Handful of other possible artifacts? please help ID'ing!

Holly 1

Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting






All found in Watchung Reservation, a group of three long low ridges of volcanic origin. Have found basalt in the area. Square one is possibly that that was utilized as a tool? Any thoughts would be great! Thank you!

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I know this one wasn't a tool but cool to have found the shell in the forest - probable jewelry/decoration? Found ton of colonial age artifacts here tooView attachment 1891074

I don't see any that could be, just natural formation.

Ah man, fair enough! Thank you

The pieces you're showing in your threads are such poor material that no one would have bothered with it. Look at artifacts here for 10 minutes, comparing & contrasting.

Onward & Upward

To clarify are you talking about my images/questions or the actual rock material...

Uniface is saying the rocks are the wrong type of material for making artifacts, they would not have been used to make tools, even if they were the right type of material they do not have any signs of being worked.

Yes okay that makes sense. Even just looking at them again after having the few conversations on here and browsing the posts have been helpful with that. So thanks for all of the help, I'm just a newbie here lol

An excited one I might add, I've always wanted people to talk to about this just never knew how

Welcome to TreasureNet, several thousand years of experience here in collecting American Indian artifacts to learn from.

Holly1 welcome and I'm in the same place as u. I was just thinking my next step is to read up on the best kind of rocks to look for as mentioned above. There isn't an easy way to learn except to read and stay on the hunt. Winter upon me im going to figure out the best rocks to have been used in my area. The funny part is how I go back to certain rocks over an over after I've seen a post. Im sure u have more experience then I out looking and collecting. Im still looking for that first "I'm going to categorize" arrowhead shape artifact. I actually found my first some 40 ys ago while working on golf course, and never looked again till about 6 months ago.
Good luck.

Sweet! We're in this together, lol! Good luck to you too!
And thanks Treasure Hunter!!
Also the white one is for sure a broken piece of oyster shell. I've found enough shells to recognize it! Unless this is something that was used as a flake? I'm not sure what that is, but will look into it later!
Have a wonderful day everyone :)

Sweet! We're in this together, lol! Good luck to you too!
And thanks Treasure Hunter!!
Also the white one is for sure a broken piece of oyster shell. I've found enough shells to recognize it! Unless this is something that was used as a flake? I'm not sure what that is, but will look into it later!
Have a wonderful day everyone :)

Holly you have an open mind, willing to learn and you are not offended when people with knowledge tell you a rock is not an artifact. You will learn fast so don't get discouraged or frustrated.

I must have missed it was shell, then it’s not a flake, to my knowledge shell isn’t knappable. Although it could be used as a tool.

Flakes are the pieces that got chipped off when creating a tool, if you find them you’re on the right track to finding a point or tool of some kind

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