DISCRIMINATION! Has anyone ever tryed this way?


Jr. Member
Aug 8, 2005
Harrisburg, PA
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I will start off by saying that I coinshoot and I know and live by the rule of thumb setting Disc. just below nickel acceptance.? I know setting it this way I should get just about all coins and allow for most gold jewelry which believe me I have no problem with gold jewelry or the diamond/s that may be included.
There was my opening statement that should save me from 90% of replies that say how stupid I am.

Anywhey Here is what I'm asking about.?
At a new detecting site that seem to be trashy (a lot of pull tabs) has anyone ever tried to set there Disc. just to the point to block out pull tabs??

This way you could go threw and "Cherry pick" the site so to speak and grab all the easy silver dimes and quarters not to metion you should still get pennies also bigger silver like halves and dollars but they are not found as much.

I thought about this many times but have never tried it.? And would you only do this at a site with an open invitation to come back and hunt over again?
I've bin thinking of trying this like a strategy like when you go all metal mode once the site has bin done over with Disc.
do a site in 3 stages
stage 1 disc. above pull tab (pull the easy silver and cents)
stage 2 disc. nickle acceptance (get nickles of course and some deeper silver, cents, and bummer but the standard pull tabs and foil)
stage 3 no disc. all metal mode (get all metals of course but including even deeper silver,cents, and nickles. along with possible relics and trash)

After that you would have just about all the site has to offer I know the rule of a site being hunted out but man this will leave the site lacking for the next guy.? And that is if you know your machine well and I like to think I do.
I could throw in a stage 4 real big coil (12 to 18 inches) all metal mode.

But I think with having this stage 1 you could "cheery pick" the quick easy silver so if someone seen what you are doing there and they or someone they know metal detects gets word of spot you are at they don't come clean out the easy silver before you return there again.? If they do come after the stage 1 they would have to go threw the site the same old tedious way and pull some targets good and bad but it leaves the site very productive for a long time for just you or anyone so inclined.

Like I said I've bin thinking about it but have not tried it yet the next new site I find I'll try it and post resalts.
If a lot of people are doing it like this in some way or if there are some here that do please reply and let my know how it works for you or if you have any impute to how you work over a site in stages like I'm talking about here.

And one last thought do this even at a sight you may only be able to hunt once like some ones yard.? Go around like a mad man picking out the easy silver trying to cover most of the ground and when you done that go to nickle acceptance until it is time to leave to get any other goddies wile you can.

Thanks and HH!

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On most detectors, the higher the DISC setting, the less depth you'l get.

Why not just train yourself to hear the sound differences your detector
produces between a nickel and a pulltab?

If you do the area in the manner that you state, in therory it should give the results you are hoping for. I have a site where a house had once sat. very trashy also a friend had gotten in first. He found 4 indian heads and one 17 mercury dime. Him and his brother hunted it a couple of days latter and only got modern clad. I have since hunted it and have gotten 3 indian heads 2 buffalo and one liberty nickle as well as some old relics. My friend is like most who could hunt your spot, they tend to get the easy stuff and do not slow down and work their way thru the trash signals. Due to the dirt being moved around when the house was torn down. The coins read at very weakly. My detector icons would tell me not to dig the target. But i do and have pulled quite a few coins that other pass over. One advantage i feel i have over my friend is not the detector i have but the DD coil i keep on it. Take care Happy hunting.

I know this and I'm very good with my machine.? I thought I explained the concept I was getting at.
Also as you can see I said stage one easy silver
ans stage 2 other stuff I said plus I said DEEPER SILVER
and stage 3 the other stuff I mentioned and EVEN DEEPER SILVER
It was not a question of me knowing how to use my machine it was about executing a planed attack.
and also trying to head off anyone else that might catch wind of what your doing and sneak off with a lot of easy silver you could already have.? And or to get the most amount of good finds in a limited time to hunt an area also covering as much ground as you can and when finding this easier silver you could get an idea what areas of this sight has a higher concentration of coins and start back at thoughs spots when you move to the next stage and lower the disc.
I'm not trying to come of like a jerk with this post by any means but I tried to write the opening post explaining what I was getting at and that is an Idea and wanted more impute than me being stupid.

I'm using a Whites classic IDX that I've had and bin using going on 6 years now.? I'm getting coins at depths between 2 and 3 inches deeper that I see people on here bragging about with there Explorer2's DFX's and garret 2500's so I think I may be doing OK with knowing my machine.

About 3 weeks ago I was at and old canal site that is now also a modern park its a section of the union canal that runs threw this part of PA there is a ton of litter and trash along with a lot of clad and some older finds. I was there once before with the 950 coil so I just started out but putting on my bluemax 5.3 and I was going threw some trash and worked my way down to some area that I didn't get to before than I tried walking down the dried up canal bed to see what I would dig up. Now i said dried up I mean that the water no longer flows do to much of it is filled in.? All threw town houses have bin built over it 50 years ago or more.? Anywhey I was not getting many signals at all and the ground was very moist from rain and how it is dug out.? I had my disc. very low just like I always hunt everything was stable so I had my sensitivity to the max everything very stable so I flipped on the black sand switch to? see how it went 2 pieces of trash and I was thinking I should take a hike back to the jeep and put on the 950 and just about than I got a hit that seemed promising so I dug down like 8 inches and thought man this has to be to deep for this 5.3 coil (i don't use it much) I was told 6 inches is about all I'll get.
So I was thinking a big piece of iron give off this signal but I was this deep and Its a dirt canal bed I'll dig a pit if I have to, to see what happens.?
Terns out to be a 1971 half I was amazed and thought there was no way!? In the end I stuck My lashe digger in the hole to gage depth the point at the coin depth the handle was about 2.5 inch's from the serface level.? I can't wait until I get an Explorer 2 in a few months and see how far I can push that machine and wile I have that to learn on and play with I'll be sending the IDX to Mr.Bill for his mods I have not done this yet do to the down time with no detector but I also can't wait to see how far I can push this IDX after that.

Sorry for all the blabbering.
And If anyone has Impute or ideas to add that would be helpful maybe to all of us not just me.
Rudy I would still like to hear your opinion on this Idea or consept I would greatly appreciate It.
Thank again to all.

that sounds like a great plan of attack uber. i have hunted spots in a similar fashon with good results. a lot of good targets are hiding under those shallow targets and pulltabs. just remember to go slow and to overlap your swings by 1/3 (some people say 1/2 but i have been swinging even tighter).good luck and let us know how it goes.

Zumbrokid Your on the right track to.
I go very slow and methodical all of the time that is why I was thinking of this cause I go to a house sight and spent all of my time only getting the good of only a small portion of the property and leave a lot of ground unserched and some sights I may not get back to or the people are hard to get a hold of and are kind to me detecting there but they only like me there when they are there and the times don't work out so I'm just thinking of a way that would get me the most for my time. ?But I'm not excluding the older and or deeper stuff but leave them for another day or another time that I can go over it better. ?Grab that easy stuff be for some else that may come along in the meantime be for I get back. ? Also in my Thinking as you pick the stuff at 3-5 inches and some bigger silver that leaves more open dirt for the next time for the say 6-8 inch stuff and things like that and the next time more open clear dirt for deep stuff like 9-14 inches or so with a clear shot without metal interruption.

I go over every inch I pass very therow and get good finds or some but this one time at a house I detected I got a few good things and did not cover to much ground going slow and digging most for only a short time that day.

But I want back like 2 months later they said they were telling someone at work they let me hunt there and that person went to there house about a week before I got back there and they told me I should have tried the other end of there property that is where the guy from work got a bunch of coins and they couldn't believe it and he didn't have much luck else were. ?But if I would have done my idea here I would have made it to that part of the property and found the coins and found that was the area with more activity in the past and much higher consentration of coins. ?I picked up coins he left behind but I just wander what I could have had. ?And what other places and coins I missed out on?
I'll never know but maybe using this technique I could do my best at not letting it happen again.


Question why start with the discrimation high? The real valueable coins read low, junk range. If you leave them someone might get in there and clean it out between your hunts. ???

"Question why start with the discrimation high?"
Sorry Zumbrokid I'm not wasting any more time typing this out read my post again!
If that don't answer you read the next one where I explane it again and give a story to explain why I thought of trying it this way.

Thanks for the impute that is the kind of thing I was looking for.
Thanks also for reading what I said and paying attention. ;)

Thanks! HH

Hello, usually i dont disc out anything in yards ,because it lets you know where the larger or more iron laden parts of the yard are.I hunt in RELIC/ALLmetal mode with a bullseye coil. It sucks to have to listen to all metal beeping in the ground but it separates better.I started digging all the iron hits hoping that it was masking a coin(only in my own yard),but with no luck yet.Your idea sounds good if you got time to do it.h/h SCOTT ;D

Sorry I just had to say something else!
I'll use your story for my example.
If you would have bin at that house be for your friends and did this method here that I'm thinking of you would have gotten the coins that your friends found!
Than going back your friends would have not gone threw the trash like you and even I do.
There for you would have the good finds you have plus the ones the have.
You could have doubled your finds isn't that why were here to discuss things like getting more and better finds?
This should give you more finds and clean up the area in a systematic way to get to the deep finds.
now I'm not saying this to be greedy I'm not like that just the friend thing came into play cause I was using your story that included your friends.
I'm just thinking of a way to get the best haul in a limited time frame till a later date.
and if passers by catch on to what your doing and steal your hard work doing research on a good hunting site. ?just to clear the easy stuff be for they come and wipe them out under you feet.


Two things come to mind with your post. One is the amount of MD pressure you seem to be facing from the other hobbyists. Before I started this hobby I had only seen one person in 25 years ever in public MD'ing. The only pressure I face is from my two friends in the hobby but we share info anyway. Even so, I do what I like to call speed detecting. I detect like I may never get permission again or the time to MD the place again. I have limited time and funds(considering the price of gas now) so everything is planned for efficiency from the get go. Pick your battles to insure you get the best the site has to offer without digging too many pull tabs and other junk.

Back once again on this interesting topic, my friend got the few coins due to his being in there first. As for good finds, i tend to get some on a regular basis. For reference please check out my avatar. Not the ring, but what the ring sits on. It is a reeded edge. ;)

uberlapis said:
Rudy I would still like to hear your opinion on this Idea or consept I would greatly appreciate It.
Thank again to all.

Where I live, we seem to have quite a few detectorists. Some are able to go out hunting
every day and, unfortunately, I can't. :'( So, I must work on the assumption that others
will be hitting the same place.

I have an IDX Pro. It is great and I found a lot, but I tend to detect fast and was missing things. It was frustrating to see someone come behind me and get a good find at 8-10 ". So I got a Minelab Quattro MP with the 10.5" DD coil. It is a lot easier to over lap the patterns and now I don,t look over my shoulder when I hunt. I still like both detectors.

Ed Donovan

not sure but on my detector pulltabs are disc-ed out before gold and then nickel is last, i tested it with 10k so maybe the copper and other alloys in the gold had something to do with it...but still i can usually tell the diff between a tab and nickel, except really deep nickels. Now bottlecaps and cans....those are my real problem, no matter how high i turn disk i still find those darn things >:(

JakePhelps said:
not sure but on my detector pulltabs are disc-ed out before gold and then nickel is last, i tested it with 10k so maybe the copper and other alloys in the gold had something to do with it...but still i can usually tell the diff between a tab and nickel, except really deep nickels.? Now bottlecaps and cans....those are my real problem, no matter how high i turn disk i still find those darn things >:(

Using the White's VDI scale and average mineralization,? nickels come in at around 18-20.? There are many different types and styles of pulltabs. I find most of the pulltabs come in above the nickels, but there are some that come in below the nickels.? Some of the broken off? "beaver tails" from the old pulltabs will read just like bona fide nickels.

Gold jewelry will read over a very wide VDI range, depending on karat and size.? Some of the small wedding bands and or ear rings can come in as low as Foil range (~10-12 VDI), while class rings and other honkers will come in much higher.

A couple of tips:

Bottle caps:
Steel bottle caps (not the aluminum ones) can be recognized from valuable coin targets by first pin pointing them, then move the coil so that the edge of the coil just sweeps past it. The VDI will then indicate Iron.? :)

Bottle caps (part II):
Another way to unmask those pesky steel bottle caps is to change your sweep speed. When you locate the target and wish to see if it is a bottle cap, increase your sweep speed over the target. If it is a steel cap, the sound will start to break up and the VDI will indicate iron or widly fluctuating readings. A good target coin will not do that.

Crushed Cans:
When your detector is telling you that a buried crushed soda can is really a quarter, or half-dollar, pin point it and note the imputed depth the detector is indicating.

Note that the detector, thinking that the can is a coin sized object, will tell you that it is shallower than it actually is.

Now, assume it says it is a half-dollar at 4".? Raise the coil 6" off the ground and resweep. How strong is the signal?? If it still sounds pretty loud, it is definitely NOT a coin, as you would now be sweeping it from a 10" distance. If it was a quarter or half-dollar, you'd barely be able to hear a whisper (assuming your detector has modulated audio). For additional input, go into pin point mode and check the depth indicated by the detector. If it is a can (or other large object), the detector will now tell you that the target depth is now maybe 6".? Hmm, it was 4" when the coil was on the surface and it is now saying 6" with the coil 6" in the air. This is another give away indication that it is not a coin sized target.

Hope this helps.

Finding Deeper coins update! I found an article dealing with this subject. It is entitled, How to find those deeper coins!. If interested it is in Treasure Found Magazine Vol 11 No 4 Winter 1985 issue on page 38. It is good reading, you might want to check this one out. Check out this guys finds with a dinosaur of a machine!

Uber, I have read this topic and it has become a fairly funny one between you and Zumbro. Let me see if I can answer your question or at least give you my opinion. The Answer is yes. Hunting with the disc on first passes on an entire site is a good way to go. My machines depth is not affected by notching out nickel and gold and pull tabs. If i want just silver, it will get all the quarters and dimes and Penny's I want. In trash areas I do switch to this technique for a bit and then slowly bring the disc back to the nickel gold area. I will eventually dig it all but I seem to get more out of an area sometimes this way. If I know the spot well also I will grid off the sections and then get down and dirty with no disc at all except iron rejection which still leaves me digging the occasional nail or so but then I am finding the actual relics of the site as well. The method you choose is up to you and I like to really work sites from both angles if I have the time. Just my thought s and Opinions. HH

Hi Floater! What is so funny about this serious topic? The article i posted about might interest you. The man in it is from Lakeland Florida. HIs story is a good one, he found 40 plus silver coins with an old Depth Master. I guess they were 6-10 inches deep. This is some deep silver. I feel it fits in nicely with the topic. Everyone wants these kind of results. If anyone else is interested let me know, i can post more details from this story.

We did this back in the 70s and "cherry picked" all the silver as we went! ;D



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