Gun control petition to White House gets large and immediate support online

People get scared but gun control isn't a good thing people who want to do bad things will find a weopon and a lot easier than you might think. Only thing gun control will do is take the guns from good people so they can't defend themselves or others when needed. They coul make it harder for people to buy guns but not take them away from people. They will have a heck of the time taking guns away from people anyhow.

The guns used in this shooting spree were owned, legally, by the maggot's mother. That's the story so far anyway. Somehow, probably because he was her son, he had access to them; whether they were locked up or not, he had access. What happened at that school is a clear example of what "gun control" causes. A building full of unarmed, innocent people and ONE flake with guns. Guns he obtained "illegally". If every single gun in this country were to disappear, this animal would have used a machete or similar weapon. Back in the days of Rome there weren't any guns and yet whole villages died at the hands of others. All disarming does is take away the ability of a person to defend themselves. It's our lenient, permissive and materialistic society in general that is causing our countries problems. The media is now full of morons talking about armed guards at all of our schools. That's ridiculous. You ever hear of an armed guard stopping a bank robbery? Easiest thing in the world is overtaking an armed guard. Unless they have their weapon pulled and aiming at you, you have the advantage. We have armed security on random flights but you don't know who they are, they don't wear a uniform which makes it more difficult to target them specifically. I say we should do something that sounds even more ridiculous. Besides beefing up the doors and windows, ARM THE TEACHERS or, at least some of them. At least that way there would be someone capable of challenging an intruder that got through the perimeter. If that kind of "radical" thinking is just too far fetched for you, then this sort of thing will go on and on.

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The doors to the school were locked and he still got in.His mother worked there so she might have had keys to the school,but I havent read anything about it.Its far easier to lay the blame on inanimate objects than to pass laws that contain common sense.

Wait'll Hussein gets his next couple of SCOTUS appointees...

I heard he broke a window but, it's all conjecture at this point. Whatever happened, something DOES have to change. I don't have the final answers by a long shot but, I know where I would start.

I heard he broke a window but, it's all conjecture at this point. Whatever happened, something DOES have to change. I don't have the final answers by a long shot but, I know where I would start.


Arm, at least, some of the teachers. Nobody needs to know which ones but, arm some of them. Sounds radical I know, but that's what it's coming to. Maybe we can figure out what the real problem is behind these shootings besides mental illness and we can return to a peaceful society and unarmed teachers but, it's like the little Dutch Boy and the hole in the dam. The finger in the hole stopped the leak but the dam still needs repair. Arming the teachers is a blow to our perception of a civilized society but it could be our finger in the dam for a while. If anyone else can come up with a better short term prevention I'd definitely vote for it if we didn't have to arm our teachers but I haven't heard anything yet.

Look at it this way. On that day you had over 3M armed citizens, all good guys and one unbalanced killer, the shooter, so what are some suggesting? Punish the 3M by taking away there guns. Makes a lot of sense doesn't it??? Frank

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Shooters like this are clearly insane, how we deal with these people are part of the problem.

They say, "how can you send a person to trial that needs mental help? He didn't know what he was doing"......

Well if he is nuts (obv.), then there is no reason to keep him around.....PUBLIC EXECUTION, as it used to be, as a deterrent for the next nut job. No Mercy.

One strange part is,these people seem to plan on taking their own lives after the event.So,why do they always seem to wear bullet proof vests?

Maybe killing them selves was plan "B". Frankskull etc 013-1-platinum_edited-3.jpg


Arm, at least, some of the teachers. Nobody needs to know which ones but, arm some of them. Sounds radical I know, but that's what it's coming to. Maybe we can figure out what the real problem is behind these shootings besides mental illness and we can return to a peaceful society and unarmed teachers but, it's like the little Dutch Boy and the hole in the dam. The finger in the hole stopped the leak but the dam still needs repair. Arming the teachers is a blow to our perception of a civilized society but it could be our finger in the dam for a while. If anyone else can come up with a better short term prevention I'd definitely vote for it if we didn't have to arm our teachers but I haven't heard anything yet.
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No talker, she's a soft target and easy to take out. The perp can't know where, or even if, a gun exists. One of my best friends was a self defense instructor for the 101st Airborne. He said that he told very few people about that because, if someone were to want to ever fight him, and they knew his abilities to defend himself, they would come with something other than their hands.

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When I was a law enforcement officer one of my major concerns was the schools. I would walk the halls during the day at different times of the day and even at night just as a precaution. People don't seem to realize how safe it would be to hire 3 or 4 part time armed law enforcement officers to roam the halls of the school. I can't count on all my fingers and toes how many near fights I stopped and people trying to show up to school that didn't belong there. Security is the main issue here. Guns in the hands of someone who isn't right in the head is a dangerous situation. But you can't always blame that this guy had mental problems. Granted he was a lousy low life scum bag that chickened out and took his own life. Wish people like this would live long enough for some of the parents to take some slow justice out on him.

The doors to the school were locked and he still got in.His mother worked there so she might have had keys to the school,but I havent read anything about it.Its far easier to lay the blame on inanimate objects than to pass laws that contain common sense.
Now they are saying she didnt work there.Its despicable that the they are using this as a token to furthere there laws would have stopped this puke,he STOLE the guns from his MURDERED mother

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No talker, she's a soft target and easy to take out. The perp can't know where, or even if, a gun exists. One of my best friends was a self defense instructor for the 101st Airborne. He said that he told very few people about that because, if someone were to want to ever fight him, and they knew his abilities to defend himself, they would come with something other than their hands.

Very wise and common,amongst specially trained myself......but what art am I trained in??

What makes me sick is that this scum bag stole the guns from his murdered mother an used them on children. If they do decide to some how piss away the right to own a gun I hope that the libs pray for their lives. Because you take the guns away from the honest and respectable law abiding citizens and you will get all the thugs and gangbangers taking aim at the easy prey all across the us

Quote from Kuger: but what art am I trained in??
It wouldn't matter, as long as the perp didn't know what it was. You could best use whatever skill it is at the most opportune time.

PS Kuger..........what little I know about you my "guess" would be hunting (sharpshooter) or tracker. Just a wag

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