Ghosts, Real or Not??

Do you believe that ghosts exist??

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

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  • Unsure

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  • Don't Care

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Silver Member
Mar 12, 2005
Stephens City, Virginia
Detector(s) used
Treasure Ace250 Tesoro Cibola
Kevo_DFX said:
For once, we agree. I think there are more people that believe in paranormal than don't as well. Deism of any sort is a paranormal belief. My point was that if this poll were taken somewhere that wasn't focused on the very subject the poll is about, it would be more accurate.

I DON'T think that 95% (as the poll indicates, roughly) of folks beleive in ghosts.

- Kevo

I posted it for fun and not accuracy.



Full Member
Nov 17, 2009
Far West Texas
After participating in the poll (i said yes by the way), and reading everyones stories and experiences, I figured I ought to post some of my own.

Most of my "paranormal" experiences occurred when I was little kid 6 or 7 (Im 17 now). I always remember, after I said goodnight to my parents, when their room was right next to mine, I would walk to the bathroom and them to my bedroom. I always left the light on till I fell asleep, at which point my dad would come and turn it off for me. On several occasions, when he killed the lights, it would wake me up. Usually, when he turned out the lights, he'd leave to door open. When it was like that, there was about 5 or 6 inches of space between the bedroom door and the closet doors. On the nights that I would wake up in the dark, I would always see a couple of faces looking at me from behind the door (it still gives me goosebumps, Im getting them as I write this). Usually, I would just cower under the covers and eventually fall asleep. On a few occasions, i would peek out and check, and then there would be nothing there...until I looked up, and there they were, one or two floating faces. Scared the sh*t out of me. Still does.

Also, a few years ago, one of my dad's old dogs (a husky-wolf mix) died. We just went out to feed her and there she was, i think she was around 17 or 18 years old when she died (so, approximately 120 to 140 dog years old. :] ) I always liked her, especially since my dad had owned her since before he met my mom, and before they had me. Anyway, when I was 13 or 14, I was sitting down to eat dinner, but it was rather late. If i remember correctly, it was on a Monday, and me and Dad had just come home from a Boy Scout meeting. It was pitch black outside, and theres a very big (4' by 6') window in the kitchen/dining room. Just outside, is where the bigger dogs used to live. its paved over with concrete now, but it was bare dirt back then. I remember that she (the dog) always liked to dig big holes and lie down in them, and one of them was right in from of where the window is now. anyway, I was just eating, when for whatever reason, something told me to look outside. And, being the kid I am, I did it, and there she was, the dog staring right back at me with the happiest look on her face. I asked Dad, who was cooking, if he had seen it, and he just said, "Did I see what?".

So, thats just a few of my good stories. And I know that Gettysburg was mentioned several times, so I'll just say what I experienced while I was there. I went to PA because my dad had lost his job here in TX, this was 2 years ago. Anyway, we were in York, which was, i dont know, and a half an hour to 45 minutes from gettyburg, so on our last day there, we decided to go there. After spending all day looking at shops, and houses in town, we decided to visit the battlefield right before we left. We pulled in at around 6pm, so it was starting to get dark. eventually, i convince my parents to stop so I could get out and look around. I knew it was definitely on the list of most haunted places, and I thought it would be so cool if i saw something to tell my friends about. Long story short, I didnt see anything, but certainly felt a "presence" all around me. I also saw what looked like a shadowy figure standing in the trees, but that may just have been a trick of the eye.


Hero Member
Mar 5, 2007
Good stories Alex. I liked the one about the dog. A few years ago we had an earthquake. Now our area is NOT known for quakes but it happened. It was early morning, right about dawn and I felt this huge KATHUD onto my bed. I thought it was my rather portly cat jumping off the bookshelf where he used to sit and observe through the window. It was so real and lifelike I yelled out..."Stop jumping, just settle down." My cat was a 16 pounder but once in awhile he ran around like a crazy kitten. If you can imagine a 16 pound bowling ball landing on you as you're trying to sleep...well that's about the effect. ;D He jumped on and off that bookshelf all the time.

After I was done commenting about him jumping, I fell back asleep.

A few hours later I was up and off to work. Found out later a quake had struck our area, strong enough to do a little bit of damage and move furniture around a bit.

I went pale.

Two things were running through my mind. One - OMG we had an earthquake! Two - omg my cat had been dead for 6 years. That wasn't him, it must have been the bed moving from the quake.

Once my rational mind came back I realized it just FELT like my big tubby tabby cat jumping in his old familiar way and the bed was actually jolted by the quake.

It was logical and rational and sad at the same time. For that brief moment my cat was jumping down from his beloved perch once again, probably headed for the food dish. It was comfortable, it was familiar, it wasn't him.

My point being that sometimes the mind processes things and makes sure you find a pleasant aftereffect of a strange occurence so you aren't scared. Your dog appeared to you for whatever reason to give you a bit of comfort because you probably needed it at that moment. Do animals have souls, are they capable of returning in spirit to comfort us or warn us? Why not.

You're lucky to have seen your old dog friend again. What I was left with was logic. Knowing he wasn't really there and the feeling of missing my old fatty catty. Consider yourself blessed.


Full Member
Apr 28, 2006
Las Vegas, Nv
This one I just remembered from quite a few years back. I was hired as the activities director for a resort owned by Lawrence Rockefeller, and was provided a three bedroom home on the island of Virgin Gorda. This house sat up on the spine of the highest hill overlooking the main village. At the rear of the house, and down the hill, was a cemetery. I never paid much attention to the cemetery, as it was not facing the front, and was a little out of sight from the rear.
There was no air conditioning on the island then, so all windows were open and screened. My bedroom was in the middle of the house, with my bedroom windows facing to the rear. My bed was directly under the double set of windows.
I retired about 10:30pm one night, and went to sleep without any difficulty. I was startled out of sleep by a very loud scream, that seemed more like a woman's screech, or that of a cougar's screech.
People, you can believe that at that moment, I was totally awake. Something came through the windows at my head, pressing down with a heavy force. So much so, that I could not lift my head. It continued down my body, which like my head I was not able to move. I saw a blurry transparent shape step off the end of the bed on to the floor, and enter the hall leading to the living room.
After a few seconds, I arose and went into the living room where I found nothing amiss. There was just an unusual coolness in the living room, but no shape.
The next day I went into a store owned by a West Indian friend whom I told of my ordeal. "Jumbies", he said. "They be trying to scare you, m'boy". Well, it or they did a hell of a job. "I fix it tonight before you come from the job".
I came home after dark that night to find an old woman sitting on my front steps with a pile of feathers and bones at her feet. "Jumbies go now, you be fine", she said.
I never had another occurrence for the two years that I remained there.

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:icon_thumleft: ;D OK... just got back from visiting my mom, in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, and stayed over-night in the "old home place"... which I already knew, had a "ghost". My mom is in
an "assisted living" facility away from the OHP. THANK GOD! I found out why. My nephew, over Thanksgiving, told me, that "grand-dad" (my dad) told him that when dad brought the place in @ 1938, a VERY interesting statement was made to my dad (which I NEVER knew). "I'll give you the keys to the place... BUT! You won't stay there, because it is HAUNTED!" My nephew is very sensitive, and will NOT stay there overnight. HA! Growing up, I NEVER experienced "harm", and remember my
mom told me that the original owner committed suicide there... PROBABLY, the attic. MY bedroom was just below the attic, with the door... in MY bedroom. HA! It was ALWAYS freezing cold in winter,
as we had NO heat upstairs. The frost in the winter, was ALWAYS on the INSIDE; it was colder in my bedroom, than it was OUTSIDE! I did hear someone walking around in the attic, at night; knocking on
the walls, voices murmuring, etc. I just thought it was my imagination, and NEVER said ANYTHING to my parents or older brother (he had the SAME bedroom, when he was growing up; he NEVER said ANYTHING, either). Dad tore down some original buildings; my mom had some MORE buildings, and trees "down"... after dad died in 2004. WELL! The ORIGINAL owner, as a "ghost", was PROBABLY po'ed; then my dad was PROBABLY po'ed; my mom was "pushed" down from the bedroom, on the second floor to a "pull-out bed", on the FIRST floor. I slept in her old bedroom, she had with dad, when I went up to see her. SHE said just before dad died, she was alone... found a "unknown" man spirit in bed with her, and screamed... dad died several months later (he was in a rehab. hospital, "fighting" cancer). After that, is when she moved down to the first floor, trying to survive, in a BIG old house;
my older brother took her to the doctor, oversaw her bills, investments, etc (I live 200 miles away). As she got older, wasn't eating good, NEVER said ANYTHING about "weird stuff", going on. She finally
agreed to go to where she is now... and is VERY happy there.
This past weekend, is one... I will NEVER forget! I knew the second floor & attic were "active", so I SMUDGED the Whole OHP, with WHITE SAGE, according to Native American "rituals" (during the day... HA!). THAT night was something else... gotta take a "break"... and "leave y'all hanging" for MORE! :wink: :icon_sunny: 8)


Kentucky Kache

Okay Rebel. OUT WITH IT! ;D

I'm sure you've detected that old place ??

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D LOL... not yet; gonna do research on original owner. BEAUTIFUL place, for a old "homestead"; a grave or two... BEFORE the OHP was built. HA! ANYWAY... back to the incident; Dec. 1st, my older brother, mom, and I were at the OHP; the bee hive that my mom wanted removed from a tree in the front yard was gone; it was @ FOUR feet in length and about TWO feet in width... VERY active with bees. NONE of us did remove it; my brother said maybe a neighbor did... and I said, maybe dad did...
(he has been deceased since 2004, and was VERY meticulous about the appearance of the place). My
mom and older brother looked at me, as if I had "lost my marbles". :D That bee hive "tells me", it's gonna be a brutal, cold winter... starting in January; "up there", anyway. :wink: SO! The "mystery" of the bee hive removal, was the FIRST incident of a "chain of paranormal events" for me, Dec. 1st, 2009.
As I "posted" previously... after seeing my mom, and older brother off, I settled in, SMUDGED the OHP, with WHITE SAGE... according to Cherokee "rituals"; we have Cherokee & Monacan Nations kin.
I did the attic, second, and SOME of the first floor... thinking nothing was happening there. HA!
I had peace & quiet, silence... reading, NOT watching TV. Went to bed @ 10:30pm. TOTAL darkness;
slept on the sofa, where my mom used to sleep, on the FIRST floor. In total darkness, heard knocking, and someone walking up-stairs; I felt very cold in my chest area, and later, my back. I heard murmuring of voices... THEN! VERY energetic dark shadows & light flashes around me... for about three hours! The SMUDGING must have po'ed SOMEONE... HA! From THAT "being", I felt questions, such as "WHO ARE YOU?" "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" It became VERY cold, I was NOT frightened, and thought of my mom tolerating this BS, for a long time... and stuck it out. From this
"encounter", I sensed the original owner was po'ed at my dad for removing some buildings; then when mom removed MORE buildings & trees, my dad was po'ed. So, she was "moved" to the first floor, and then "out". FINALLY, at @ 3:30 am, a BLACK SHADOW stood in front of me, and the "hostilites" stopped; may have been my older sister (deceased since 1947), my dad (deceased since 2004), or maybe "J"... DUNNO. :dontknow: ANYWAY, got up at 5:00 am (thinking it was 6:00
am - usual time for "wake-up"; older brother forgot to reset the clock). It was still cold... BUT! At
@ 5:15 am, I smelled fuel oil... check the oil furnance, and it was on... a fire was in it (I didn't light it).
I felt the oil furnance, and it was warm... warming up the place. I checked the oil furnance BEFORE going to bed, and it was OFF, & cold to touch; it stayed on for @ 1/2 hour. Went out to mom's newspaper "box", and the sensor light was ON! DANG! Musta been "tripped" by a dog or something; this was @ 5:30 am. Ate some breakfast & made/drank some regular coffee. Took a shower... came out, furnance was off... place starting to cool. Read the newpaper, drank some more
"wake-up" coffee; oil furnance was "cold to touch". At @ 7:15 am, went to local McDonald's for BIGGER breakfast, and coffee. Went to see my mom at 8:00 am (she was getting ready to eat HER breakfast...); asked her about the oil furnance, and she said my older brother had NOT turned it on, yet. HA! SO! I met with the administrator of the facility, as she was coming "on duty", and told her "under NO circumstances, will mom stay over-night, at the OHP; tell my older brother that"; I would talk to him, later. SO! All three floors of the OHP are "active"... and I gotta research the OHP; original owner, history of the area, etc. I will continue to go up for "over-nighters". I did have some experiences PREVIOUSLY on the second floor; NEVER the first floor. Mom NEVER told me about "weird stuff" going on. She did have "animals" under the house, making noises. I fixed that "problem" by "filling in" gaps and planting marigolds on the borders of the house; she had NO more "problems" after that. I gotta write this all down, for my nephew; bet he will NEVER go there, again. :D :icon_thumleft:

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
:D HA! My nephew asked me if I would come up and stay overnight with him, there... this was at Thanksgiving, BEFORE the experience, I just "posted". Funny thing is... he investigated the Stanley Hotel, with TAPS, out in Colorado, (he lives there, now... moving back to Austin, TX. SOON), and has a "long-distance" relationship, with one of the TAPS girl investigators... SHE is quite cute. ;D
:icon_thumleft: He said he is meeting her in Virginia for X-Mas, and wants to take her to the OHP;
yeah, right... would LOVE to get TAPS down here. ANYWAY, I dare my brother, my nephew, to stay just ONE night there... they won't. NOT after my experience. It is too dangerous, for them, my mom; why not me? BECAUSE, I have NOTHING to do with the "changes" at the place; "attachments"
to "things" as they "were", can get us "in trouble" ANYTIME. :coffee2: WASSAIL! Just have to add...
checked MANY other places, things; THIS is my OHP... and... PERSONAL! :o BTW, now "the wife" won't even go "up there", for an over-niter; day-trips are fine, to visit mom... LOL. :D :wink:


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Rebel, great minds...............I was thinking of TAPS before your last post. I think Chris Williams is a good looking young woman!!

Annnnyway. Sounds like TAPS could get some good stuff at your OHP. And, it isn't that far for them to drive; after all, they've driven to Florida, Colorado, and California. Hope they'll do it. :thumbsup:

Rebel - KGC

Gold Member
Jun 15, 2007
;D YO, Ss! Can't remember if it was Chris or Kristi... saw her "pic" on his "fancified" cell phone; if I DO see my nephew & her on X-Mas eve, (away from mom, and big brother...), we will have a LONG
talk. :D :wink:


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting


Sep 6, 2007
well i work for a paranormal group that does ghost tours around brisbane and gold coast. I communicate with the spirits on the tour and pass on the messages to the clients on the tour. Some people get freaked out by this as i am not myself some of the time when i communicate with the dead. But the other guys on the group know to just let me do my thing. Last week and we went to the gold caost to see a few haunted locations. One of which was a old house which was a asylum place where a mentally unstable guy re sited. It is in the hinterland and the house is quite run down now. The minute i walked in i sensed someone there. As i went under stairs into the basement of the house i saw a man standing in the corner of the room. He was not happy that we were there. I did a evp (electronic voice phenomena) while i was there so that the others could hear his voice if he spoke to me. I asked what his name was and immediately a deep stern voice answered DAVID. When i played it back to the group everyone got chills. They could tell he was not happy. Noises started happening around the room and people were getting freaked out so we left the house. As we left the house the man tried following me out. I had to talk to him and make me stay there were he belonged.
We also went to a place called Ernest train crash where a train derailed in 1923 and numerous people lost there life including children. As i walked towards the tunnel i could hear a train coming towards me from inside the tunnel. The tunnel was never reopened after the accident in 1923 and there are no other train stations near by. I also saw a few spirits there including a young boy who kept playing peak a boo with us. I was not the only one who saw this little boy.
I have always had a gift but it was only about 5 months ago that i have except this part of me because i was too scared to persue it. My granmother and father both have the gift and my grandmother also was a herbalist and did bon nomn debwa (black magic). Growing up we had a few spirits around our house one of which was a little girl who looked alot like my sister and I. When i was about 10 my father was walking through a cemetery when he came across a newly dug grave of a little girl and besides the grave on the grass was a locket with a picture of a little girl. my father picked up the locket did a pray next to the grave and asked if he could take the locket with him and thanked the little girl. that night when i father went to sleep he was woken up by a little girl sitting at the end of his bed. the same girl who's picture was in the locket. That night the little girl sat next to him and spoke to him. she did this every night at midnight. Often she would come into mysiter n i room n watched us. At one time my sister spoke to her thinking it was me but she did not reply.
The little girl helped my dad numerous times which consisted of her telling my father what horse to back in a race that was running that wk. I remember one time my parents won $17,000 on a horse race that the little girl had told him to back. Back then that kind of money was alot. This happened a few times. Then one day my aunts was really sick and the doctors gave her only a few months to live. My father told the little girl about it and she told him to give my auntie the locket so that she could help her but make sure that he got the locket back. The next day my dad did as the little girl said and within 2 weeks my auntie was no longer sick. the little girl appeared to her every night as she had did for my father. the doctors couldn't explain how she saw no longer sick. that was 18 years ago and my auntie is still alive. But the only thing was when my father asked my auntie for the locket back she said she has lost it and my father never got the locket back or saw the little girl again. I believe that she still has the locket but wont give it back.
I have so many ghost stories i could tell but id be here typing for hours lol. That's why i know that there are spirits around. I just completed my reiki one which has helped my clear any blockages and brought out my psychic abilities out. I cant wait to do reiki two and my masters. I know there are alot of people who don't believe and wont believe my story which is ok. I guess most don't believe unless they have had an experience of there own. But this is just part of my story. hope you enjoyed reading it.


Silver Member
Jan 22, 2007
Detector(s) used
Tesoro Bandido II and DeLeon. also a Detector Pro Headhunter Diver, and a Garrett BFO called The Hunter & a Garrett Ace 250.
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
I believe you, too. Do you keep a personal diary of your experiences? You could write a book from those notes in a few years; or sooner. :thumbsup:

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