Rogue Relic Hunter

Hero Member
Oct 3, 2016
Virginia Colony
Detector(s) used
DETECTORS: XP Deus WS-4, Garrett AT Pro and Pro-Pointer, Fisher CZ-5
TOOLS: Piranha shovel & R85 Military digger, both by Predator Tools
ATTIRE: Red Head brand Knee-High Waterproof Snake Boots
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting

Was out today relic hunting a farm field in Virginia. Colonial, revolutionary war, and civil war artifacts/relics are possible in this area.

You know the story, I was about to pack it in and reluctantly come home empty (save a few modern bullets and big iron). You know what they say, "you are only a swing away from making a discovery", so I decided to give it a few more swings and came across this relic. It immediately struck me as something old and possibly worthwhile. I thus went home with a relic and a mystery.

I love a mystery as it makes the day more worthwhile and I always learn something.

See pics below. To me, it looks like brass and has a green patina.

Any hunches, guesses, informed speculation, or empirical hypotheses are WELCOME. :icon_thumright:






PIC 3 (Front, turned)


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melted blob of brass.
it has a definite shape and a hook to it. like it was made that way. IMOP the hook is definite and not accident.

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Maybe a broken drawer pull, not much to go on-----thR1HPTZM1 pull.jpg

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Maybe a broken drawer pull, not much to go on-----
thanks for the input. it seems small for that, only the size of a dime or so. i was thinking some type of hook or clip, crudely made. i appreciate the response.

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Did you try a magnet? Maybe a Barb from barbed wire

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Did you try a magnet? Maybe a Barb from barbed wire

does not seem magnetic. that's a great idea though. i will search old types of barbed wire or fencing. does not seem very sharp. but that is one lead to follow up on! thanks

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it has a definite shape and a hook to it. like it was made that way. IMOP the hook is definite and not accident.

What I am seeing there is a melted blob of brass. The “hook” does not have definition, and the design/dimple on the “front” of the large blob, if one could call it a design, does not appear on both sides. The “back” of it is not finished, and looks porous and rough. Almost certainly this is a blob of brass that was Molten and spilled on the ground.

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What I am seeing there is a melted blob of brass. The “hook” does not have definition, and the design/dimple on the “front” of the large blob, if one could call it a design, does not appear on both sides. The “back” of it is not finished, and looks porous and rough. Almost certainly this is a blob of brass that was Molten and spilled on the ground.

i appreciate the feedback you offer. i just dont see it is a random blob of melted brass, melted perhaps. the "hook" appears shaped to me.

another guess, and one that i dont believe much myself, a crude attempt at a fishing hook? like i said in the original post, it is a mystery and sure beat the heck out of a day of modern bullets. at least it was something, a hope of an artifact if nothing else.

a few hunts with not much in the way of finds, so I am owed something SOON by the relic Gods. i'll even take a wheat penny. lol. i may get out again later this morning as we have rain coming in a few days. warmest day of the week also.

again, thanks. you may be right and i am just hoping for more. :dontknow:

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Why is this exact same post made today by a saraohyland? Word for word, missing pics?

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i have no idea. can you put the link here so i can see it. prob some troll or spammer, whatever.

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You need to determine what type of metal it is in order for someone to make the proper ID. If a magnet doesn't stick then scratch it with a knife. If it's soft it's probably lead, if hard it could be brass. You may never know.

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You need to determine what type of metal it is in order for someone to make the proper ID. If a magnet doesn't stick then scratch it with a knife. If it's soft it's probably lead, if hard it could be brass. You may never know.
def hard so not led. knife wont even scratch it, it is hard, so could be brass. my fist impression in the field was brass. :wrench_orange:

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To me it looks like a square bronze nail with the head and part of the upper shank melted.

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