๐Ÿ† HONORABLE MENTION First diamond ring.....and return


Bronze Member
Dec 24, 2012
S.E. Michigan.
๐Ÿ† Honorable Mentions:
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equnox 800... 2 Garrett Pro Pointers, Lesche, and an 18" mini-T- handle and a 31 inch Samson digging tools
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
Saw a local post, lady lost her engagement ring at the beach. I figured I would give it a shot.......About an hour and a half.....bingo!!!! Sent her the pics, she is picking it up after work. Very happy, lots of diamonds 101_9143.JPG101_9144.JPG

Great job, congrats. Vote Honorable Mention!

Awesome job. I hope she appreciates the great deed.

Congratualtions on the recovery/return of that beautiful ring! :notworthy:

Way to go...

Honorable mention! Great job. Got the ring/return I had today beat by mucho diamonds. Congrats!

That is stupendous! There is no better feeling than returning a ring. We find so many but giving one back is a nice thing and the feeling is great. Way to go.

Honorable mention Well done your a good person..

Great job on the find/return. I know she will appreciate it. Honorable mention from me.


Great job man! Cheers, Sub :laughing7:

Did she show Up ?

Excellent work, honorable return, and thank you for elevating the art of detecting!

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