Dowsing can now be proved !!

Hi Dowser, theoretically a micro oven completly shields micro emmision, to keep from cooking the operator, however there are many other scources.

A typical microwave oven is electromagnetically and physically shielded so as to contain the vast majority of the microwave radiation, but not 100% of it.
Some "leakage" always occurs, but you may need very sensitive equipment to measure it. (i.e., less than -125dBm to -170 dBm measured at the door handle with an isotropic probe)
Depending on the bandwidth of the measurement, this is very nearly the same level as naturally occurring background radiation.

I didn't want to get into a full-blown discussion about this.
Just suffice it to say that microwave ovens do leak, barely (really: barely), but none of them are perfect.
Not that you couldn't make one perfect; but why would you? It would be a very expensive kitchen applicance!!

Also, if the MW oven is leaking so bad as to alter the resonance of the cooking chamber, many designs have an undercurrent relay to shut off the tube.
That, and a door interlock switch to prevent microwave radiation from escaping through an open door.

Good Morning Dowser i am very interested in your 3 in Rods. Could you show us how you hold them and wondering what you have wraped around them Thank You Steve

They are extremely sensative, three inch triangle rods. They react like other rods, except the flat side points forward, until you cross into a signal, then the flat side turns toward itself. Dowser

I wrapped so 26 guage copper wire around them. Helps give a little weight to the sensative rods.. Dowser

I made them a couple years ago, when I found three inches was a strong #, along with 11 and 17. All this is easily seen using the magnets.
If you make this, realize that signal power is constantly changing, rarely continuous, most always pulsating. The brain is gonna fill in the gaps between the pulse's. Stand with rods directly over signal linevto see the pulses. Your toes are your target side, not your heels. Right under the rods!. Also don't rush to find a signal, give your rods time to move and keep up with the pace. Dowser

Triangle rods 3 inch, made from flagging iron. Dowser IMG_20140519_194356193.jpg

I specifically bought 3 inch long bar magnets, because of that lengths connection to dowsing. I only bought 3 magnets and made this shape. If one of the side magnets rides on to of the bottom magnet, it only makes the bottom 2 and three quarter, and won't work. The bottom has to be three inches long. And it might even be stronger if the side mags were 3 1/4 making a inside square 3 inch. DowserIMG_20160130_110820146.jpg

Key to car dowsing results in

I had my car key coppied today, and before using the new key I stuck it into the magnets to see if it would signal the car, like the used key does. But it did not signal at all. I took it out and started the car only once with the new key. When I placed it into the magnets it now signals the car. Test confirmed. Only after one use, new key becomes somehow symbolically connected to the lock it turns. Don't know how it is possible, but my results are certain. DowserIMG_20160207_135316888.jpg

Thank You Dowser for the Quick Response I am new to all this and reading all i can on Dowsing.I have Gold Fever and would like to learn to Dowse for Gold,i am going make a pair of the 3in Triangle Rods.Do you recommend any baiting of the rods to find that elusive Gold.I am also Reading up on Map Dowsing to see if i can get closer to the spot,then use L Rods to find the Gold Thank You very much for your time and Patience Steve

Morning ANDUN,I agree but for practcal prposes ---. The glass door and then rubber seals are not perfect. Why they do not reccomend standing in front of the glass door looking innside while it is runing.

:coffee2::coffee2: coffee ?

They are extremely sensative, three inch triangle rods. They react like other rods, except the flat side points forward, until you cross into a signal, then the flat side turns toward itself. Dowser
Hello Dowser, I have been following your thread with great interest. NOW I have a question: Have you tried map dowsing for anything with this system yet?
many thanks, and don't give up.

Morning ANDUN,I agree but for practcal prposes ---. The glass door and then rubber seals are not perfect. Why they do not reccomend standing in front of the glass door looking innside while it is runing.

:coffee2::coffee2: coffee ?

Probably because certain items can explode if you try to cook them in a microwave oven.
For example: Closed glass jar containers. Eggs. And a number of things that "normal" people would never intentionally place in a microwave!!
But you know, people do a lot of dumb crazy stuff!!

I am not aware of ANY microwave oven user's manual that says you should not stand in front of the glass door looking inside while it is running becasue of radiation concerns.
If manufacturers were concerned about this, they would not put a window on the door to look through in the first place.
A door without a window is also cheaper to manufacture. (In fact, the early ovens didn't have windows.)

And, in case you were wondering, it's not as though manufacturers are playing the odds by suggesting your chances are minimized if you only look occasionally while the oven is on.
No - they would never win such a lawsuit. In fact, there are laws that REQUIRE manufacturers to do things the safer way (i.e., no windows in this case), once that is demonstrated. I'm paraphrasing. We can get into that later if you like. It involves a famous product liability lawsuit concerning certain tractor-trailer rims used with B.F. Goodrich tires, if I recall correctly. (?)

The microwave oven window is safe, or manufacturers would not provide it. That's pretty much the end of that story.
But feel free to send me a PDF link to any microwave oven manual that says watching the window is to be avoided specifically due to radiation concerns.
This is the kind of topic that is ripe for "urban legend", but having repaired a few such ovens in my time, as long as the door seals are in good shape, very little radiation escapes the microwave oven. Even with the really, really cheap models you can buy brand new for under $50.

Morning ANDUN,I agree but for practcal prposes ---. The glass door and then rubber seals are not perfect. Why they do not reccomend standing in front of the glass door looking innside while it is runing.

:coffee2::coffee2: coffee ?

By the way, you bring up a good topic regarding "rubber seals" and microwave ovens.
Ordinary rubber seals won't do diddly-squat to block or absorb microwave radiation.
Microwave oven rubber seals can be loaded with carbon, but in modern day ovens, graphite seals used as chokes are more common.
It's been a long time since I looked into the physical properties of the materials used for microwave oven door gaskets.
Maybe I'll write that down for a rainy-day project?

The takeaway though is that a microwave oven door seal (gasket) is much more than it appears to the layman.
It is constructed in a very precise way (dimensions, fit, etc...) using materials which will either block or maximally absorb the specific frequency in use by the microwave oven.
We take them for granted, but there's a lot going on with them we don't realize.

Whatever is getting out, doesn't make it out to the garage, signal doesn't travel far. And internet router being microwave doesn't affect signal.
There is only two possible things that could be causing the decline in dowsing power. Power is just as strong as it was in the past, but something is canceling some or all of it at times. Or whatever has caused the generation of the power is out of whack. Dowser

Hello Dowser, I have been following your thread with great interest. NOW I have a question: Have you tried map dowsing for anything with this system yet?
many thanks, and don't give up.

I have tried map dowsing, but I don't feel or see anything signaling to me. I only met 2 map dowsers, and they did find what they were after. I expect there are just as many map dowsers that say they can Dowse a map, as there is rod dowsers that can find stuff. Dowser

Thank You Dowser for the Quick Response I am new to all this and reading all i can on Dowsing.I have Gold Fever and would like to learn to Dowse for Gold,i am going make a pair of the 3in Triangle Rods.Do you recommend any baiting of the rods to find that elusive Gold.I am also Reading up on Map Dowsing to see if i can get closer to the spot,then use L Rods to find the Gold Thank You very much for your time and Patience Steve

The Element used to signal with is the bait. It's also called witness. Everybody is different, and holding the bait does work, but I prefer to place my elements on the ground. If your checking a line for multiple elements you need to be sure your on the same line. But it depends on the situation, especially while driving. Holding bait and using a noodle rod, did signal a long strewn field while I was driving. Dowser

I have tried map dowsing, but I don't feel or see anything signaling to me. I only met 2 map dowsers, and they did find what they were after. I expect there are just as many map dowsers that say they can Dowse a map, as there is rod dowsers that can find stuff. Dowser

For me it's a matter of knowing what I am looking for when map dowsing. Then let the rod show you where it is.
It has worked well for me when looking for gold rings.

Hey Goldkey. If the spot I am going to is Miles away from home I always check a lot more site in the area. When I have 4 or five spots I then make the trip. I always check all the areas the first day from my car. At each spot I take enough GPS readings to make a good accurate line on the map. I always look for roads that run north-south and east –west. That will give me two lines and where they cross is where the treasure is. I can then look at the map on my lap top and determine the easiest way to get to it. If I don’t have the equipment with me that I know I will need I just go home and plan another trip. ...Art

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