Here it is

bootybay said:
Nice to see ya Cyn and good lord am starving now... do you over nite ship too?? mm mm good

lol I would consider it for someone so very sweet as you for sure! I take it you play WoW? I used to play....ummm WAY too much! lol

wesfrye53 said:
No fair I am trying to lose some weight and you post these pics? >:(

awwwww so sorry Wes!! ummmm don't go to the Charter Members Only area in that case!! We have a HUGE potluck goin on! :D :D

Hi Cyn! Love your pic - you're very pretty!! :) I used to have a cockatiel. He lived to be like 21 years old!

awww thanks pretty lady! My mom has a cockatiel called Buddy....she also has a clock that has different bird noises on each hour...Buddy can imitate every single one...only way to know if it is the clock or Buddy is that Buddy does not stop! lol

Awww...he sounds cute! My cockatiel was given to me by someone that didn't want him anymore, so he was never taught to imitate any sounds. Every once in a while he'd get into this screaming mode, though, where he'd just screech for about fifteen minutes straight. That was the extent of his talents, lol.

lol such talent! My cockatoo was like that sometimes as well but he was very talented when he wanted to be! :P

Nice photo of you with the I can put a face with the posts! :icon_sunny: has been buried a long time.....apparently metal chick was detecting and found it! lol

:coffee2:Hello Cyn, Nice photo of you and the "birdie",I've never had a bird for a pet,but they probably attach to you just as a Dog or Kitty?? When we have our summer camp out, You better have some of that goddie stuff to eat!!! Sorry about your job.I think your better off not being there,and you'll get a better one .Idig

Thanks! Yes, they get very fact, more so than a dog or cat in most cases. Many times they will think of their person as their mate.....they need lots of attention....if their person dies or gets rid of them some will pluck out all their feathers and refuse to eat. Luckily Petrie was able to bond with our youth pastor in WA because when I left there I was unable to take him and he loved Brent a lot and was able to bond with him. That was about 4 years ago. I miss him a lot sometimes. He was such a goof! He would yell MOM MOM til I would finally yell back WHAT? then he would say c'mere! He loved to cuddle....even would crawl under the cotton throw with me on the couch when I was watching tv. I never thought of a bird being a cuddly animal til I met Petrie...he loved to cuddle.

I will absolutely have some goodies to eat at the summer campout!! Gotta have goodies!! :D I can't wait!

Hi, Cyna.....Somehow I missed this post. Your very pretty and so is your bird. The thing I like about you best besides being so sweet is, your a great cook and keep the Charter members WELL FED. :happy1: :occasion14: :wink:

lol thanks.....that is oh so true....gotta keep the charter members well fed! Gracious we eat entirely TOO good actually! lol

rofl I have tried telling him that....he just does this ::) Actually most times he does admit he is a lucky soul...and I am quick to admit I am the lucky one. :wink: Thanks dear friend for the sweet comments! ~hugs~

Posted by cynangyl:

"Thanks pretty lady! I miss him a lot sometimes. He used to yell "MOM! C'mere!"

Your kidding! We had a blue and gold maccaw a long time ago. One of the few words he YELLED { and extremely loudly} was MAAAAAAAA!!!!! He picked it up from hearing my brother and sister and I yell out for our mother all day long when we were kids. You could actually hear it from a few houses down the road too.

LOL yes, Petrie learned the MOM and C'mere from my daughter Teresa too....that's okay....figured out how to get revenge....when I wanted her to come in from outside playing I would open the sliding glass door by his cage and I would yell TERESA then he would start..RESA RESA RESA...he would not stop til she came inside either! rofl

If you want to keep the bird occupied give him a pecan or two,
When he wants another give him a hazel nut.
He'll figit with it trying to get it open for a long time before he gives up.

fun to watch too.

He actually was really good at getting into pecans and fact the fart through a broken pecan shell under my exercise ball once when I was on it and I landed right on my tush!! Worst part is he laughed like a maniac while I was all ambarrassed! lol

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