
Full Member
Mar 13, 2005

We have a dream and a passion. We want to find that shipwreck on the bottom of the ocean, guarded by
Man Eating Sharks, Kraken and poisonous Lion-fish.
We want to dig that pirate's cutlass out of the mud. That cutlass that has maybe cutoff a Spanish soldier's hand that clutched a Rosary made of gold.
That cutlass that no mankind has touched for 300 years.
But it is a big ocean out there. It needs a boat and a crew and dive gear and information of where to look for that shipwreck. It needs the help and work of many people to finally get to the spot where we can stick our hand into the mud and feel that rough, encrusted sword handle, or the smooth surface of a gold bar.
How do we get all these people to join the hunt for the elusive goal?
There is a big crowd out there. Among this crowd there are a few people who can identify with our passion, who feel the same.
We need to find these few people and tell them of our dream.
Convince them to invest some of their time and energy on a journey to where no man kind has gone before. Down to Davy Jones Locker where the priceless treasure of our dream is jealously guarded....
by forgotten history.


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Best of luck with this... I hope it goes.

Yes,,,,,, well, I can kinda do with out the Man Eating Sharks, Kraken and poisonous Lion-fish. The rest I understand. Hope you find your dream.

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