Etiquette when someone ask to detect on your farm?

When I worked for mosquito control in my county we were told that under no circumstances were we allowed to accept anything from the public, that meant money, gifts, or access to good hunting area as it can be equated to bribing a public official, it was a real bummer too because I got to work in some of the best hunting areas in the area. I would say it's a similar situation. Not sure if the law differs where your at though.

If that's not an issue though then I would go for it if they are good people.

I agree with Treasure _Hunter. No matter if they are deputies, they are fellow hunters and can open leads to other areas for you. I wouldn't suggest any split of the finds. But be upfront with them if a huge cache is found it gets divided with you.

With a MD they will be able to :laughing7:find the Still

When I worked for mosquito control in my county we were told that under no circumstances were we allowed to accept anything from the public, that meant money, gifts, or access to good hunting area as it can be equated to bribing a public official, it was a real bummer too because I got to work in some of the best hunting areas in the area. I would say it's a similar situation. Not sure if the law differs where your at though.

If that's not an issue though then I would go for it if they are good people.

Why would it be any different for deputies? Would they have lower standards than mosquito control workers?

It's not a question of law, but one of ethics.

Why would it be any different for deputies? Would they have lower standards than mosquito control workers?

It's not a question of law, but one of ethics.

That would be why I made the connection between the two because both are government employees and both are public servants, simply put the disclaimer because I'm not a lawyer. Didnt state that one has better standards than the other... There's no doubt that it is an ethics issue but it can also lead to legal issues in some cases.

lagniappe, nice username,have only heard that in Louisiana

anyway, i would say no, and would have been researching the prop
more,as those LEO might know something you dont, about your prop
and are looking for something specific

Yeah that's one of them damned if you do, damned if you don't things. Call me Devil's Advocate, but pair of cops want to search your farm. Maybe all innocent, maybe not. Could be they are just a pair of newbies and heard about your place. Or did someone tell em you were doing something, or that someone left something out on your property that they want for themselves.

Me? I own a farm. In this situation I'd have a sit down with them. I can usually tell if someone is being honest or a scallywag.
Other thing, liability in this sue happy world. One of em falls in an old well or such who's going to be liable for it?

If you decide to do so, cover your behind. Shame it ain't like the old days where a man's word was his bond and a handshake was a contract.

lagniappe, nice username,have only heard that in Louisiana

anyway, i would say no, and would have been researching the prop
more,as those LEO might know something you dont, about your prop
and are looking for something specific

A possibility you might consider. Like a buried tube of money. You think that would be good if found by law enforcement?

Time for a bit of research and investigation by you. Have they been asking other land owners? Have they been seen detecting parks? Tot lots? Why your place?

I feel I should say something about this what you do with your property is your business but I also would be skeptical at who I give permission to. Back years ago I was part of a bow hunting club and the police officers wanted a piece of the pie, the owner was swept up by there offering of you let me hunt i will provide security for your property and I will make sure no one trespasses. So on the day before the opening of the season, property owners calls us all together to let each of us announce where we would be to avoid any mishaps and as I was standing there I felt out of place. This officer had waltzed in with many of his cop buddies and had taken over the club as if he was the owner, organizer and host. We were out numbered by the other guest and for us to pay 100.00 for the season these guys paid nothing. As the season wore on things began to take a twist many accusations, scolds, and down right nastiness prevailed and once was our club was no longer. The officer and his buds had taken over in one season to what had taken us 2 years and lots of money and hard work to be booted off the property. We had been friends with the owner for years. Well after couple years the owner found out from day one that this officer was charging his friends to hunt and also outside guest and producing hunting videos and at the time the owner never knew what hit him. This bunch made thousands of dollars off of this guys land and all along he was to believe that we were the bad guys and after all said and done the owner loosing money had the nerve to contact us to see if we were interested in hunting again and all of our replies were no. To this day we do not speak and just think about what you are doing when you invite professional people in on your land its your decision and some one else land be careful because you may have the right one minute and at the next you are looking for another place to dig. I am not saying its like this all the time but damn close. Make the wise choice a friend maybe 2 but an outsider I would question. If I sound paranoid well maybe a little but this is what happened to me and just recent I was let go off of property that I detected just to have archeologist say I was wrong to take relics from personal property to turn around and do the same damn thing . IF in anyway that I have offended this topic or have taken it from its context I apologize and ask that the moderator remove it at once.

It's your land so do what your gut tells you. Any land owner that says no to me is given a smile and thanked for their time. There are always old permissions, and other new ones. I don't take a no personally, and if those deputies are professionals, they wont either.

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