Garret Ac 150

I've never used any of them, maybe someone else has?
I've heard a few good things about the 150 though!
Not a bad entry level machine at all!
Have to think about customer service too! Garrett's is awesome!

if this is a hobby u think u may want to persue i suggest mayb saving a little more up and getting a middle level machine i think u may get bored pretty quick with the beginner ones or even try a used higher end

if this is a hobby u think u may want to persue i suggest mayb saving a little more up and getting a middle level machine i think u may get bored pretty quick with the beginner ones or even try a used higher end
I don't know about that? I had my F2 for a week before I ordered the ATP!:laughing7:

Save your money and buy the Ace 250 & a pro-pointer and a good shovel/digger,so if you don't like it,you can list it on ebay or craigslist and get at least half of your money back(if not more).

I "Get" that the ACE 150 is on the right-side of the "TOY" MD scale OP.

That said though...I've had an absolute blast with Mine these last few months. Yeah....I'm pretty-sure that I've dug damn-near 90% of every
pull-tab in Oregon but....(lol).....I've found some pretty neat stuff too.

'Can't beat the price...that's fer sure!

I would go with at least the Ace 250 but if you like it like one of the other guys said you will want to upgrade asap. So you can spend $200+ now or $575 in a few weeks. The pro pointer is a must no matter what you buy. Call Bart at Big Boys Hobbies

Hey Chrisdeme!
There are many great beginner detectors out there, but there are a few hat stick out in my mind-

Fisher F2- I own the f2 and have been very pleased with it. It has lightning fast response and recovery speed unlike the ace 150 and 250. In addition, its depth is respectable for a beginner detector, and you can always change its coil depending on the hunting site. Lastly, unlike all of the detectors on your list the f2 provides the user with target id numbers and tone id. Together, they make it very easy to identify a target and to determine whether you should dig it or not.

Teknetics Eurotek pro- This detector has recently been released by Teknetics and is designed for the tough hunting conditions found in Europe. Like the F2, the eurotek pro has a very fast recovery speed and is very easy to use. However, I think it might go a little deeper than the F2.

Tesoro compadre/silver uMax- These detectors are made by tesoro, and they back them with their unmatched lifetime warranty. both of these detectors are SUPER easy to use, very sensitive, reliable, and incredibly lightweight. They do not have a digital display like the Fisher F2 or Teknetics Eurotek Pro, but a lot of people believe that this makes people dig more targets (so you may dig a bit more trash) and therefore pass up less good targets.

No matter which one you choose I am sure that you will enjoy it!
Happy hunting,

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