Detecting and Police Visits

I only had one encounter with an officer. I was digging a very well known battlefield on private property with the permission of the landowner. I was parked within 100 feet of the lived in house and right off the street. I was getting back to the car one day and a local officer pulls up, so I take my headphones off and mosy over to him and said hi. He said hi and asked if I found anything and I showed him a couple Rev War musket balls, he was really impressed and if I remember correctly he said he wished he could go digging. That was a very long time ago. Most times I try to park within easy sight of the landowner's house, dispels a lot of suspicion that way.

Back years ago one of my co-workers came in to work. He had a nice old house in the town and was watching football on a Sunday. He said he heard something outside and took a look to find a fellow detecting his yard. The guy was half butted filling the holes and leaving the trash on the ground. He confronted the guy and the guy got belligerent, but the guy left.

And that's how we got a whole lot of bad reputations - the buttholes of the world, and I would presume we still have some of them out there.

Back years ago one of my co-workers came in to work. He had a nice old house in the town and was watching football on a Sunday. He said he heard something outside and took a look to find a fellow detecting his yard. The guy was half butted filling the holes and leaving the trash on the ground. He confronted the guy and the guy got belligerent, but the guy left.

And that's how we got a whole lot of bad reputations - the buttholes of the world, and I would presume we still have some of them out there.

So he was actually ON your co-workers yard without permission? Not on the curb strip? I agree there are unscrupulous detectorists that disregard the laws. You find them in historic areas, cemeteries, National parks, on private property without permission and other places after that elusive silver coin or CW artifact or other things.

My opinion is they need to be arrested and ALL their gear confiscated including the vehicle that took them there if found guilty. However, just like Terry has his opinion of me, that is my opinion.

I appreciate you taking the time for this post.

Never threaten anyone with a citation unless you are ready to put pen to paper...

Every now and then you will run up against someone that actually knows the law who says, "I'll take the citation please."

Great points. Be polite, but know what the heck you are talking about and then stand your ground.

I'm not one to roll over either.

The uber wealthy on Marco Island tried to force us boaters off the water and from anchoring in front of their mansions. They called the police who kept threatening citations for an ordinance they recently created, in violation of state law. One guy refused to leave without a citation. It took three days and multiple threats before he finally got the ticket.

He then left.

Went to court.

The city had to abolish the ordinance.

Just be in the right, and know what you are talking about.

Great thread.

So he was actually ON your co-workers yard without permission?

Yes, he said it was in his front yard. This was circa '84....

We've all seen unfilled holes. As a former state cop, you've seen all kinds too. Some people pick their noses at formal dinners....

This was in Madison, OH. I'd never put two and two together. It was in the several years after that where I kept getting run off by the cops.

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I don't even want to count the number of times I've had interactions with police while detecting, 3 of them were within a couple hours! All of them were polite, and I've never had the rude SOBs like SD has run into (knock on wood).

I am in the minority here. I think if you have had the police called on you more than once or twice, You need to change the times or places you are hunting, and maybe even your attitude. If you are a L.E.O. who has had the police called on you "20-times," then - In My Opinion, you are either arrogant; dumb; or extremely unlucky. I don't carry a badge, I've been detecting for over 40-years, and I have had two run-in's with police officers resulting in my agreement to stop detecting in one County Park, and the making of a new detecting buddy in the second incident when the officer allowed me to keep on detecting. Being questioned by the police 20-times is just a plain embarrassment in my humble opinion. I would hope most in the hobby are a lot smarter than to put themselves in that position.

Totally agree Terry. I don't push it when the cops are called, etc... I get a little pissed but pack up & move on. Great that the OP knows the laws, but if you piss off enough people those laws can & will be changed & ALL detectorists suffer from this. When a sign is posted that states 'No Metal Detecting' then ruins it for everbody. It is a hobby (for most) so not worth possibly being shot & riling up people who are (most likely) concerned citizens who suspicious when they see a stranger diving or detecting at night.

Totally agree Terry. I don't push it when the cops are called, etc... I get a little pissed but pack up & move on. Great that the OP knows the laws, but if you piss off enough people those laws can & will be changed & ALL detectorists suffer from this. When a sign is posted that states 'No Metal Detecting' then ruins it for everbody. It is a hobby (for most) so not worth possibly being shot & riling up people who are (most likely) concerned citizens who suspicious when they see a stranger diving or detecting at night.

The laws would have to be changed at the state level and affect ALL sportsmen, hunters, boaters and fishermen. Do you really think people having a problem with one diver would change the laws? They were made to protect people like me that want to enjoy their life. ALL the times the police were called I was DIVING. It has absolutely nothing to do with metal detecting. Telling me I can't dive in a roped off area of a public lake? Telling me I can't dive under their children? Telling me I can't park my beat up truck in their neighborhood? Telling me I can't anchor my boat near shore in a lake?

As I said ALL are entitled to their beliefs. I was a cop and I enforced the LAWS. If a person called to complain about someone who was NOT breaking any law, I was polite to them and told the complainant I couldn't do a thing.

You want to run when confronted, go right ahead. We ALL have that choice.

I think you need to relax ScubaDetector. You are obviously free to do whatever you want. If upsetting "rich people" gives you a thrill then by all means go for it. If swinging your badge around makes you happy and gives you a feeling of superiority then God Bless, and go in peace. If you can't take one guy on an internet forum saying there must be something wrong with you or your technique because you have had the police called on you 20-times, then you probably should find a new outlet for your chest pounding, look at me style. Honestly, I'm embarrassed for you that you thought this thread would be a good idea.

"Hi! I'm a cop and I have the police called on me all the time when I metal detect."


Well, that's it for my "nonsense." I hope you learn how to practice our hobby without upsetting people enough to make them call the police on you. Peace.

The problem was with your condescension, attitude, name calling and feeling the need to repeated post your attacks over and over and over again. You are obviously the minority here, maybe you should actually the replies made to YOU and decided who is right, and who is wrong.

On a curb strip in Utah when I was a cop
Lets see. 9 times in one lake because the homeowners tried to push me around and claim it was private
At a lake where the realtor gave me permission and the next door neighbor claimed it was his land he lied.
On a public lake where the marina THOUGHT they could legally keep people out
At a public park by a rich snob who on his own decided it was private.
While land detecting, they told the police we took shotguns out of the truck.
On a lake when it turned dark and I had no anchor light on my boat
A lake that no boats with motors was allowed and I didn't have my dive flag out

Sorry I have to go. Will finish this later. Everyone can decide, if I am stupid, arrogant or unlucky. You have that right!

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On a curb strip in Utah when I was a cop
Lets see. 9 times in one lake because the homeowners tried to push me around and claim it was private
At a lake where the realtor gave me permission and the next door neighbor claimed it was his land he lied.
On a public lake where the marina THOUGHT they could legally keep people out
At a public park by a rich snob who on his own decided it was private.
While land detecting, they told the police we took shotguns out of the truck.

Sorry I have to go. Will finish this later. Everyone can decide, if I am stupid, arrogant or unlucky. You have that right!

When I am approached by cops, I simply pack up & move on. Sure it pisses me off, but by arguing with LEO, you only ruin things for other detectorists. Keep pushing it & then see how you feel when there is a large sign posted 'No Metal Detecting' at your favorite spot. It is a hobby, not a federal case. Move on, and like Terry says, find a less populated site if you do not want to be bothered. If I saw a guy in a lake at dusk with a flashlight, or someone on my street at night that I normally don't see, that would raise my suspicions (as it would most people). Ask yourself, would you want your daughter swimming in a lake with a stranger metal detecting? Why not let the swimmers enjoy their time & pick another time to dive. Use common sense when detecting, not knowledge of the law & knowing how far you can push it.

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This has been a most interesting thread and I've enjoyed reading every post. My own take is steeped in recalling past acts of historical significance, long glorified for their courageous stand against infringements on liberty.

Then, as is now, there were many who thought it better to err on the side of caution, lest the would-be authoritarians show their displeasure by way of further infringements [upon liberty]. Standing up for one's self has always had its detractors; even in the nation that has long sang the praises of individual freedom.

I find it incredibly refreshing that SD has a long history of standing up for his rights and salute him accordingly. I say Bravo and hope for much more of the same.

I appreciate all those who know the law and stand up for their rights. By standing up for his detecting rights, he is also standing up for all of us. Educating cops that don't know the law at the very minimum.

ScubaDetector isn't a IN YOUR FACE detectorist. He is just going detecting, following the laws, and making great finds.

Longuest post i ever read but a good one!!We have to display our digging permits on our back pack on the thames now.......


Terry stop the insults, you know our rules...

The alternative of staying in grey shadows at most likely low traffic times can be of benefit in some cases.
If that was all dectectorists did the result would still be complaints though.
Sneaking about as if it were not legal is not always going to inspire acceptance.

Leaving trash and or holes and poor plug cuts& replacement results at any hour and creates negatives.

I still regret having headphones on when one busybody complained I was killing the grass while she stood in line on concrete at a building, neither of which existed in my youth when a boat launch existed where I detected.

I would have cheerfully asked her if she was there to waddle about on the fake beach with imported sand that ruined a formerly natural shoreline after she enjoys the un natural footprint of concrete placed for her convenience to buy food she could not bring with her and creating a need for another building on historic ground.
My partners eyes must have been enough for her to abandon her progression into hearing who is impacting what though.

Please follow our rules, they are enforced....

Totally agree Terry. I don't push it when the cops are called, etc... I get a little pissed but pack up & move on. Great that the OP knows the laws, but if you piss off enough people those laws can & will be changed & ALL detectorists suffer from this. When a sign is posted that states 'No Metal Detecting' then ruins it for everbody. It is a hobby (for most) so not worth possibly being shot & riling up people who are (most likely) concerned citizens who suspicious when they see a stranger diving or detecting at night.

Don't worry, he isn't ruining anything for anyone. If he was ACTUALLY breaking rules then you could say what you said. Almost all of his stories he is just having simple conversations with the cops. None of the stories has a cop pulled a gun out, so no reason to bring getting shot into the conversation. Just because you choose to run and he chose to stick up for himself doesn't make either of you right.

Geez, I usually can't get the cops to stop talking. All they wanna talk about is my metal detector and where they can get one. Most times they ask ME if it's ok to be there metal detecting as they have absolutely no idea if it's legal or not. I assure them I've done my due diligence and it's perfectly fine, or else I wouldn't be there.

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