Do you ever dump at retail stores?

When I drove to town I used to spend as many rolls of coins as I could to reduce how many I needed to dump at the banks. I was also selling rolls to local store managers for making change. I bought breakfast today with pennies since I had some rolls of pennies left over after filling a box.

Today I delivered full boxes to my local bank branch since the head teller there had asked me on monday to start bringing my coin dumps there.

Bon Bon said:
I pay with halves all the time. I think the best thing is they think the halves are rare and it gets them out of circulation !!!!!!!!!!! ;D

I think of it differently, the more halves you put into someone else's coin jar, the more silver coins will get into circulation. Fill their jar, they empty at bank, the silver they may already have then goes to get re-rolled and then back to us.

Re: Do you ever dump at retail stores? YOU BET!

At flea markets or tag sales I use my Ikes an JFKs. I use them as a bargaining chip. Lets say I already haggled him down to 12 or 13 bucks. I pull out a ten dollar bill and say will you take this Ike dollar their eyes light up but then seem to be hesitant as not to look too eager, thinking they got one over on me! LOL. Most say sure 99% of the time!
I also use them at the movie theaters. Especially a local that only cost 2 bucks! The tellers face always lights up!

I spent about $15 in clad JFK's a few days ago, and the cashier was so excited I thought she was going to faint.

"You've made my day" she shrieked. "I've always wanted to get some of these!!!"

I acted happy for the twenty-something, and didn't have the heart to tell her that her good fortune was only worth $15.

I spend a lot of them on daily expenses - gas, food, etc. I figure they will circulate a bit and quite a few will get pulled and tucked away. One drawback is they reappear at the banks that I check the next day or week for halves as the stores just deposit them. ;D oh well around they go.


I met a friend at McDonald's today for a Coke. I tendered three JFK halves.

The 19 year old teenager told me that she had never seen half dollars before, and then asked how much they were worth.

"They are worth 50 cents each", I said, as she eyed them mysteriously and suspiciously.

"I've never seen them before. How much did you give me?" she asked, as she held them closer to her face.

"There is a $1.50 there...fifty cents each, times three, equals $1.50" I patiently explained, and added "every store used to give them out in change when I was a kid."

"That is soooooooo crazy weird" she replied, as she looked at me like I was from outer space, and gave me my change.

clovis97 said:
I met a friend at McDonald's today for a Coke. I tendered three JFK halves.

The 19 year old teenager told me that she had never seen half dollars before, and then asked how much they were worth.

"They are worth 50 cents each", I said, as she eyed them mysteriously and suspiciously.

"I've never seen them before. How much did you give me?" she asked, as she held them closer to her face.

"There is a $1.50 there...fifty cents each, times three, equals $1.50" I patiently explained, and added "every store used to give them out in change when I was a kid."

"That is soooooooo crazy weird" she replied, as she looked at me like I was from outer space, and gave me my change.
I get that a lot when I spend halves at fast food joints along the road. The kids they have at the registers are like fish out of water when it comes to halves and dollar coins.


I did a CRH trip a few states away last year and had a new 2010 box of dimes i had just got. And just used that box to pay for some of the gas on the trip. A few clerks would notice they were 2010 and comment on buying. I sometimes feel bad for not educating people...but it only last a few seconds:) Dumped that box in no time and that was when gas was $2.70.

"Legal Tender" is Legal Tender.
The Government makes the money, so it's good, right? (?)
Don't make ME call the police!
You wanna play stupid? OK. You win. You're Stupid!
But I win your game of "legal" currency.

I have retail stores lined up to take my "dumps." Whether it be quarters, pennies or ones....,I never push my goods on anyone, but.....

Did I miss anything?


AU24K said:
"Legal Tender" is Legal Tender.
The Government makes the money, so it's good, right? (?)
Don't make ME call the police!
You wanna play stupid? OK. You win. You're Stupid!
But I win your game of "legal" currency.

I have retail stores lined up to take my "dumps." Whether it be quarters, pennies or ones....,I never push my goods on anyone, but.....

Did I miss anything?


Call the police and you may be the one that feels a bit stupid. Legal tender is indeed legal tender. However, individuals and businesses can decide on what types of that legal tender they want to accept and/or refuse. If a business wants to refuse your rolled coin, half dollars, or anything else, they have the legal right to do so. The Federal Reserve has to honor all legal tender as such, but individuals can choose to or not to at their own discretion.

It is becoming a good thing that I carry extra rolls of halves when I have them.

I stopped in a place the other day, and the 20-something cashier was excited that I was paying for my 3.64 item with halves. "Ohhhh, I love those things. I collect as many as I can get" he said.

I paid in halves, and he bought another $12 worth from me. In all, I was able to dump $16 worth of halves...that is 32 coins that I won't have to dump at my bank.

You know what they say about fish, overnight guests in your home, and CHR dumpers, right?

They all start smelling after about three days!!!

I'm still spending halves whenever I can.

This week, I've spent $35 worth for shipping stuff at the post office. They've become so accustomed to my half dollars that they say something when I don't have them to spend.

I spent $20 tonight on gas. This, plus what I spent at the post office, is going to save me from dumping $55 in a coin counter. Like I've said before, because dumping around here is difficult, each half that I put into circulation instead of dumping puts me ahead of the game.

What I keep finding so funny are the teller reactions.

Clerks under the age of 30 or so? They are just not used to seeing them, and you have to educate them on what a half dollar is and where they should put them in their till. Clerks over 40, give or take...especially the clerks over 50...take them as if you have just tendered paper greenbacks. Their reaction is just so normal as if they have taken half dollars ten million times in their lives.

I encourage everyone to spend some of those dumps!!!!

clovis97 said:
Clerks under the age of 30 or so? They are just not used to seeing them, and you have to educate them on what a half dollar is and where they should put them in their till.

Something funny happened tonight.

A local pizza place was offering a large, three topping, carry out pizza for 5.99 with a coupon.

Since the price of the pizza was barely more than a gallon of gas, and since I'm all about bargains...a $5.99 pizza is a great deal for us.

Of course, I paid the whole bill with half dollars. (Would you expect anything else from me?)

The young teenage cashier immediately asked "Are you coin collectors?"

I have to admit that I was taken off guard for a second. "Did she just ask if we were coin collectors?" I asked myself, and then replied with "Huh?"

"You must be coin collectors" she repeated slowly and clearly, as if I were hard of hearing or a little dumb.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" I said.

"My grandpa was a coin collector, and we still have all of his half dollars. Most of them are silver, and he got them from different banks. He would buy coins and search for the silver ones" the teenager said.

It was nice to chat with a young silver searcher, and one that already knew what a half dollar was before it was tendered.

As we were leaving, two of her coworkers, neither of which could be old enough to vote or drink a cold beer in Canada, were clamoring over the odd looking coins that now graced the fifth slot in the coin drawer. "Can you believe they don't know what these are?" she yelled to us as we opened the door. We then overheard the nineteen year old tell them, "these are half dollars, and they have President Kennedy's face on them. They are worth...."

It was just cool. Maybe you had to be there, but it was cool.


Just to update my pseudo thread blog thing...

My wife and I just returned from a short business trip, and we dumped a ton of halves.

Every meal we bought and nearly every drop of gasoline we consumed was paid for with half dollars. I got positive reactions from every cashier. One teenage cashier at a McD's said that "this is sooo weird", and a college aged cashier at a gas station said "this is sooo fun!" as I counted $25 worth of halves for her.

While my dumping situation has improved tremendously over the last few months, it is worth the time to dump halves at retail. Dumping halves at retail on this short business trip totaled $200 (not including my CRH dumps that I bought while on this trip), which is $200 I won't be dumping in a machine...that is always a good thing.

FWIW, when dumping at retail, I always lay the halves out in stacks of two, and in lines. I've found this is easiest so the cashier can visually see them as you count them. "Two, four, six, eight, ten...and 50 cents makes $10.50."

Yesterday, I had a $10 transaction at a gas station.

As usual, I counted out ten stacks of two half dollars, and then counted for the cashier, "Two, four, six, eight, and ten makes $10."

I heard "You don't see those very often these days" from a well dressed older woman standing behind me. As I received my change and stepped away from the counter, the clerk and the older woman were chatting about half dollars.

Upon exiting the store, I heard the older woman say "I'll buy them all from you. Those are valuable."

I just kept walking.


Regular change? Sure. Halves? Definitely not. Most retail stores around here use the banks I pick up halves at. The last thing I want is to pick up my halves at the bank again.

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