Government takeover of treasure sites


Gold Member
Mar 21, 2010
Detector(s) used
XLT , surfmaster PI , HAYS 2Box , VIBRA-TECTOR
Is it just me or has anybody noticed that the National Park Service Is taking over All the sites that are supposed to have buried treasure?
I researched one of Butch Cassidy's hideouts at Robbers Roost that was moved to Horseshoe Canyon. At this location caches were hidden in caves in the canyon. To my surprise, when I ran the topo, I found that the NPS has taken over the canyon as a remote auxilery to an existing NP. There is nothing set up here for tourest or campers. The statis is merely set up to lock out Metal detectorist. With the shift in government towards less restrictions, now is the time to noyify your rep. in Washington to lift Metal Detector restrictions in National Parks. Lets bombart them with E mails. It doesn't cost you anything and might proove beneficial!!

There are a bunch of us that noticed it back in the 60's and it has escalated. Back even further than that, the government actually took (stole) a large gold cache from a widow lady. Most all know the store. :icon_scratch:
Question - What gives the government the right to confiscate and own land to start with? :icon_scratch:

One of the things was the desert protection act which was designed to protect the desert tortoise. There was a rigged count of the turtles to back it. The act gave a blank check to the NPS to buy so many acres and to take desired land from the BLM which it did. The land it took from the BLM were selected sites where caches had been buried. The radical environmentalist are behind most of this. Look at the Charles Wilson pirate treasure. The NPS took over that part of the island where the treasure is buried. It is a national seasure. You cant even detect in the sandy beach! The big problem is people with detectors don't send e mail to their reps. in Washington and the big environmental orgs. do. It cost nothing to send an e mail get off your duffs everyone!!

OH and I forgot the Wichita Mountains in Oklahoma. Possibly the largest untapped gold reserve in the United States. >:(

Yes, I sure noticed it.
As far as the tortoises go, there was a count where the tortoise population dropped 50% in one year.
Turns out there were two tortoises in that area and one died!
In the Mojave National Preserve in California there is a law that makes possession of a metal
detector a crime. Is that in your hand, vehicle or where?

Treasure finder said:
Yes, I sure noticed it.
As far as the tortoises go, there was a count where the tortoise population dropped 50% in one year.
Turns out there were two tortoises in that area and one died!
In the Mojave National Preserve in California there is a law that makes possession of a metal
detector a crime. Is that in your hand, vehicle or where?
Most likely all of the above.

Another thought to add:
According to PLP (Public Land for the People) there is a difference between law and policy.
The authorities can quote a policy and make it sound like there is such a law. Always ask
which LAW they are referring to. May make a difference, especially in court.

I call it like I see it. If you do not agree, that is your right.

My Opinion. The government over the country I love is a no good crooked thief. >:(

GrayCloud said:
I call it like I see it. If you do not agree, that is your right.

My Opinion. The government over the country I love is a no good crooked thief. >:(

You're being too kind.

i also have noticed the many area's they have taken control of and i agree that many of them are
known treasure/ gold area's.
take care and stay safe out there. ron

I think this may have started here in Utah when one man in about 1905, after sending letters, after letters, letters, more letters to the Interior department about changing the status of some boundaries, lost his "sense" and told the Government, Interior dept. that he'd personally pay off the national debt if they would get a move on. At that time it was around 1 Billion dollars. They finally moved the boundaries, unfortunately the guy died 3 months before. Its one of the greatest scams I've ever witnessed. And no one, but a few here, will ever know...

Gray Cloud, here's an interesting note I dug up. In 1947 Secretary of the Interior James A. Krug ruled that treasure found on Federal property under the jurisdiction of the Dept. of the Interior would belong to the finder provided that the finder [secured permission] from the proper agency to dig for the treasure. The decision was an outgrowth of a request from Ray B. Dean to search for treasure in the Wichita Mountians Wildlife Game Refuge in Southwestern Oklahoma. Go for it Gray Cloud!!! Frank

Thanks Frankn, I will dig a little further and see if they will grant a permit. :thumbsup:

GrayCloud said:
Thanks Frankn, I will dig a little further and see if they will grant a permit. :thumbsup:
Now that's a funny statement! Grant a permit/ good luck, your gonna need it!!
The Gubermint didn't take over these lands for nothing, so I highly doubt permission will be given, but go ahead and give it the old college try. I'm rooting for you. :icon_thumright:

Hmm, government takeover...seems like I have heard that expression somewhere lately. :icon_scratch:

The United Nations lists or registers all parks and heritage sites, but they have no controll over them. It's just one of the ways they have devised to spend our money. Look at what they have done in Hati, nothing! There were billions contributed to help those people. The UN controlled the money with no oversite and it has vanished.

Frankn, You Sir are sadly correct. If we continue down this path, we will loose all. :(

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