you get caught detecting a forbidden area with one, what is your excuse going to be? You didn't know it was illegal? But you're using a stealth detector? Yeah, that going to be convincing..... If the place is legally closed to detecting, don't hunt it.....period. Instead of figuring ways to poach, I'd put my efforts into changing the law governing that area.

I agree, there are way too many beaches off limits! All they have to say is: "metal detecting restricted to the beach (sand) area only, no digging on cliffs, hills, dunes. No digging of reefs either! Holes must be filled back in and tamped down (so little kids/old folks won't break a leg!) Holes restricted to one and one half foot square. Violators of these rules, subject to confiscation of equipment, arrest and possible prosecution w/possible suspension of beach privileges, blaw, blaw, blaw.....What harm can you possibly do digging coins and artifacts in beach sand?.....I think it sucks! But, I believe in the laws of this Country, right or wrong (and if you think they are wrong, you have the power to change them!) But don't disregard them/break them, or expect what you "GET" for doing so! If we don't have laws, or we do not respect them/obey them, we have anarky! So, my advice is: DON'T DO IT!!! END OF STORY!

Honestly I think the whole "you can't metal detect on federal land" is total crap. Seriously we the people own it, we paid for it,we continue to pay for it through supposed reasonable taxes. Do I think everyone should be able to just grab a detector and shovel and just dig like ******ed prairie dogs NO. I think there should be some kind of happy medium somewhere like being evaluated somehow or given a permit a license..something to where we can retrieve relics from the ground that are otherwise rotting away till they won't exist anymore which makes no freaking sense. I'd be willing to hunt and pull relics and donate to national museums with the credit of finding to me. Seriously what is going to be protected on another few years, the stuff is being eaten by the soil. So what if someone finds a relic and wants to keep it as long as the area isn't destroyed that's let the area be hunted at certain times of the year by just so many people. Only a government lets you or makes you pay for something then says you don't own it or you can't do anything with it but we the government can do whatever we want. Sorry for the rant, wat he'd too much news I guess

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I agree, but the law is the law. I think a license or permit to hunt certain places would be completely acceptable to people who are into it that much. I'd pay for it?!?!

But until legislation makes it accessible to us, it's not worth the risk of getting in trouble for. Sandman said it best- all that to possibly find a tab???

Plus.... One of us breaking the law gives the lot of us a bad rep, and I'd rather have a few places off limits, than have Uncle Sam step in and outlaw the hobby everywhere.

It's not worth it as an individual, and it's certainly not worth for all of our sake.

No need to apologize for the rant, it's in order.

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I'd like to think we can muster up some strength to push for our rights as citizens who want opportunities to go onto places we choose. What ticks me off is that some nerdy snot nosed archaeologist 40 years ago was able to bring the whole thong to a stop for everyone but an archy. I've seen intern archies stumble around sites like they're blind and yet we're considered the ravagers of historical ground. Where is that hotshot lawyer who goes to war in court for us to help put a stop to our rights being yanked away?

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

TN does not advocate or support breaking the laws. Any post or thread found advocating breaking the law will be deleted.

Every member is responsible for their own actions, but can cause the loss of detecting sites and privileges for all by flaunting the law especially on a forum..

Research your local laws and follow them, if you can not find a law against it, if there are no signs saying no metal detecting don't go calling or looking for someone to tell you no, you will always find one who doesn't know the law and will tell you no..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Tom, I like you man, you seem very intelligent from reading your posts here on Tnet. You've actually helped me more than you know when I first got into the hobby, from just reading through topics on here that you posted in....

But every once in a while, I just get this feeling your one of the people who after they change the oil in their car or truck- they just still think its cool to "dump the old oil in the ditch out in the backyard".

I know your stance on the matter at hand, but you shouldn't have encouraged this guy to do something illegal. Which he's clearly stated that he knows it is forbidden there. That might be some 15 year old kid you left that impression on? You got kids? Think about it. I still hold you in high regards, but straighten up.

Tom understands that though I *will* be metal detecting at some point at some spot where I'm not supposed to be, this thread is directed at covert metal detecting in general, as there may be times people want to metal detect without people constantly bothering them, like they do to me when I'm metal detecting.

There is another thread like this on this forum, but since it wasn't started by a noob, there's not a lot of self-righteous "don't do it!" It's right here:

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