Do You Think ETs Should Make Contact?


Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
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Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010
Interesting results on the poll, once you vote.

Thanks & Cheers - live long and prosper.

Scott me up beamy, I'm in trouble!
I canna do it captin for my belly's too fat for my arms to reach the controls!.
Warp factor 9 please Mr Zulu, on my command!. :laughing7: :icon_scratch:


Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:D HA! Would y'all contact ANTS? Or, maybe BEES... THEY would coming out of the Hive, fighting... :wink:


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
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Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
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All Treasure Hunting
"Should the E.T.'s contact us?" is a moot question. They already have. At least one faction of ET's has been in constant contact with some world leaders and scientific communities for decades. They've been coming to this planet for thousands of years.

Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010
They already have

But which 'they' is the question short stack?

Unfortunately for us the ones now in contact are the much prophesied "Anti - Christ" of Biblical revelations.

The REAL Christ will come in due course and their will be a war in the heavens....

Besides the revelations reference - we were also told about this by them more recently.

Our REAL problem is that "they" have help3d create on our Earth a situation where bye, things are so crazy as for people to positively DESIRE them to "manifest in our skies and sort out the mess"....which might be their plan all along!

Was this ever prophesied to happen?

Clinton at a DNC fundraiser in NYC 1996:

"There is a government within the government, and I am not in charge."

An interesting quote from Slick Willie! If the president of the USA is not in charge - then who the heck is?

Clue - ever heard about "continuity of government".......

This is something written by American Prophetess . seer Jean Dixon back in the late 60's from memory.

"Jean Dixon, My life and Prophecies Bantam books 1969 page 179".

"I have 'seen' a "government within a government" develop within the United States
within the last few years. Political families have always contributed significantly to the development of this nation. They each spawned their own political machine and often used it wisely. The Roosevelts, The Rockerfellers, The Lodges, The Kennedys

, all had and have their influence on our countries destiny.

However I 'see"this 'Government within a government' being controlled and financed by the well oiled (My emphasis) political machine of one of our leading political families. With their eyes one the White house I see them discredit any man who occupies it without their approval, no matter how good his political programs may be.

They will - thru political intimidation, propaganda, and illegal sixth column activities - make every effort to show the nation that only their man, the one who heads their 'machine' has the sole right to occupy the White House. Their campaign is going to cause great harm to our nation both here and abroad.

I 'see' this group succeed in taking over defacto control of the country. They will give rise to an upheaval in our social structure as never before seen.

The will bring about increased racial unrest and great discontent. Foreign subversive elements will - as they did in the 1960's infiltrate the unruly factions and cause renewed fighting on the nations campuses and in racial ghettos.

All of the evil in the masses will be swept toward an unknown frenzy by this 'machine'.

I 'see' a member of this 'machine' ascend to power in NY City, enforcing new laws and regulations which will affect many households of that great metropolis.

The social and religious chaos generated by this political machine throughout the united states will prepare the nation for the coming of the prophet of the antichrist. This political unit of the east will be the tool of the serpent in delivering the masses to him.

His domain will be the intellectual seduction of mankind. It means a mixture of political, philosophical and religious ideology that will throw the populations of the world into a deep crisis of faith in God.

As official forerunner, one of his first duties and responsibilities in readying the world for the advent of his "master" is to manipulate the the available propaganda machines. With teaching and propaganda, the prophet will cause people not merely to accept the Antichrist, but rather to desire him with positive enthusiasm, to create the conditions of his coming and to participate actively in in organizing the frightful and terrifying despotism of his 'world empire'.

The clues are all there, but very few can see them.

Mostly those who knew in advance - what to keep a look out for are the ones best placed to see the deceit thats overtly displayed daily.

Many will be fooled - perhaps 2/3rds of the 6 billion of mankind.



Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
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All Treasure Hunting
You must be off your meds.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D LOL; WHAT IF... "they" were our descendants looking for G-G-G-G-Great Grand Pa or Grand Ma, one of whom was "serving time" in prison, and "they" were just doing family history research. Coming from MANY years "in the future", and from ANOTHER dimension; of which I was informed , that there were TEN dimensions in this MULTI-Verse. Mutations occuring
"over time"'/"over dimensions" in their "OLDER MODEL" Time Machines, or their "NEWER model"
TIME/SPACE MACHINES; NOW! For MORE sleepless nights. ;D :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee?


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Rebel - KGC said:
:coffee2: :icon_thumleft: ;D LOL; WHAT IF... "they" were our descendants looking for G-G-G-G-Great Grand Pa or Grand Ma, one of whom was "serving time" in prison, and "they" were just doing family history research. Coming from MANY years "in the future", and from ANOTHER dimension; of which I was informed , that there were TEN dimensions in this MULTI-Verse. Mutations occuring
"over time"'/"over dimensions" in their "OLDER MODEL" Time Machines, or their "NEWER model"
TIME/SPACE MACHINES; NOW! For MORE sleepless nights. ;D :coffee2: :coffee2: :coffee2: Coffee?

Ancestry.comm would be a whole lot simpler.

Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010
No Short Stack - it's all the pork I eat!

I say, I say, - that was a JOKE son!! :wink: ;D

(I say, I say, This boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball!).

Son - you ain't no Chicken Hawk and I ain't no chicken OK?

PRK is the "Union of Malays" on Home Island of the Cocos Keeling Islands.

Recently they put up a sign on Home Island Jetty (most of the westerners live on West Island - the administrative center of the Cocos Keeling Islands, while the native Malays live on Home Island, former workers of the Clunies Ross Coconut {copra} industry).

The sign said "We want More PRK" (More Cocos / Malay "co operative" Union control in how the islands are run - others would call it 'self determination').

Some wag from West Island boated over there during the night and added a innocent little 'o' to the sign...

It then read "We want more PoRK!'.. :headbang: :hello2: :laughing7: :hello:

The fact there were almost riots recently on the Cocos, because the westerners on West Island Admin Center want the Cocos/Malay owned and run "co operative" shop to stock 'bacon' so they can have the odd BBQ fry up of bacon and eggs, because the Cocos Malays are mostly Muslim and won't eat Pork hence won't stock bacon in the only Cocos Malay "co operative" owned shop on the island! :o

The graffiti 'o' addition to the Home Island PRK sign - was a source of almost 'mutiny' on the the local Cocos / Malay Islanders ::)

You know what "Short Stack", if you had anything at all to do with the Cocos Keeling Islands - you'd have known all this and "got" the Joke I posted - which tells me all I need to know about your claimed Cocos Islands heritage.... ::)

In short - your full of it! :wink:

No just that but your Christmas Island co-hort here is probably likewise just another pretender to the throne. :wink:

At least I can lay claim to actually having lived on an Island! ::)

Just a bunch a cointelpro spooks if you ask me! :tongue3:

Ohh and Short Stack, If your proclaimed people had the smarts to appoint me to the Job on the Cocos that I applied for recently (and didn't get), You and your Cocos Malay people, would now be well on the road to your much longed for 'self determination' - but as it is now, your still SCREWED and will remain in a CES (Commonwealth Employment Service) funded state of 3rd world poverty, for as long as the air strip on West Island on the Cocos along with its new recenty constructed multi million $ "container unloading facility" serves it's strategic military purpose in the Indian Ocean for Australia and thus by extension, their USA Military overlords.!

West island can be a fully functioning military re-fueling and resupply stop in the Indian ocean within 24 hours - the ONLY REAL reason for the Cocos existence & Australian Govt funding at all.

That after all is why the Australian Govt seized the Islands from the Clunies Ross family by force in the first place!

Ahh what a tangled web we weave, eh Short Stack! :wink:



Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
"Frankly, Eddie, I don't give a damn."

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D Well.. there ARE reports of UFO's hovering outside prison inmates windows; COULD be too much
"mash" brewski, LOL! :laughing9: :laughing9: They made the "mash" by putting fruits in their toilets, letting it ferment, etc. I smelled it once... it was AWFUL! YECCHHH! :D ::)


Hero Member
Jan 31, 2005
Let's think about this. If you were an alien being and Earth was calling, would you pick up the phone? We all hate telemarketers interupting our evenings with cold calls trying to make a sale. Like us, I would imagine ET doesn't like being bothered by Earthlings as he's trying to watch Big Brother Pluto Edition on the Zork channel. If they're out there I'm sure the reason for noncontact is willful avoidance on the part of ET. Or, maybe ET just turned the ringer off on his phone like I did.

Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010
I don't know how long I have to keep spoon feeding you guys the answers. :laughing7:

Watch the starchild skull video, and click on the 2010 DNA link on the left side there in blue as well.

In but 10 or 15 mins you will understand that:-

1. We are a Genetic engineering experiment by the ET's.
2. They took a 24 chromosomal paired Orangutan - and gene spliced the 2nd and 3rd chromosomal pairs to create a 23 chromosomal paired genetic engineered "hybrid" capable of hybridizing with the 23 chromosomal paired ET's.
3. There was a very good genetic reason for this.

Its really a Darwins theory of evolution reason for "cleaning up contaminated DNA".

Darwins theory (law) is that only the fittest survive.

This means that non beneficial genetic mutation is eliminated, it doesn't survive.

Going back to the Orangutans, - they have only 4 known genetic mutations and all are beneficial, one is occasional twinning, another is albinisim (while not strictly beneficial it isn't a dis benefit to survival et).

So in billions of years of evolution on earth, the Orangs DNA displays only 4 known mutations - i.e. it is very pure.

So what about us Humans if WE re descended from the apes and have only been here 200,000 years?

How many known mutations that are non benefic in the human DNA genome so far?

Ahh - we've been round less time than the Oragutans, so we should be less than 4 - right?

Yet we have thus far over 4000 known genetic mutations!.

Why or how is a better question?

The answer is clear - we were genetically engineered from badly mutated genes and only relatively recently.

How do genes get mutated?

Well Nuclear radiation will do it, as will excessive solar infrared exposure - our planets atmosphere is a great shield against radiation generally. Another causation is compassion - advanced civilizations like ours has recently become in the 20th century - will allow genetically mutated beings to exist and even reproduce - so we now have nursing homes that allow non beneficial genetic mutations to live and procreate - with for example downs syndrome affected children allowed to be reared and to reproduce, same with dwarfism and so on. We are now headed off to screw up our own DNA out of compassion

Can you imagine how contaminated the DNA of an advanced ET civilization might have become - at least 4000 such genetic mutations that we know of - yet billions of years for good ol Orangutans on earth only allows 4 known mutations (and all benefic or at least not dis benific is in albinism).

If you genetically engineer a 23 chromosomal pair being, and allow it to spend eons on earth, Darwin's theory (law) of evolution "survival of the fittest" - will 'clean up' that contaminated DNA in only a few short billions of years - eliminating the non beneficial mutations that cause so much hereditary genetic disease and death, in developed and advanced civilizations (much less immortal ones).

If you want to grow new organs etc for transplants of diseased ones - clean DNA hosts of stem cells etc would grow genetically perfect non hereditary disease infected spare organs, in great supply.
Earth and it's humans are a medical experiment by an alien entity in short.

I am quite certain that their world and it's laws probably bans some types of medical research just as we do - and also probably euthanasia - or maybe they are already immortal even.

So I would wager they have a badly contaminated DNA by now, making growth of healthy replacement organs etc quite difficult from their own highly contaminated DNA and hereditary disease very widespread within their civilizations - maybe too high to allow normal asexual reproduction even.

The mere fact we still have 4000 known genetic mutations within our human DNA genome is ample proof that we didn't evolve from the apes at all - we are genetically engineered hybrids - created by gene splicing a local hominid and genetically engineering a hybrid from that - i.e. bred for a specific purpose - to clean up another aliens DNA for medical reasons and far removed from their societies & legalities of medical intervention most likely - a factory growing new and clean DNA host material - away from the prying eyes of their advanced society.

In short they are breeding us up so they can get back to the joys of sex & orgasm once again.

Who knows what end use we 6 billion genetically engineered robots are intended to be put to eventually?

The thing is - it could be to fight interstellar wars as their programmable robots (why we are easily able to be hypnotized), it could be as donor DNA repair material for their own populations, we just don't know for sure - but the thing is from OUR point of view - the future doesn't look rosy - because their experiment has come to an end - we now have nuclear power - the ability to totally screw up and mutilate our own DNA thru nuclear accidents like Chernobyle and below ground French Nuke testing like Muroah atoll etc etc

It's no wonder the ET's are coming back to harvest / recover what they can of the clean DNA, before we do as they have done, and totally screw it up again with our advancing technology.

Really speaking they need to remove the DNA as it is now and place it elsewhere in heaven on a new earth in the heavens - and give it another 200 000 years of uninterrupted survival of the fittest to continue cleaning the DNA up.

Isn't it amazing that our biblical texts all foreshadow a war in the heavens & immortality for the true believers, living in a new city prepared by the Gods in the heavens a new heaven and a new earth etc etc

Yes - a war to get rid of the evil doers (genetic deviants), and a new world for the genetic cleanup to continue.

At the end of the day to the ETs we are but as mold growing in a petri dish - an experiment - inside an incubator and every 100 years or so they come back (open the door to the incubator) take out the Petri dish and take a look at us, their experiment, and either put us back, or start a NEW culture in a new petri dish on a new source of agar.

To these Gods a year to us is but as a day to them - so 1000 years is like checking the experimental petri dish every 3 years to one of our scientists monitoring his petri dish in its incubator.

Non of this is hard to understand - they don't so much wish us harm any more than a scientist wants to kill off the mold he is growing in his experimental petri dish, UNTIL the experiment is over....then all bets are off.

Welcome to our petri dish existence fellow mushrooms & spore! :hello:




Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
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Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Too late...............

We Humans are a unique species and through the last 3 million years or so, previous Human life forms have indeed been destroyed. Maybe the last three tries at civilization. Whatever they did was pretty bad for the rest of our Galaxy to eliminate them.

I think this is our last chance for survival and advancement of the Human Race. There are billions of stars in our galaxy and billions of other galaxies. We are like grains of sand on the galactic beach. We have little to offer except our Humanness. Whatever that is.

Mars was destroyed about 3 million years ago by a flood. They also had an Arc to carry their animals and life forms here to this planet. About that same time our fossil records also show the beginning of various life forms here. We are connected.

Other life forms have lived on or in the Earth for millenia. The strange creatures we call Yeti or Bigfoot live underground. They have mental abilities to cause Humans to forget their sighting and also detect and avoid Human hunters. Accidental sightings are just that. Innocent meetings of us and them. And they smell bad and are vegetarians. Their dead are buried underground. They are peaceful and just want to be left alone.

Whales and Porpoises were some of the first animals transplanted from Mars and are thinking beings.

Lucky Eddie

Sr. Member
Feb 9, 2010
Mars was destroyed about 3 million years ago by a flood. They also had an Arc to carry their animals and life forms here to this planet. Whales and Porpoises were some of the first animals transplanted from Mars and are thinking beings.

Damn lucky they got out before all the water disappeared!. (I like whales and porpoises!).

Where do you reckon all that water went?

You'd think they could a left the damn great whites behind but we could a done without them I reckon! :thumbsup:




Bronze Member
Jan 6, 2005
Rocky Mountains
Detector(s) used
Minelab X-Terra 705 Gold Coil
deteknixXpointer Probe
Minelab Ex-Terra 70
White's Classic II
2014-2015 Colorado Gold Camp Prospector
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Where did our water come from?

Lucky Eddie said:
Mars was destroyed about 3 million years ago by a flood. They also had an Arc to carry their animals and life forms here to this planet. Whales and Porpoises were some of the first animals transplanted from Mars and are thinking beings.

Damn lucky they got out before all the water disappeared!. (I like whales and porpoises!).
Where do you reckon all that water went?
You'd think they could a left the damn great whites behind but we could a done without them I reckon! :thumbsup:

I have a question for you. Where do you think earth's water came from? Water covers 70% of our planet. A lot of water.

We have been searching for water on other planets without much success. Maybe small amounts underground but not enough to support life.

Perhaps the flood waters of Mars were transported to Earth? Frozen masses of ice deposited on earth and an atmosphere created to warm and melt the ice. And turn our planet green and habitable. And then populate it with whatever life forms that could survive?

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