Folks, Are we over regulated.......

"FYI: ADHD and Asperger's are genetic. That are not caused by what people eat. I'm not willing to discuss this any further because I know a lot of people on here disagree with this. However, I did want to let you know the opinion of somebody who treats those patients on a regular basis."

Treats those patients or just try different new pills the pharmacy rep sold you last week? I'm a firm believer that ADHD and Aspergers are developmental issues stemming from what the mother does during pregnancy, i.e, food/liquid/excercise or lack there of along with parenting afterwards. Of course there is no proof of this, NOR is there proof that it is hereditary. In many cases of aspergers, the children are born with an insanely low count of iron in their system. As for ADHD, they have found those children are missing many required minerals.

I bet if a study was done, pregnant mothers that ate at McDy's regularly would be found to have a higher rate of ADHD. Crazy sounding right? Crazy if you don't believe it. That crap CHANGES and MORPHS ARE DNA.

I don't think too many people agree with me, but I don't think a lot disagree either. I mean seriously, how many psycho kids have we seen that the parents are just like oh yeah, they have ADHD. If you don't spend QUALITY PRODUCTIVE time with your children, HANDS ON TIME with legos, lincoln logs, parks outside, whatever, I do not think they will have some hyperactive disorder.

We all know the type of parent, on their cell phone all the time, watching T.V, can't miss the latest show, Facebook constantly. THOSE are the parents of children with ADHD because they caused their children to have that. It's not some disease, it's not detectable by blood tests, it's a FRAME OF MIND PEOPLE. Kids with ADHD need hobbies, outside hobbies. NOT VIDEO GAMES AND TV.

Have you ever told a parent with a child that has ADHD that maybe they aren't spending enough time with them? Maybe not spending quality time? Or are you just saying YUP, another one, Riddelin here you go.

"ADHD impacts school-aged children and results in restlessness, acting impulsively, and lack of focus which impairs their ability to learn properly." Sounds like bad parenting and not enough quality time with parents to me.

Link: I am going to respond bullet point for the sake of time. Please do not be offended.
1. Drug reps are banned from my office.
2. Asperger's is genetic. It runs in families, there are specific traits. Other genetic disorders that run with Asperger's are Autism, OCD, and Tourette's. They are part of a pervasive developmental delay spectrum. Has nothing to do with food.
3. There is no blood test for ADHD because it occurs in the brain. The blood brain barrier completely separates fluids in the brain from those in the body. I could probably invent a CSF test but it would involve sticking a needle in one's brain. Not very partical.
4. Food does not morph DNA. In order to alter DNA something has to effect it during replication and mitosis. The sun can alter DNA, radiation can alter DNA, but unless the food is radioactive....which it my be if from McDonald's, it does not morph DNA.
5. I completely agree wtih you on parental time. ADHD is grossly overdiagnosed as bad parenting. It is easier to place a child on a stimulant then change the parent's behavior....tragic.
6. Agree with you on video games and TV. Both of which can increase activation of cortices in the brain.
7. ADHD does exist and it is genetic, and it does run in families. Just because it is grossly misdiagnosed does not change the fact that there are people who suffer with this.

Concluding thoughts: Don't jump on the anti-medicine bandwagon. We agree on social issues. We disagree on the science...of which, I have studied extensively. I'm not saying I'm right, but my opinion on the science is from 12 years of higher education. None of which was obtained by reading the internet.


More than than the party currently in power????

Which party is currently in power? The republicans rule the supreme court and congress (Majority voted in by a minority of the voters in the house, and holding the senate hostage by threatening a filibuster on everything they don't agree with).

Are you serious? Which party is currently in power? I would have to disagree on your thoughts that republicans rule the supreme court. Holding the senate hostage? How many times has congress sent a bill to the senate only to have Harry Reed not even let it get to a vote? Wouldn't you call that the senate holding congress hostage?

"FYI: ADHD and Asperger's are genetic. That are not caused by what people eat. I'm not willing to discuss this any further because I know a lot of people on here disagree with this. However, I did want to let you know the opinion of somebody who treats those patients on a regular basis."

I have yet to meet a Doc...that has said otherwise when a kid cant focus, be calm or behave...I guess my 4 children are a fluke and better food make them put a better act on, and not a true change....or my kids didnt have ADD or ADHD...and it was the doc that was wrong anyway...but I do member back in we all was nothing like now days be it mommy not eating right while with baby, or baby not getting what it is not genetic, if it can be changed so easily with less sugar....

Every time I let my kids have any processed sugar before school..I get emails...when I make them eat eggs or oatmeal with honey, grits and is that..

Its funny, when they email me they say your kids ADD is acting up...not the child is just to active like he is on sugar or caffine either..but if they truly have it ...I cant change it

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Link: I am going to respond bullet point for the sake of time. Please do not be offended.
1. Drug reps are banned from my office.
2. Asperger's is genetic. It runs in families, there are specific traits. Other genetic disorders that run with Asperger's are Autism, OCD, and Tourette's. They are part of a pervasive developmental delay spectrum. Has nothing to do with food.
3. There is no blood test for ADHD because it occurs in the brain. The blood brain barrier completely separates fluids in the brain from those in the body. I could probably invent a CSF test but it would involve sticking a needle in one's brain. Not very partical.
4. Food does not morph DNA. In order to alter DNA something has to effect it during replication and mitosis. The sun can alter DNA, radiation can alter DNA, but unless the food is radioactive....which it my be if from McDonald's, it does not morph DNA.
5. I completely agree wtih you on parental time. ADHD is grossly overdiagnosed as bad parenting. It is easier to place a child on a stimulant then change the parent's behavior....tragic.
6. Agree with you on video games and TV. Both of which can increase activation of cortices in the brain.
7. ADHD does exist and it is genetic, and it does run in families. Just because it is grossly misdiagnosed does not change the fact that there are people who suffer with this.

Concluding thoughts: Don't jump on the anti-medicine bandwagon. We agree on social issues. We disagree on the science...of which, I have studied extensively. I'm not saying I'm right, but my opinion on the science is from 12 years of higher education. None of which was obtained by reading the internet.


Crisp don't take offense But your quote about the twelve years of education I think I heard that on Animal house. Just struck me funny. sorry

"FYI: ADHD and Asperger's are genetic. That are not caused by what people eat. I'm not willing to discuss this any further because I know a lot of people on here disagree with this. However, I did want to let you know the opinion of somebody who treats those patients on a regular basis."

Treats those patients or just try different new pills the pharmacy rep sold you last week? I'm a firm believer that ADHD and Aspergers are developmental issues stemming from what the mother does during pregnancy, i.e, food/liquid/excercise or lack there of along with parenting afterwards. Of course there is no proof of this, NOR is there proof that it is hereditary. In many cases of aspergers, the children are born with an insanely low count of iron in their system. As for ADHD, they have found those children are missing many required minerals.

I bet if a study was done, pregnant mothers that ate at McDy's regularly would be found to have a higher rate of ADHD. Crazy sounding right? Crazy if you don't believe it. That crap CHANGES and MORPHS ARE DNA.

I don't think too many people agree with me, but I don't think a lot disagree either. I mean seriously, how many psycho kids have we seen that the parents are just like oh yeah, they have ADHD. If you don't spend QUALITY PRODUCTIVE time with your children, HANDS ON TIME with legos, lincoln logs, parks outside, whatever, I do not think they will have some hyperactive disorder.

We all know the type of parent, on their cell phone all the time, watching T.V, can't miss the latest show, Facebook constantly. THOSE are the parents of children with ADHD because they caused their children to have that. It's not some disease, it's not detectable by blood tests, it's a FRAME OF MIND PEOPLE. Kids with ADHD need hobbies, outside hobbies. NOT VIDEO GAMES AND TV.

Have you ever told a parent with a child that has ADHD that maybe they aren't spending enough time with them? Maybe not spending quality time? Or are you just saying YUP, another one, Riddelin here you go.

"ADHD impacts school-aged children and results in restlessness, acting impulsively, and lack of focus which impairs their ability to learn properly." Sounds like bad parenting and not enough quality time with parents to me.

You may be right here but then you have to look at the new Helicopter parents, over top pushing to be the best, when some kids just want to be kids. maybe that brain thing Crisp talks about can be associated with simple stress?

I have yet to meet a Doc...that has said otherwise when a kid cant focus, be calm or behave...I guess my 4 children are a fluke and better food make them put a better act on, and not a true change....or my kids didnt have ADD or ADHD...and it was the doc that was wrong anyway...but I do member back in we all was nothing like now days be it mommy not eating right while with baby, or baby not getting what it is not genetic, if it can be changed so easily with less sugar....

Every time I let my kids have any processed sugar before school..I get emails...when I make them eat eggs or oatmeal with honey, grits and is that..

Its funny, when they email me they say your kids ADD is acting up...not the child is just to active like he is on sugar or caffine either..but if they truly have it ...I cant change it

You may have a good point here. Next time a parent brings a child with suspected ADD I can do one of two things:

1. Send to a psychologist to have psychometric testing and evaluation, review the scientific literature with the parents, discuss side effects of medication, and then make a treatment decision.


2. I can tell the family that some dude on the internet told me he cured his kid's ADD with more wholesome food and less sugar.

What was I thinking, number two is the much better option. Just think of all that time I wasted in undergrad, medical school, and residency. Do you charge for your medical advice?


You may have a good point here. Next time a parent brings a child with suspected ADD I can do one of two things:

1. Send to a psychologist to have psychometric testing and evaluation, review the scientific literature with the parents, discuss side effects of medication, and then make a treatment decision.


2. I can tell the family that some dude on the internet told me he cured his kid's ADD with more wholesome food and less sugar.

What was I thinking, number two is the much better option. Just think of all that time I wasted in undergrad, medical school, and residency. Do you charge for your medical advice?


WOW..another session of you only talking down to me...while you still havent answered any of the question parents ask me when their child DOES change with their change of diet..keep in get paid to push your learnd know how while I do this for free for parents that know Doc dosent know much past what was shoved in his head buy other people that didnt live off the land...LOL

By all means keep pushing what you have been taught in that higher education you keep speaking of...while I live off the land with my 1/2 of ten grade know how..but what is true is vitamins and minerals help all human bodies...and not most now days even get what they this is off the internet so you might not understand all of it....:notworthy:

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WOW..another session of you only talking down to me...while you still havent answered any of the question parents ask me when their child DOES change with their change of diet...LOL

By all means keep pushing what you have been taught in that higher education you keep speaking of...while I live off the land with my 1/2 of ten grade know how..but what is true is vitamins and minerals help all human bodies...and not most now days even get what they this is off the internet so you might not understand all of it....:notworthy:

I'm not knocking your lifestyle. I'm not arguing that having a balanced healthy diet is important. However, I am outright stating that my opinion, with all my education and experience, is infinitely more valuable then your 10.5 grade education and internet searches when it comes to the area of medicine where I am a specialist. Call me crazy for believing that one...

If you don't want me talking down to you then stop talking down to the medical profession. How many more times are we going to go through this?

I'm not knocking your lifestyle. I'm not arguing that having a balanced healthy diet is important. However, I am outright stating that my opinion, with all my education and experience, is infinitely more valuable then your 10.5 grade education and internet searches when it comes to the area of medicine where I am a specialist. Call me crazy for believing that one...

If you don't want me talking down to you then stop talking down to the medical profession. How many more times are we going to go through this?

ONLY as many as it takes....what was taught to you is all great, but it was by more like you that think it is in stone...I live it and so does my kids...what you say is wrong if you DONT eat everything the body if you DO and everything else is there, vit,min, amino, and fats.. and your still off...I AGREE with you..but now days ..who eats, how they should, especially kids..most kids dont even see an oven used now days..microwaveable everything in a box.....I mean no disrespect to you what so ever but being close minded that nature can cure almost all if lived and not just talked wrong...we came from the earth, not med school

DID you see that I AGREE with you ...if your base line..(with everything the body really does need everyday)..but not many are..

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ONLY as many as it takes....what was taught to you is all great, but it was by more like you that think it is in stone...I live it and so does my kids...what you say is wrong if you DONT eat everything the body if you DO and everything else is there, vit,min, amino, and fats.. and your still off...I AGREE with you..but now days ..who eats, how they should, especially kids..most kids dont even see an oven used now days..microwaveable everything in a box.....I mean no disrespect to you what so ever but being close minded that nature can cure almost all is living it and not just watched on TV...

I will take this any day of the week. Lets call a truce for a while? I respect nature and I value homeopathic remedies. I always recommend appropriate diet and exercise. I have a pamphlet on sleep I had out to every patient about avoiding tv and how it can effect the sleep cycle. However; there are a lot of things nature cannot touch...these poor souls need me and my medicines.

Let us go our separate ways in peace.

Et nomine patri, et fili, spiritus sancti.

I will take this any day of the week. Lets call a truce for a while? I respect nature and I value homeopathic remedies. I always recommend appropriate diet and exercise. I have a pamphlet on sleep I had out to every patient about avoiding tv and how it can effect the sleep cycle. However; there are a lot of things nature cannot touch...these poor souls need me and my medicines.

Let us go our separate ways in peace.

Et nomine patri, et fili, spiritus sancti. friend....its all not here to change you..but you know im not completely a good life is ruff...most people take the easier path. or cheaper path....that's life for most...but ill give you credit for backing anything I just said...DOC...peace be with you and your family

Are you serious? Which party is currently in power? I would have to disagree on your thoughts that republicans rule the supreme court. Holding the senate hostage? How many times has congress sent a bill to the senate only to have Harry Reed not even let it get to a vote? Wouldn't you call that the senate holding congress hostage?

I think the political leanings of each Supreme Court member is pretty well know plus we know what party got each one onto the bench - right? And today as we speak you do not believe that the majority are right leaning and or were installed under a republican administration?? I find this curious??

I think the political leanings of each Supreme Court member is pretty well know plus we know what party got each one onto the bench - right? And today as we speak you do not believe that the majority are right leaning and or were installed under a republican administration?? I find this curious??
You did see the ruling on Obamacare right?

You did see the ruling on Obamacare right?

5-4 ruling in favor? And you saw the ruling which turned corporations into people?

Feel free to state on health care on what points do you think the justices erred and what parts of the health care law do you feel are unconstitutional.

Again the political leanings of the different Supreme Court justices are well known but in the end they all use the constitution as their guide.

And for those geniuses who are always stating how clear cut and obvious the constitution is it would be well worth while to actually read through some decisions and understand how tremendously complex and ambiguous the constitution really is when it comes time to apply it to real life.


The biggest issues are contraceptives, end of life issues and of course the mandate...

You did see the ruling on Obamacare right?

I could give you a longwinded personal opinion about Obamacare and medicine but it would probably get deleted for being too political. Instead, I will sum up bullet points:

Fact 1: Preventive medicine saves money. Seeing a doctor for early onset pneumonia is inexpensive. Being hospitalized in the ICU for sepsis and untreated pneumonia is extremely expensive.
Fact 2: Hospitals can NEVER turn a dying person away. Between 25-50% of hospital patients cannot pay their bills and it gets written off.
Fact 3: Hospitals are going under from lack of patient's paying.

Starting to see the catch here Diesel?

We have two choices: Refuse care to dying people without insurance or have hospitals go bankrupt. Hospitals are continuously decreasing the quality of care and cutting corners to prevent from going under.

Fact 4: If we provide government mandated care for people without insurance as outpatients then it will decrease expenses inpatient in a hospital.
Fact 5: Private insurance companies will still exist. They accept clients based on risk stratification algorithms and formulas that always lead them to a profit.

So, creation of Obamacare will basically cause a two level system of health care. Obamacare will pay less then private insurances. The crappy doctors and clinics will gravitate towards these because they will not be able to compete with high quality private practice. The good doctors will continue to be private practice and continue to be available to people who will pay more. Like it or not, this will boil down to no money equals inferior care to people who have money.

I don't like Obamacare anymore then you do. However, healthcare is bankrupting the country and decreasing quality of care. America is currently considered the gold standard for healthcare in the world. We have to do something to protect this.

Diesel, your thoughts on my points?
Stocky, your thoughts on my points?

Mods: Can you copy and paste this to me in a PM if it needs to be deleted. I will edit it for content and start another thread. I think it is an important issue to discuss.

The biggest issues are contraceptives, end of life issues and of course the mandate...

contraceptive are a smoke screen for the pro-choice/pro-life debate. Terminating pregnancy saves money, much less expensive then paying for birth and lifelong care afterwards.

End of life issues is huge! It will never be addressed. Doctors should not be allowed to decide when they give up and a patient dies.


Glad you two found some middle ground......there's good points on both sides of the spectrum.....good food and exercise got me over some rough patches along the road.....and about 35 years ago I lost a very close friend who did himself in....a competent psychologist helped me deal with that difficult period and helped get me back on track.

So depending on your mental toughness and the circumstances both approaches are valid to varying degrees......I doubt I could handle some of the stuff Crispin comes across as part of his profession and hats off to him for that.

Regards + HH

Bill friend....its all not here to change you..but you know im not completely a good life is ruff...most people take the easier path. or cheaper path....that's life for most...but ill give you credit for backing anything I just said...DOC...peace be with you and your family

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