Decent Gobble Day hunt! Colonial copper and small silver coin, etc.....

Don in SJ

Silver Member
May 20, 2005
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All Treasure Hunting
My son and I got out this morning for our first hunt in quite some time. We started out seeking a possible new site and after going thru the brush for a bit, we were rewarded with a clearing ahead with two depressions and the ever telling Grapevines growing!
Site247 TwoDepressions.jpg
My son is walking just behind one of the depressions where the Oak trees are surrounding the perimeter.
Huntin next to depressions.jpg
I started out finding a couple nice, but dirty, Tombac buttons.
But shortly thereafter rewarded with the high sweet tone of a coin! One very crusty, heavily coated copper emerged, and we both looked at it and had no idea what it was, other than knowing it was not a Large or Half Cent, or regular KG copper, so it would have to wait till we got home to clean it up to ID the coin.
Copper in the hole.jpg
Found about 4 buttons at this site and a Thimble, of a type I never found before, it was made without a top! Also got a parital smaller pewter spoon bowl, and a few other knicknacks.
After the finds petered out we started heading back to the truck and along the way a site I found two weeks ago, that produced a complete shoe buckle frame would be our last stop for the short morning hunt.
At this site I lost a pair of hand pruners two weeks ago and my goal was to find them, I DID. At this site my son got a couple more buttons, he also got about 2-3 at the first site, but no coins, however he also did get part of a shoe buckle. So we only hunted a short time, and after getting another thimble and button, but wow, the thimble looked like it exploded, and it also had two holes punched in the top, weird. But as I was almost back on the road leading back to my truck, I got another coin signal and at first when I picked it up, I thought it was a button with no shank, but a quick look revealed it was either a half real or half dime. It was the latter.
CrustySilver joins CrustyCopper.jpg
So, here are the finds for the day, all are mine, I did not get to photograph my son's finds.....
Thanksgiving Days Finds Dirty.jpg
The crusty silver coin was a bent, buckled, distorted ::) 1842 Seated Liberty Half Dime.
The crusty copper after a vigourous peroxide hot bath and many qtips, finally started to melt the cement like clay coating on the coin to reveal a corroded but good detailed 1773 Virginia Halfpenny. My third one I have ever found.


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Don in SJ said:
Oh well, makes for an interesting discussion, still have Vpone NJ/MM coin on my mind also, that will be interesting on Sunday with the getogether over that coin, and a few others I have to show.
Here is a forward and backward photo.


You can also make a case for a 3/7 overdate. Now that would have been mistake after mistake. ;D

Hope to hear a good update.

Well Don glad to see you and Dan got out today for some quality fun ;D
Love the finds too and I have a few of the topless thimbles myself :icon_thumright:
Nice finds again and hope ya had a great turkey day :headbang:

This is a great post and finds. Well done sir :thumbsup:

Looks like a nice place to hunt. Love the pictures. Made some very nice finds also. HH......

Wow, I'd love to see one copper clean up like that!! Looks like a good day out!! :icon_thumright:

Don in SJ said:
Oh well, makes for an interesting discussion, still have Vpone NJ/MM coin on my mind also, that will be interesting on Sunday with the getogether over that coin, and a few others I have to show.
Here is a forward and backward photo.


I love this picture! Great, great coin! :tongue3:

Very nice stuff Don.Sounds like a great way to spend the day.......I ate to much and couldent move let alone swing a coil. ;D

Wow! that Virginia copper blows me away. I can't wait to add something like that to my collection!

Great hunt! I wish our wooded areas were so clear and swingable...nothing but undergrowth for us!

Nice old finds Don. Man, why does it always look like you're digging in SAND?? lol. That sure helps in preserving items, no doubt. Congrats again to you both.

Nice finds and a great day detecting with your son! That date on the coin, I would say it is 1778, something grazed the 8, I can see the line or scoring. HH, Mike

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