Got this update from PLP


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Feb 10, 2013
Deep in the redwoods of the TRUE Northern CA
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Latest News
This message covers several topics, all of which are important and timely. We will provide links as necessary to keep the length manageable. The news pertaining to MMAC is very informative and we hope you find that some of your questions are answered concerning the MMAC mission.

PLP's Northern Director Clark Pearson and MMAC Founder Joe Martori traveled to Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. for a series of meetings spanning 9 days discussing the MMAC Bill and the Mining Districts with Congressmen, Senators and their aides. Joe and Clark were well received by every group they met with and reported that many in Washington are aware of the problems that exist in this country. To read the full story, please go to PLP & MMAC GO TO WASHINGTON D.C. | Public Lands For The People

PLP & MMAC will be doing a presentation in front of the BLM Steering Committe on March 24th, 2016 in Ridgecrest, CA starting at 6:00 p.m.
To review the agenda and other important information, please go to
We invite you to attend this important event if possible.

PLP attended the recent GPAA Phoenix Gold & Treasure Show and would like to thank:

Mike Pung from Gold Cube for donating a Gold Cube for the PLP show raffle. Mike had to pull a few strings at the last minute to make this happen, and the result was PLP raised much needed funds to continue its mission.

GPAA Phoenix Chapter • GPAA of Apache Junction • Prescott Valley GPAA • Gold Fever of West Valley for making a donation to PLP from the show proceeds. We do appreciate it.

PLP will be attending the following Gold Shows. Please stop by our booth and introduce yourself:

Nor/Cal Gold & Treasure Show April 2-3 Vallejo, CA
Portland Gold & Treasure Show April 9-10 Portland, OR
Seattle Gold & Treasure Show April 16-17 Monroe, WA
ICMJ Mining Summit April 16-17 Placerville, CA
Idaho Gold & Treasure Show June 11-12 Garden City, ID
Denver Gold & Treasure Show June 18-19 Brighton, CO
We want to scale down on some of our existing styles of hats and T-shirts, so many of these items have been reduced to $5.00 apiece. If you had been thinking of getting a hat or shirt, please take advantage. We also have gold concentrates as well. To navigate, please click on PLP eBay Merchandise

Thank you very much,
PLP Board of Directors

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I'm wondering how much progress will be obtained in an election year , we can only hope that we will get a mining friendly president , and congress .

Nine days in Washington DC? That works out to about $5,000.00 per person, so around $10,000.00 spent to send two guys to "meet" with politicians they can't sway.

What would YOU have done with a donation of $10,000.00 ?

TS , You have to keep the sqeeky wheel going , giving up knocking on there doors will get us miners , no where . Maybe we should go with a hundred or a thousand of us ,maybe then we would be heard . JMHO

TS , You have to keep the sqeeky wheel going , giving up knocking on there doors will get us miners , no where . Maybe we should go with a hundred or a thousand of us ,maybe then we would be heard . JMHO

We could have used that $10,000.00 to promote National Small & Recreational Miners Day in Washington DC, and maybe have a thousand miners on the lawn in the park in front of the White House.

Leave out the recreational part , I've caught to much heat from that . LOL I think we are all miners in one way or form , we all do the same amount of work for what we find . It's hard work with little pay for most , it doesn't matter how may days a week we do it . Why not ten thousand , or one hundred thousan d, just think what that might swing our way . I've always said the anti's are united , but the rest of us are some what divided . I believe that most of them are wealthy and the rest of us aren't .

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I was on FB the other day and this guy posted a pic of Alaska in a photography forum (not taken by him btw) then the description said "this beautiful area might get opened up to mining please help stop it and visit this site." Then he threw in some anti-mining site address and got hundreds of likes and adoring comments, except mine haha. Bashing mining is accepted without a second thought, everywhere, this makes it tough to educate people on the realities of modern mining or the history. Just wanted to throw that in. Thanks for the update

Terry, nobody gets any of the $10,000.00 if they use the word recreational in a mining or prospecting context. Motohed is correct on that. If one wants to call himself recreational, then one should also staple a sign on his forehead that says "I have no rights".

Terry is a longtime expert. Honor his wisdom in choice of words. "Recreational" opens doors for us to increase access to city and county and state land across gold country. Don't be fooled by those who shriek otherwise but ask why they say it when our lawyers say it does no harm at all.

Terry is a longtime expert. Honor his wisdom in choice of words. "Recreational" opens doors for us to increase access to city and county and state land across gold country. Don't be fooled by those who shriek otherwise but ask why they say it when our lawyers say it does no harm at all.

So your saying that they make you state your " recreational " before you are allowed to dig in municipal areas?

They can't just call it gold panning or prospecting areas. And create their own regulations fo those areas without the arbitrary label.

The recreational areas created by city or county governments are not related to public land use and are not affected by the acts.

That's why the label doesn't affect you. I really don't see how it opened up any areas unless your saying the cities and counties,we're worried or misled into believing that people wanted to come in with trommel and backhoes....

And then they could breath a sigh of relief and wipe their worried brows when they were reassured that the prospectors were merely "Recreational ".....Whew!!!!!!!

Sorry Kevin

..apples and oranges

Neither the PLP nor Joe Matori own any claims but they insist on putting themselves out there as representing all Claim Owners in the United States.

Modern carpetbaggers.

Heavy Pans

Claim owners? and I don't expect that from them. I'll admit I'm not a fan of the efforts/alliance with the MMAC, but I get what I expect from PLP and have yet to be disappointed. This is what they say and as yet have no reason to doubt them thru my experience with them:

"PLP is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to represent groups and individuals that are interested in keeping public and private lands open to prospecting, mining, and outdoor recreation. We serve to unite, inform, and raise funding on all causes and issues related to land user rights. We keep tabs on all proposed limitations and restrictions, and serve to represent at all public hearings on these matters.

PLP has a long history of litigation, but under no circumstance will we ever compromise your rights. We will file injunctions, when necessary, to prevent governmental agencies from discussing public issues behind closed doors and calling them "personnel meetings." We will come to the aid of individuals or groups who are being harassed, intimidated or mislead by people in authority. Our eyes are on anyone attempting to enforce their own ideas or opinions rather than the actual laws, rules or regulations."

Claim owners? and I don't expect that from them. I'll admit I'm not a fan of the efforts/alliance with the MMAC, but I get what I expect from PLP and have yet to be disappointed. This is what they say and as yet have no reason to doubt them thru my experience with them:

"PLP is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) organization whose mission is to represent groups and individuals that are interested in keeping public and private lands open to prospecting, mining, and outdoor recreation. We serve to unite, inform, and raise funding on all causes and issues related to land user rights. We keep tabs on all proposed limitations and restrictions, and serve to represent at all public hearings on these matters.

PLP has a long history of litigation, but under no circumstance will we ever compromise your rights. We will file injunctions, when necessary, to prevent governmental agencies from discussing public issues behind closed doors and calling them "personnel meetings." We will come to the aid of individuals or groups who are being harassed, intimidated or mislead by people in authority. Our eyes are on anyone attempting to enforce their own ideas or opinions rather than the actual laws, rules or regulations."

I'm not saying PLP are bad guys Jeff. I believe they really do want to help. The fact that they have never won a case in all these years is more about incompetence than about their intent.

Add that incompetence to the evil that is MMAC and you no longer have a well meaning organization that doesn't succeed, you have an enemy of miners. I'm unclear why the folks at PLP decided to put your hard earned money to work trying to control miners instead of trying to help them.

Since you are a PLP member maybe you can tell me if they informed their membership that they intended to turn their efforts from helping small miners in California to controlling all miners nationwide? I know quite a few former supporters that are pretty upset over this change of course.

Any efforts by PLP to change their mission to align with MMAC will be fought by the vast majority of claim owners. It may spell the end of the organization you support. How do you feel about PLP changing their mission?

Heavy Pans

So your saying that they make you state your " recreational " before you are allowed to dig in municipal areas?

They can't just call it gold panning or prospecting areas. And create their own regulations fo those areas without the arbitrary label.

The recreational areas created by city or county governments are not related to public land use and are not affected by the acts.

That's why the label doesn't affect you. I really don't see how it opened up any areas unless your saying the cities and counties,we're worried or misled into believing that people wanted to come in with trommel and backhoes....

And then they could breath a sigh of relief and wipe their worried brows when they were reassured that the prospectors were merely "Recreational ".....Whew!!!!!!!

Sorry Kevin

..apples and oranges

"Recreational," is what 90-percent or more of the "miners" involved with the "Miner's Rights" movement are. They are weekend warriors, bucket listers and dreamer wannabees. Unless we open this up as a "Family Friendly," wholesome "passtime," we are screwed.

"Recreational," is what 90-percent or more of the "miners" involved with the "Miner's Rights" movement are. They are weekend warriors, bucket listers and dreamer wannabees. Unless we open this up as a "Family Friendly," wholesome "passtime," we are screwed.

Nobody is arguing this, hobby and other for-fun mining is a huge part of modern mining, I am a wannabe myself:) The idea is and I agree that we have better protections and firmer ground to stand on legally under the 1872 mining act than by calling ourself hobby/recreational because then the local land manager has the power we essentially hand over to them and can tell us where to dig and what tools to use etc. I believe we lose ground legally if we don't call it mining and stick to the letter of the mining act and the rights afforded to us in it. So many people work to regulate mining tools and access, implementing recreational restrictions that get tighter and tighter till its hand and pan so I believe in just calling it mining for that reason.

I'm not saying PLP are bad guys Jeff. I believe they really do want to help. The fact that they have never won a case in all these years is more about incompetence than about their intent.

Add that incompetence to the evil that is MMAC and you no longer have a well meaning organization that doesn't succeed, you have an enemy of miners. I'm unclear why the folks at PLP decided to put your hard earned money to work trying to control miners instead of trying to help them.

Since you are a PLP member maybe you can tell me if they informed their membership that they intended to turn their efforts from helping small miners in California to controlling all miners nationwide? I know quite a few former supporters that are pretty upset over this change of course.

Any efforts by PLP to change their mission to align with MMAC will be fought by the vast majority of claim owners. It may spell the end of the organization you support. How do you feel about PLP changing their mission?

Heavy Pans

We agree on more points than not Barry. I've adopted a wait and see attitude with this alliance with MMAC...have no idea WHY they think it was a good idea and certainly was a decision that was made without any input from me or any member for that matter. Frankly, I was hoping it would all go away but it looks like that isn't going to happen. As far as losing every case, I had no idea but it seems if they stick to their mission statement, it would be a win/win for all.

And FWIW and totally IMHO...I think sticking with labels and the old laws defending them is a tough row to hoe...and only because of the current "green" situations that affect each and every one of us daily. It's not something like freedom to bear arms, right? Family, recreation and being green are the new realities. The only way to gain majority acceptance is appeal to the majority. Big mines and politics...court, and all that THAT is a tough row to hoe and shouldn't be our fight...but sadly is. Soap box is now open. :icon_thumright:

"Recreational," is what 90-percent or more of the "miners" involved with the "Miner's Rights" movement are. They are weekend warriors, bucket listers and dreamer wannabees. Unless we open this up as a "Family Friendly," wholesome "passtime," we are screwed.

In what way is it closed now?...anyone can dig on open public lands and on thier claims.I see nothing stopping them. I'm all for clubs and groups made up of part time small time guys standing up to keep those rights.

I'm not for the " recreational aspect getting pushed to where areas are created for "recreation" for the sake off appeasment.

Then we can be told...." 90% of you are wannabes weekend warriors and bucket listers "...." we have made these special areas for you" we can amend the mining act and the claim system so ONLY "REAL"......miners can dig
" it's not like your all that serious about it it's only a hobby and we GAVE you somewhere to go stop complaining!!!!

What a backwards way to look at it Terry

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