Dowsing test

musstag said:
The home next door to me has a older type high powered transmission line running alongside of a chain link fence. If you open the gate and slowly close the gate and watch as the latch again touches the post, you can see a spark. I told this to the Electrical supervisor, He said thats common, that he has seen a long roll of fencing strung out parallel to a regular power line that a farmer used to power a lite bulb for his barn from that roll of wire.

This is not even charge, it's caused by induction. ::)

An electrical charge can travel through the air, and a signal travels through the air, and Both can be detected.

Eh? Are you suggesting that because birds travel through the air, and can be detected, that birds are therefore signals? Again, ::)

So for you to say that an electrical charge and a signal is not at all the same, is false. Ignore the facts? Whose facts? What you think to be Fact may simply not be true.

Art's experiment detects static charge. Static charge is, errr, static... it envelopes the object and does not vary or propagate, therefore it is not a signal*. Much the same way that a static magnetic field envelops a magnet, but does not vary or propagate, and is therefore not a signal**.

You guys might want to think about picking up an introductory book on physics. This stuff is pretty basic.

- Carl

* A signal is a varying "something" that conveys information.
** However, an AC magnetic field and an AC electric field can comprise a signal.

Of Course it was induction. But you dismiss the concept that there Could be more to those 'facts' then we now know. You cite bits and pieces of info. You have no imagination, no discoveries of your own, you rely on discoveries made by others to form your opinions . Thats not bad, thats just the way some people are. That is also shown by offerring the $25 challange, its like 'Let Someone else do it". Others like to push the edge, they make discoveries, come up with their own ideas by experience. Life is what you make it. We will all go to our graves without knowing everything.

musstag said:
You have no imagination, no discoveries of your own, you rely on discoveries made by others to form your opinions.

Yes, I rely on science, and the 400+ years of accumulated knowledge that it offers. It's a result of a classical education in engineering, plus the fact that science just plain works. And, yes, I've made a few discoveries of my own.

However, I will agree that "imagination" seems to be the key ingredient in dowsing. Unfortunately for dowsers, my $25,000 challenge tests dowsing, not imaginations.

- Carl

Hey Carl...A simple question...In my experiment did the objects emit something that could by measured? If the objects emit some form of energy that can be measured why can't the human body respond to these same emmisions? These things have been known for 400 yet Science still don't know how it all works....You call these emissions an electric charge. I will keep calling them a signal as that’s what they are to me. You see it makes no difference to me what these lines are called as long as I can detect them and follow them to the source….Art

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Carl...A simple question...In my experiment did the objects emit something that could by measured?

Emit? No. Static electric fields are not "emitted" from objects. They are static properties. Just like magnets don't "emit" magnetic fields.

If the objects emit some form of energy that can be measured why can't the human body respond to these same emmisions?

Can your eyes see FM radio waves? Can you hear a bat's sonar? Why in the world do you think you can personally detect some form of energy just because it exists? Human senses are extremely limited.

These things have been known for 400 yet Science still don't know how it all works....

Science does know how this stuff works. You just don't know. That's why I suggested you get a book on introductory physics, because this stuff is pretty basic.

You call these emissions an electric charge. I will keep calling them a signal as that’s what they are to me.

Like I said, facts are irrelevant.

You see it makes no difference to me what these lines are called as long as I can detect them and follow them to the source….Art

You are not detecting electric charge, so it's pointless to keep claiming you are.

- Carl

Carl, I have not studied the radiodynometer or the vers...whatever. Anyway, just one point that you made saying that human senses are limited I disagree with.

There have been tests done that the human body does have a sense of which direction is North because of the magnetic forces of the earth.

I believe it was something like 80% were able to identify north, while under conditions that north can not be identified by common human senses.

Yet when they put magnets over the people's eyes, they had no idea where north was and it did become straight guessing.

The human body is sensitive to outside forces not readily seen, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted.

So...I just had to make that known.

Sandsted said:
There have been tests done that the human body does have a sense of which direction is North because of the magnetic forces of the earth.

Can you tell me where to find these studies? This has been mention before, but I've not seen any credible research publications, just the fringe claims from the "alternate science*" web sites.

- Carl

* a.k.a non-science, or non-sense.

Hey Carl....You rely on Physics Books. I rely on what I can see, hear and sense. Physics is changing every day. Just ask anyone if they ever saw or heard of anything that physics says is impossible. Just lay a magnet under a paper and spinkle some metal filings on the paper. You can see the magnetic lines. Walk by a 660 volt motor. You can not see the field but you can sure feel it....Art

aarthrj3811 said:
I rely on what I can see, hear and sense.

Human senses are easily fooled. Go see a top-notch magic show. You will be asking yourself, "How did they do that?" because you already know it's not real.

Why, then, do you assume it's impossible for something else (like dowsing) to fool your senses?

- Carl

I know dowsing for water works so I'm going to try it for gold, and if it works I'll be thinking of you who ridicule those who have success all the way to the bank.

Well Carl...I have proved to myself and by watching over dowsers that it works. You think we are all fools. Just because you can't dowse is no proof of anything. Ever think that you are the one that is being fooled by your mind?...Art

Carl wants it carved in stone, Big, Black and White. Dowsing varies. Some people can't work with something that has changes to it from time to time. They insist to call us as being fooled. But the truth is that Dowsing is Fooling Them!!! How Can I, using doswing, locate gold rings that are recentley lost. Did the people that lost them , not really lose them? I know what I've done, I know what works and what seems not to work, with my doswing abilities. Like I said before, LTB's are a problem. Newly lost gold is a piece of cake to find. Carl can spit out the words, but with all his wisdom he CAN'T BUY Dowsing, even for $25K

aarthrj3811 said:
You think we are all fools.

Not at all... I just think you are self-deceived.

Just because you can't dowse is no proof of anything. Ever think that you are the one that is being fooled by your mind?

Sure. So I offer $25,000 for someone to show me that dowsing works. So far, those that have tried have utterly failed, which indicates to me that they cannot do what they said they could do. Most others dance around the challenge and blame me for their inabilities, which indicates to me that they cannot do what they say they can do.

I have no problem if you want to believe you can dowse, and if you feel it works for you, then I urge you to continue. Just don't misrepresent science, or other people, in your quest to self-validate your beliefs.

- Carl

Tenderfoot, if you try it, and it doesn't seems to work, find someone in your area that can dowse, try someone from a local city waterworks dept. Have them show you, and even place their hands on your shoulders while you try it with them.

Hey Musstag....Good advice...So far Carl has tested one person who failed. That's his proof...Art

Carl, you said "Just don't misrepresent science". You speak as if the LAST WORD has been written on science. Heck, maybe you CAN dowse, maybe, you are looking for the same thing I am, "what is it about those LTB's?"!!

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Musstag....Good advice...So far Carl has tested one person who failed. That's his proof...Art

See Art? There you go again, misrepresenting people.

I've told you several times that I've tested a number of dowsers, over a dozen, and that each and every one of them failed. Yet you insist on making false statements about me, the same as you continuously do with Randi. Why do you do this Art? Are you dishonest?

- Carl

musstag said:
Carl, you said "Just don't misrepresent science". You speak as if the LAST WORD has been written on science.

Nope, but a lot of science is well-established. What Art did was take an age-old scientific device, call it something it was not, claimed it demonstrated something it did not, while denying what it actually showed. This is a misrepresentation of science, though I doubt Art knew any better. The problem with Art is that even after he's learned the truth, he will continue his misrepresentations. Then it's either denial, or dishonesty.

- Carl

Korban said:
Whats LTB?

It's "long-time buried." It's an excuse dowsers use when they can't dowse. Basically, most treasure dowsers claim that they can dowse gold, and will even do self-tests using gold targets laid on the ground. But when you ask for a demonstration, and offer $25,000 if they can dowse gold targets laid on the ground, they start complaining that they can only dowse LTB gold, not fresh gold, and they insist that you provide a gold target that's been buried 10 years or more.

- Carl

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