Dowsing rods or witching rods

This is the Contraption project I am working on. Target is a half-ounce of silver. The white ropes are there so you can more easily see the line to the target fifty feet away. Sorry for the poor quality video. You might have to turnup your volume to hear the clicking sound when the receiver is facing the target. When turned ninety degrees there is a null.

It does beep and click and looks reasonably well built externally. I have no idea what it's reacting to circuit wise. Care to share circuit diagrams, source code, specifications, theory of operation and measurements? It is getting a bit off-topic though.

Hi, Well when the moon and conditions are right for dowsing . Let's head in the dark of night and find some Opal . Opal is a gemstone right and has been claims that dowsing finds gemstone . You dowser may use as many sets of rods as you like and I will use a Black Light . Black Light simple science against super powers. Do you Dowsers think you got any chance ?

Dowsing finds gold too , I will use my pulse induction and you can use your rods . How about it .

Any takers or has the wind left your sails, TP

for sure 49er12 has trolled us, and that's OK by me
more exploration, perhaps something new will appear
- as stated I do have a target in mind

is anyone of a changed mind? doubtfull
but the thread has been most civil, no harm done

Of course he did. Been around here for 20 years and it's quite obvious on the outcome of such a topic.

I was thinking about starting a thread asking if it's o.k. to metal detect cemetaries....

Search in between the graves looking for goodies. Should be a good topic!

It's true I am not a big fan of pure dowsing but I have found stuff. Of course I prefer the frequency driven devices. And the Conrtraption is an attempt to eliminate the L-rods.

Refer back to my comment about people attempting to dowse once or twice a month. Reminds me of the Bruce Lee movie where he is about to fight some guy and is swinging his numchucks. His opponent sees a disgarded set laying on the floor and picks them up. It is obvious he has never used them. You can figure out the rest. LOL And that's my point about so many charlatans. Many get one success and think they are an expert. They don't even have enough experience to realize they haven't got much of a clue.

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I don't believe in dowsing and I've said so often. If it's possible for me to disbelieve something even more, it has to be map dowsing. BUT I was just looking at another thread about the disappearance of Terrence Woods from the Gold Rush film sight in 2018.

I got to wondering if map dowsers believe they can locate missing persons (bodies) and whether anyone here has tried it.

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Disappearance in the Idaho woods?

Wendigo got him.


The randi test rules stated the final decision to award the money would be determined by their panel of experts. In other words, if a quadrillion-to-one odds isn't enough they put in a catch-all phrase to make certian the money would NEVER to awarded.

Somewhere on the internet is some info about Dell Winders doing a demonstration of his Molecular Frequency Discriminator (MFD) for the randi group. Best I recall Dell dug 12 holes in the sand and the randi group placed a gold target in one hole. Can't recall but he was supposed run 10 or 12 tests. After several tests Dell said the locating conditions had deteriorated and he quit the demonstration. He had found the test target like maybe 6 or 7 times out of nine or something like that. To which randi replied "More tests are needed." In other words he had beat the odds but randi would never admit it. Dell said he knew nothing about any prize money at the time and was just doing a demonstration. He also said randi lied about it.

I remember a bit more. randi said there never was any test. Just so happens Dell had a short video clip of the demo and randi was there. Maybe somebody can find this. I don't know where to look.

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With all this talk about Randi, as if he's the only one who's done testing and showed it's no better then chance, i ask again, does anyone know of any controlled testing that shows dowsing reliably works? In science, if a testing procedure is shown to be questionable in its application or method (as is alleged in the Randi test), that doesn't mean what you were testing is therefore "true". Even if Randi's test were completely invalid, you've still come no closer to proving dowsing works.

Also, does anyone know of any lost mines, ships or caches credibly attributed to only dowsing?

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With all this talk about Randi, as if he's the only one who's done testing and showed it's no better then chance, i ask again, does anyone know of any controlled testing that shows dowsing reliably works? In science, if a testing procedure is shown to be questionable in its application or method (as is alleged in the Randi test), that doesn't mean what you were testing is therefore "true". Even if Randi's test were completely invalid, you've still come no closer to proving dowsing works.

Also, does anyone know of any lost mines, ships or caches credibly attributed to only dowsing?

Exactly. In study after study, dowsing has been debunked.

Exactly. In study after study, dowsing has been debunked.

Don't tell that to the Remote Viewing program Stargate. Yes, the program was supposedly cancelled but there was a lot of money spent there. Somebody had to be convinced it worked before spending that kind of money.

Just a note here: There is a big difference in accuracy and reliability between dowsing and the misnomer "map dowsing" which like remote viewing is a psychic phenomena.

as stated 20 posts back, ya got to have faith
Dowsing permits someone with nothing to partake in the hunt
parallels with religion, everyone gets to play (double blinds not permitted)
many here understand that Dowsing is not a scientific methodology,
while at least some would agree that Dowsing is faith based
it's a way to participate

My ant had a house on the edge of the Ljubljana town, the capital of our country, which lies on the flat area under the hills, known as Ljubljana's field. Old people use to hire a dowser to show, where the pipe should be hammered into the ground to aquire water. Those dowsers ware 100% succesfull. A bit more modern quireies, howewer, showed there is a large quantity of high quality drinking water under the entire Ljubljana's field, which has been feeding the town for about 80 yeares, or more. So hammering the pipe prity much anywhere would do it.
Any similarities with modern Covid-19 vaccine is purely coincidental.

Just a note here: There is a big difference in accuracy and reliability between dowsing and the misnomer "map dowsing" which like remote viewing is a psychic phenomena.

There is? Can you site the study that determined this? Can you point to a study where even regular dowsing is reliable and repeatable? Can you point to lost mines, caches, ships etc that were credibly found through conventional dowsing vs map dowsing?

Also, my understanding is that both are considered paranormal and psychic phenomena as you see dowsers talk about moon phases, state of minds, "faith", "spiritual" guidance, "divine" guidance, being in "tune" with the earth, "negative" energy of observers , "unconscious" guidance, etc etc. Not a single one of those has any effect on a detecting a quarter buried five inches on a Deus, Minelab, Garrett etc....

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My experience and I've read the same thing. Map dowsing and remote viewing is Astral. Physical dowsing (in the field/on site) is really pre-physical or etheric.

I never said dowsing was reliable. I said there are many variables and I use a frequency generator.

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My experience and I've read the same thing. Map dowsing and remote viewing is Astral. Physical dowsing (in the field) is really pre-physical or etheric.

I never said dowsing was reliable. I said there are many variables and I use a frequency generator.
are "pre-physical" or "etheric" scientific terms?

Maybe, I would think so.

Did you watch my video? The transmitter sitting on the ground does the same thing as the military vlf radio stations. It energizes the target.

Dowsing not quite the same thing--other sources like sunshine and the earth's magnetic field, maybe even lighting (from a thousand miles away) supply the energy, and the receiver is the human body's nervous system and acupuncture meridian network. The L-rods act as a transducer.

I rarely use L-rods with that transmitter but I've used them with just an ordinary frequency generator and many time get within inches of the target. That ain't no coincidence.

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I don't have a number but many of the hard-core skeptics are narcissists and a few are malignant.

I found a youtube channel, kinda hard to watch for too long, Surviving Narcissism. I like to believe everyone can be saved, but I know most of these take it with them to the grave.

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