First Class Ring and Barber Dime


Jr. Member
Apr 7, 2012
East Tennessee
🏆 Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab E trac, Whites MXT
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Had a pretty good weekend. Went to a location I have hunted numerous times and had no results. I knew there had to be something there so I thought I would give it one more shot. After a few junk targets I hit a strong 12/44. I thought to myself "Finally, a dime!" Out popped my first Barber dime (1893)!
I found myself digging a bunch of coins which included the other silver pictured below. Overall a great day.

Then out came the ring. What a surprise a 10k class ring from 1973, as you can see after clean-up it looked brand new. After coming home I researched the school and discovered a web site that posted yearbooks from previous years so by the next morning (Saturday) I had arranged a meeting with the owner. Turned out that he had lost the ring the summer he had gotten it. Really did not know where, so before his parents discovered it was missing he had replaced it. (Sounds like something I would do.) I will be returning the ring this week to him in person and hope to get a photo.

Thanks for looking.
IMG_6631.jpg IMG_6646.jpg IMG_6647.jpg IMG_6649.jpg

Upvote 5
Nice.Thanks for sharing!!

It'd be great if you could arrange for his Mom and Dad to be at the return of the ring...yeah, that's an evil thought.

Thanks for returning the ring and congrats on the sweet silver.

Was that yearbook site just for that school? Or for yearbooks in general? Care to share the link?

Nice barber!

Do you remember what the class ring #s were on the E Trac ?

Sorry ruffneck I don't because there was also 28 cents in the same hole with the ring so the numbers were all over the place. I hunt in two tone ferrous about 90% of the time and this has really bumped up my digging and also finds. I also found my first "V" nickel the same day but it was toast so I didn't even mention it. I really have enjoyed learning the etrac, I am fairly new to it.
By the way, I told the guy he was not getting his 28 cents back. :laughing7:

I hear you, Two tone is hard to beat. I use it 99% of the time. Takes the guess work out of the iron tones.

I need to find some treasure and purchase a two tone detector. Minelab CTX maybe. Guess it better be gold that I find with the stiff price tag huh :)

Great finds!! Nice ring!!

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