Goofy slang for real hunters

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Keppy, you see I was just trying to help him out and get a little traffic on his post :tongue3: I can understand where he's coming from in a sense, but then again you have to pop your head in every once in a while and get to know who's, who :laughing7:

Remember, this post was sitting their idly until I gave it a breath of life.

Now back to the original topic...

I have one to add

egh - nothing of value again :tongue3: See, I can play nicely too :laughing7:

The guy on the left of that pic looks to me like he just walked up to that torn
pile of steel, and asked the first official person he saw...

New guy: "What happened??? Was there a train wreck?????"

Chap answers: "Nope, it's a new exhibit for our local art museum."

Here's yer sign...

Fast43-I just want to know how someone from Kentucky knew what the word arse meant...

Hey Gleaner, can you make those picture any larger :icon_scratch: :laughing9: It's making it hard to post on this page :tongue3:

fast43, you're posting like crazy today, and now your post, to like ratio, is nearly 100% Keep up the good work.

Oh, thanks for this thread too, it upped my likes as well :icon_thumright: OK, carry on :tongue3:

Keppy, you see I was just trying to help him out and get a little traffic on his post :tongue3: I can understand where he's coming from in a sense, but then again you have to pop your head in every once in a while and get to know who's, who :laughing7:

Remember, this post was sitting their idly until I gave it a breath of life.

Now back to the original topic...

I have one to add

egh - nothing of value again :tongue3: See, I can play nicely too :laughing7:
.... spart... i know what you were up to good work.....

I tried to make a humorous post and I guess I failed. I discovered who the forum bullies are here.

:icon_scratch: And here I thought my posts were at least cute :dontknow:

There is no one here to bullying you, most have better things to do.

Well, since he may have packed his bags and left, I'll be glad to field any of your responses and critique them in a kind and loving way

The sad part is no one even came close to being a bully. Funny, but when you post something that you believe to be funny is sometimes less humorous than some of the replies you get :laughing7:

Or whatever that means :tongue3:

Now let's all contribute something to put relventchair to shame and keep the thread alive :headbang:

God, I'm sounding like a cheerleader now :laughing7:

I can't contribute right now, I'm worn out from this thread :tongue3:

248087_323013584481671_17389149_n.jpg Red

Looking for a fight? I think Spart was going for humor in his post.

Back to the orig post, I hate stupid madeup slang terms.
You mean terms like ORIG...lmao.

Red, now if only you could teach Gleaner this trick of downsizing :laughing7:

Amazing thread for sure, 3 pages and only 2 legitimate replies. Yes, mine was one of them too :laughing7:

And here we are on are on page 3 already, not many threads get this far either. :tongue3:

The op said he was trying to be humorus...too bad he didnt realize everyone else was just trying to be humorus...he would have made a good addition to the gang.

Red, now if only you could teach Gleaner this trick of downsizing :laughing7:

Amazing thread for sure, 3 pages and only 2 legitimate replies. Yes, mine was one of them too :laughing7:
Was mine the other?

I had something really funny to say but now it's the way does anyone have a "like" I can bum?

Fast43: Come on, you misunderstood the "tongue-in-cheek" comment the
dude made, and then you decided to get an attitude like you were being picked weren't, and if you were it's only cause the thread got waaaayyyy off-track
with that first zinger. My pic of Smokey da Bear was not in reference to you at all, btw.

You expected a different type of response to your post, and when it didn't go that
way things just got worse. I thought it was a cool idea for a thread based on the title,
so I came to see what it was all about. If the way someone in particular writes, then rather
than get your knickers in a twist just put them on your ignore list, or ignore them period.

Start another thread in the metal detecting area; I'll be glad to contribute a few
goodies, and they beat the crap out of anything rhyming with "sector"..8-)

I miss ticm... great now I'm outta likes again..

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