Does it matter that Tesoro detectors dont have a screen?

Oh no I here ya i to keep alot its more wondering if 20 30 years u still have it but it doesnt work, will they fix it ?
I understand they will and I have heard they are very good about it. The warranty is only good to the original purchaser though...

I understand they will and I have heard they are very good about it. The warranty is only good to the original purchaser though...

Ohh ok i apreciate ur knowlege & clearing up some of my questions Ive had with the warrenty. Definetly cool if they had the original owner & fixed a 30 year old machine. C that was my other thought was to y thats given alot of guys well not u but others get rid of there poder machines to upgrade so that lifetime warrenty u bought it for now is nothing. Good part is from what Ive heard they rarely ever need to come in for repairs soon enough there will b one on the Wall with the others

Rusty has fixed 15-year old machines for the third owner FREE when it was a part that failed. Ask ANYONE that has ever delt with Rusty Henry and Tesoro - they stand behind their machines like NO other manufacturer!

Thats what I dont get about those tesoros yes they r known to b a power house. But lifetime warrenty really who is gonna keep a machine a lifetime. Second is tesoro still goin to be able to get parts for it 15 years after they stop making that model ? From machines Ive seen when the company discontinues a detector a year or to ur on ur own no parta available seen it from minelabe,whites,even garret. Third ok u sell the machine 10 years from when u get it & they stopped makin it someone else buys it has to be fixed first where they gonna get parts from? Im not bashin or talking it down its just something thing I think about when I here lifetime warrenty, there are a couple tesoros id like to own & ad to my arsenal so dont think I dont like them I do, matter of fact I like just about every single detector out there

Jack Gifford designed his machines to last FOREVER. The Tesoro philosophy is not like Whites, who need to come out with something "new" every two-years. You build it right the first time to last, and upgrade the electronics if and when you find better circuits/parts/technology. Yes, they fix machines they made 22-years ago for people all the time.

Jack Gifford designed his machines to last FOREVER. The Tesoro philosophy is not like Whites, who need to come out with something "new" every two-years. You build it right the first time to last, and upgrade the electronics if and when you find better circuits/parts/technology. Yes, they fix machines they made 22-years ago for people all the time.
Yup they are excellent machines from an excellent company.

Jack Gifford designed his machines to last FOREVER. The Tesoro philosophy is not like Whites, who need to come out with something "new" every two-years. You build it right the first time to last, and upgrade the electronics if and when you find better circuits/parts/technology. Yes, they fix machines they made 22-years ago for people all the time.

C bro there u go i just had a simple question wasnt bashing any machine or brand said I liked and wanted one, also said I know they r bulit to last never said otherwise. So y, y do u have to just throw out a crappy comment like oh they not like whites WHO has to come out with something every 2 years is there a need for it no not all. What does whites even have to do with what I even asked nothing. I guess there just has to b someone no matter what post to bash something, for no reason. When half of what u said would have been fine yes they fixed machines 22 years old ok done nothing more, seems pretty imature really

I have a vaquero that sets in the closet, not because it has no screen but because it has only one tone.

I have a vaquero that sets in the closet, not because it has no screen but because it has only one tone.
..... ​One tone.... I have found my best finds over the years with detectors that had no screens and only one tone...........

I think it falls into that catagory of what works for one may not work for another

The screen is not necessary unless you like to cherry pick (that means leave things behind), it depens how you want to use a detector. I love the Vaquero the way it is, I wouldn't swap it for any atpro or minelab

The Vaquero is a good detector, but I am a huge Tejon fan! Love the dual discriminators. Some worry about one tone? That is true to a degree as the tone reacts in different ways which allows you to tell good from bad targets. No detector is perfect and sometimes you just have to dig junk to find the good stuff. I have had the E-track, DFX, etc. I had a Tejon a couple of years ago and had to pick up another and I connected with it again like it had never left.

As far as no screen or 1 tone, Learn it, understand it like any detector and you'll do well. I found my first 2 cent coin two days ago with the Tejon, which I had gone over with another detector with a screen and tones. It appeared jumpy so I did not dig, but the Tejon was a smooth sound and out popped the 2 center. I will not make the mistake of selling the Tejon again!

I have a vaquero that sets in the closet, not because it has no screen but because it has only one tone.

I'll give you $200.00 for it and you don't even have to take the dust off of it! :icon_thumleft:

Your Original premise:
Originally Posted by christo000
Thats what I dont get about those tesoros yes they r known to b a power house. But lifetime warrenty really who is gonna keep a machine a lifetime. Second is tesoro still goin to be able to get parts for it 15 years after they stop making that model ? From machines Ive seen when the company discontinues a detector a year or to ur on ur own no parta available seen it from minelabe,whites,even garret. Third ok u sell the machine 10 years from when u get it & they stopped makin it someone else buys it has to be fixed first where they gonna get parts from? Im not bashin or talking it down its just something thing I think about when I here lifetime warrenty, there are a couple tesoros id like to own & ad to my arsenal so dont think I dont like them I do, matter of fact I like just about every single detector out there"

C bro there u go i just had a simple question wasnt bashing any machine or brand said I liked and wanted one, also said I know they r bulit to last never said otherwise. So y, y do u have to just throw out a crappy comment like oh they not like whites WHO has to come out with something every 2 years is there a need for it no not all. What does whites even have to do with what I even asked nothing. I guess there just has to b someone no matter what post to bash something, for no reason. When half of what u said would have been fine yes they fixed machines 22 years old ok done nothing more, seems pretty imature really

Originally Posted by Terry Soloman
"Jack Gifford designed his machines to last FOREVER. The Tesoro philosophy is not like Whites, who need to come out with something "new" every two-years. You build it right the first time to last, and upgrade the electronics if and when you find better circuits/parts/technology. Yes, they fix machines they made 22-years ago for people all the time."

That is my opinion, my REAL opinion. To you it is a "crappy comment," to me it is a fact. You questioned the Tesoro Lifetime warranty, and even though you said, "Im not bashin or talking it down..", that is exactly what you are doing - in my opinion. We all have opinions, am I not entitled to mine?

My Tesoro is 13 years old. Works great and I trust it. Never a problem here.

I bought another Tejon due to it's rugged construction and reliability. I also have the Silver Umax and have no issues with that either. I had a Treasure mate pinpointer that is made by Tesoro, had an issue with it and sent it in and it came back good as new, no questions asked. For those models they may have an issue with a part or what have you, they have always made it right with their customer. They have even helped several people with issues that were not the original owner which is above and beyond without a doubt.

I love the toughness and the customer service from Tesoro. I would not hesitate on a Tesoro!

Your Original premise: Originally Posted by christo000
Thats what I dont get about those tesoros yes they r known to b a power house. But lifetime warrenty really who is gonna keep a machine a lifetime. Second is tesoro still goin to be able to get parts for it 15 years after they stop making that model ? From machines Ive seen when the company discontinues a detector a year or to ur on ur own no parta available seen it from minelabe,whites,even garret. Third ok u sell the machine 10 years from when u get it & they stopped makin it someone else buys it has to be fixed first where they gonna get parts from? Im not bashin or talking it down its just something thing I think about when I here lifetime warrenty, there are a couple tesoros id like to own & ad to my arsenal so dont think I dont like them I do, matter of fact I like just about every single detector out there"

Originally Posted by Terry Soloman
"Jack Gifford designed his machines to last FOREVER. The Tesoro philosophy is not like Whites, who need to come out with something "new" every two-years. You build it right the first time to last, and upgrade the electronics if and when you find better circuits/parts/technology. Yes, they fix machines they made 22-years ago for people all the time."

That is my opinion, my REAL opinion. To you it is a "crappy comment," to me it is a fact. You questioned the Tesoro Lifetime warranty, and even though you said, "Im not bashin or talking it down..", that is exactly what you are doing - in my opinion. We all have opinions, am I not entitled to mine?

First I never said u cant have an opinión & ya i had a simple question about there warrenty. So what ur gonna take it as bashing even theres been numerous podar from me wanting a tesoro, y woyld I want one? Not talking anything down either I wanted to know how exactly the warenty worked ur the one instead of what other people have done & answered my question u bring another company into a question about something totally different

Is Tesoro for detecting like Leica for photography?, could be but not in price, photographers will understand :laughing7:

The main thing I missed about the Vaq were 3 additional tones! Lol. I do like the display on my Xterra 505, it's really helpful when it comes to using the info such as the depth gauge, visual pinpointer, etc...The TID is very accurate when I'm hunting in cleaner areas like parks, schools, etc... In trashy areas or on deeper coins, the VID can be jumpy with just about ANY detector, so I am training myself to concentrate on listening to the tones, rather than relying on the display for ID. The single tone on the Vaq just wasn't enough info for me though. So IMO displays can be very useful, but they can also be misleading!

RELIANCE on a screen is the best way to leave goodies for those of us who follow. If you believe you can put all your faith in a machine's best guess, I have some ocean front property in Arizona for sale cheap. For what it's worth to anyone who cares - I strongly feel that everyone who is serious about detecting should start with a beep and dig machine and learn it well. Then, if you desire a screen, you already will have picked up on the audible nuances of different targets. Audible signals and screen displays combined will improve your overall efficiency as long as you don't get lazy and begin to depend on the screen too much. My 2 cents.

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