Getting D2 soon have questions


Full Member
Mar 3, 2015
Detector(s) used
Coinmaster pro, at gold. Gold monster 1000. Equinox 800, sdc 2300, soon D2
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I will be picking one of these up after the weekend and wanted to ask a few things. Im getting the full remote with the 9 inch coil. Ive never used headphones and dont think ill be getting any.

What are some settings people have used to coin shoot in very very trashy areas. Like old ghost town type trash.

How happy is everyone with the machine?

I wont be using it in water but might hit tahoe beaches and see how it preforms.

How user friendly is this compared to the nox 800?

Lastly will this work better in heavy iron than the nox 800?


The D2 is a great machine. I do recommend headphones. Even the cheap wired backphones over no headphones. The Nox is an excellent machine also but my friends that have both units prefer the Deus in heavy iron.

I use a Deus 1 but with any metal detector headphone's are a big plus - hunting with out them is a huge handicap.
They enable you to hear deep targets that you'll miss without them and help knock out road, wind and surf noise.
Even a cheap set is much better then the built in speaker.
Full sized headphone are the best - their hot in the Summer but they also keep your ears warm in the Winter.

IMO, it's not as user friendly as say a Minelab Equinox, but, it's mostly about getting used to how things work and the menu navigation. It's a bit better in iron over the Equinox. Coil choices are rather limited and expensive. I'm not a fan of the factory wireless backphones either. I just don't find them comfortable.

IMO, it's not as user-friendly as say a Minelab Equinox, but, it's mostly about getting used to how things work and the menu navigation. It's a bit better in iron over the Equinox. Coil choices are rather limited and expensive. I'm not a fan of the factory wireless backphones either. I just don't find them comfortable.
Ive rolled the nox 800 for about 5 years. Im looking forward to a new machine and a challenge. I only go to heavy iron sites, and i, for the life of me, can't get the nox to unmask targets when there are also iron targets close by.

IMO, it's not as user friendly as say a Minelab Equinox, but, it's mostly about getting used to how things work and the menu navigation. It's a bit better in iron over the Equinox. Coil choices are rather limited and expensive. I'm not a fan of the factory wireless backphones either. I just don't find them comfortable.
I tried those a couple of hunts and it was give my over the head cup type please, best decision made.
I'll just hang on to the others for back ups, but I do wonder what shape the head has to be for the back phones to be comfortable.

I love the backphones, very light and comfortable. I'm so used to them that I now hate wearing the full headphones of my Apex. To each their own.

Ive rolled the nox 800 for about 5 years. Im looking forward to a new machine and a challenge. I only go to heavy iron sites, and i, for the life of me, can't get the nox to unmask targets when there are also iron targets close by.
Yeah, iron infested sites are a challenge regardless of which machine you use. With the Equinox, I use the 6' coil, iron bias at 0, 50 tones, recovery speed 6 to 8 depending on how deep I need to go, and horseshoe on so I can hear the iron along with any non-ferrous target. Swing slowly and repeat at 90 degrees on any iffy signal! I usually hunt in Park 1 mode, but, sometimes Field 2 or Beach 2 works better. Just experiment with the modes for best results in your ground.

Yeah, iron infested sites are a challenge regardless of which machine you use. With the Equinox, I use the 6' coil, iron bias at 0, 50 tones, recovery speed 6 to 8 depending on how deep I need to go, and horseshoe on so I can hear the iron along with any non-ferrous target. Swing slowly and repeat at 90 degrees on any iffy signal! I usually hunt in Park 1 mode, but, sometimes Field 2 or Beach 2 works better. Just experiment with the modes for best results in your ground.
50 tones drives me insane lol. I went out yesterday to fine tune the machine and it worked a little better but not much. I also wasn't in suoer heavy iron. Sensitivity at 20, IB at 3, 6 inch, park 2, khz 5, i found MF blurred the target and made it scratchy, sound down on everything below 20. I find if i discriminate numbers instead of turning the volume down targets totally vanish. If i had a 23 solid next to a choppy 18 or 19 after notching 18 and 19 out the 23 would also dissappear. Not exactly what i expect in an expensive machine. Masked targets are a huge issue. If i change to MF the target becomes super choppy and jumps all over before possibly vanishing. I put a 1 oz silver bar next to iron and got absolutely nothing on a surface test. Imagine in the ground lol.

The higher you put the Iron Bias setting, the more things will sound like iron.

I tried those a couple of hunts and it was give my over the head cup type please, best decision made.
I'll just hang on to the others for back ups, but I do wonder what shape the head has to be for the back phones to be comfortable.
🤣🤣🤣 I wondered the same thing myself first time I tried the WS6 on ("The headband goes in back ‽")

SO glad I got the WSA II-XLs (PITA that was 🤨).

First headphones I ever owned (late '60s/early '70s) was a set of KOSS cup-over-the-ear type I bought myself so I could listen to music as loud (or controversial) as I wanted, while blocking out the rest of the world. :headbang:

Since then I think I've tried just about every other type of "earphone" (generic), but I still prefer the big ol' clunky cup-over-the-ear type. :happy3:

When I first got the ORX I looked at the backphones and thought, these will be short lived. However, after using them that first day, I decided that I actually liked them. When I bought my WS6 Master I choose the WSA-II over the XL version. I can hear what's going on around me and hear those deep signals. Best of both worlds IMHO.

When I bought my WS6 Master I choose the WSA-II over the XL version.
:icon_scratch: Why not use the WS6 as backphones?
Aren't the WSA-IIs redundant? (Apart from the puck, they look the same.)

:icon_scratch: Why not use the WS6 as backphones?
Aren't the WSA-IIs redundant? (Apart from the puck, they look the same.)
I use the WS6 puck on the stick rather than using the control on my head. Needed the WSA-II over my ears.

Still the picture and description says it all.

I can hear a mosquito buzzing around my head, birds chirping, squirrels running through the dry leaves from hundreds of feet away.
Now if somebody talks from a little distance away they sound muffled to the point where I would take them off to listen or raise one cup off the ear.
Comfortable wearing to where they're not squishing the sides of the head (Grey Ghosts are tight fitting)
They protect the ears from the sun and the cold
Then again wearing full cup headphones is what I have been doing ever since they installed a headphone jack in a detector.

Screen Shot 2024-01-20 at 9.13.35 AM.png

Still the picture and description says it all.

I can hear a mosquito buzzing around my head, birds chirping, squirrels running through the dry leaves from hundreds of feet away.
Now if somebody talks from a little distance away they sound muffled to the point where I would take them off to listen or raise one cup off the ear.
Comfortable wearing to where they're not squishing the sides of the head (Grey Ghosts are tight fitting)
They protect the ears from the sun and the cold
Then again wearing full cup headphones is what I have been doing ever since they installed a headphone jack in a detector.

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Good to know. I have some full cup headphones that I can hear my surroundings and others that noise canceling. Mainly my Minelab headphones are easy to hear what's going on around me. The Garretts for the Apex and my Legend headphones are too noise canceling and tight.

Good to know. I have some full cup headphones that I can hear my surroundings and others that noise canceling. Mainly my Minelab headphones are easy to hear what's going on around me. The Garretts for the Apex and my Legend headphones are too noise canceling and tight.
I think I have 3 sets of KOSS headphones. (NEW)
Never cared for them as they slipped off my ears.

I think I have 3 sets of KOSS headphones. (NEW)
Never cared for them as they slipped off my ears.
Lol, that's the trouble with the Nokta wireless headphones for the Impact. They tend to slip off.

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