Forest Closure ???

Mine Shaft

Hero Member
Apr 11, 2017
Fontana, California
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Hi everyone, i got a question in regards to my claim. I have a 20 acre claim in southern Ca, on National Forest land the USFS issued a closure from March 5th to the 16th due to all the Snow and Rain for safety reasons, now that closure has been extended through June WTF. So my question is am i exempt sense i have a claim. Thank you.
I would contact whoever you made the contract through. They should know all of the terms of the agreement.

I would contact whoever you made the contract through. They should know all of the terms of the agreement.
Hi Blackfoot! That would be the BLM, i will call them on Monday but just posting this to get some feedback i am sure other ppl are dealing with the same problem.

The BLM can't help you with Forest closures. The BLM is an agency of the Interior Department and the Forest Service is an agency of the Department of Agricultural. You might as well as ask your waitress to rebuild your car's engine when she brings your breakfast. Apples and Oranges.

You probably have a right to enter the forest to travel to your mining claim. You would need to read the actual forest closure order to know for sure. More than likely the closure order allows property owners to travel to their property. Mining claims are property and claim owners would be among those exempted from the closure order.

Heavy Pans

The BLM can't help you with Forest closures. The BLM is an agency of the Interior Department and the Forest Service is an agency of the Department of Agricultural. You might as well as ask your waitress to rebuild your car's engine when she brings your breakfast. Apples and Oranges.

You probably have a right to enter the forest to travel to your mining claim. You would need to read the actual forest closure order to know for sure. More than likely the closure order allows property owners to travel to their property. Mining claims are property and claim owners would be among those exempted from the closure order.

Heavy Pans
Wait a minute your waitress might just be a really good mechanic
21 century..

Ditto Clay. In my neck of then woods when the FS issues a closure a guard or two are stationed on road and local property owners and peeps with legitimate need are allowed entry. Haven't seen this in a while and in the past has been only used in extreme fire situations.

Ditto Clay. In my neck of then woods when the FS issues a closure a guard or two are stationed on road and local property owners and peeps with legitimate need are allowed entry. Haven't seen this in a while and in the past has been only used in extreme fire situations.
In this case its because of the Snow and rain that has caused a lot of damage to homes and roads 22 ppl lost there lives in my local mountains.

In this case its because of the Snow and rain that has caused a lot of damage to homes and roads 22 ppl lost there lives in my local mountains.
I was aware of that, fortunately I've not had to see closures due to flood, etc. Your drought might be over or at least a lot better.

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