History Channel - Oak Island mini series January 5, 2014

To the poster who mentioned the stone with the letter "G" on it, I can testify that it is there because I have seen it. I rarely hear about it and have inquired about it occasionally over the years. I was on that island as a teenager and saw that stone with my own eyes. I even pointed it out to my older brother at the time. I had a wee chuckle at the use of the word "curse" in the title of the History Channel's series or mini-series - but if it gets people to pay attention, who am I to quibble. I do think that folks need to start taking a look at the oral traditions of the Mi'kmaq in the area. If an artificial beach was constructed at Oak Island and if a pit was dug with possible booby traps, does anyone in his or her right mind not think the Mi'kmaq might have been paying attention? As a twelfth generation Nova Scotian, I can tell you this much - the government and established institutions of higher learning will not be your friend here if you try to present any arguments that run counter to their neat and tidy view of history. That is the truth. Yet there is more to the history of this province and to North America as a whole than what we have been led to believe. I am familiar with New Ross and the interesting information coming out of there as well. Good luck rocking the history boat. At this point, it frankly should just be overturned.

I'd like to hear your thoughts on the history of the area and North America.

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As it stands right now in this tiny corner of the word, most of the recognized historical work is being done on Mi'kmaw sites. It is accepted without fail that Champlain for example, was one of the first Europeans to chart this section of the so called New World. Yet his maps are odd when one looks at them, even when one factors in the equipment used and their limitations. He completely disregards the area of Chebucto, which houses one of the largest and finest ice-free harbours and basins in the world. Odd that. He definitely sailed down the coast and could not have missed it, simply could not have. That's my area. Columbus sailed with knowledge already provided to him. So did Champlain. Fishermen had been to the New World long before these guys, particularly the Basques. The Norse were definitely here. We have got to look to their sagas to figure out who they may have given the information to. Champlain sailed with information as well. And who did the fishermen get their information from? I have a suspicion that one might one day find a Phoenician footprint in North America. Just a suspicion mind you, and one that would be difficult to trace. As to New Ross, I do not believe it is a "castle" as the previous owner believed it to be. There is another site in Nova Scotia, a series of ruins that have been described by an archaeologist as Celtic in their construction, but this does not fit the current historical view. These ruins, if they indeed turn out to be Celtic in origin, should not be here. So far, no archaeological work has been done there and frankly none will be. If it doesn't fit, it is not pursued.

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To the poster who mentioned the stone with the letter "G" on it, I can testify that it is there because I have seen it. I rarely hear about it and have inquired about it occasionally over the years. I was on that island as a teenager and saw that stone with my own eyes. I even pointed it out to my older brother at the time. I had a wee chuckle at the use of the word "curse" in the title of the History Channel's series or mini-series - but if it gets people to pay attention, who am I to quibble. I do think that folks need to start taking a look at the oral traditions of the Mi'kmaq in the area. If an artificial beach was constructed at Oak Island and if a pit was dug with possible booby traps, does anyone in his or her right mind not think the Mi'kmaq might have been paying attention? As a twelfth generation Nova Scotian, I can tell you this much - the government and established institutions of higher learning will not be your friend here if you try to present any arguments that run counter to their neat and tidy view of history. That is the truth. Yet there is more to the history of this province and to North America as a whole than what we have been led to believe. I am familiar with New Ross and the interesting information coming out of there as well. Good luck rocking the history boat. At this point, it frankly should just be overturned.

Welcome Rowanns !

well I can explain away the "G" pretty easily. at least in my Mind.
to two possibilities.

The "G" as I'm sure you know has been used by the Masons since the Masons invented
& just like today, where gangs paint their names on walls,
a Mason could have been so proud to be a member of the Masons he carved a "G" there.

may also have noting at all to do with a Mason.
maybe someone named George, Gary, or other person with the initial "G"
was there :laughing7:

Champlain made his first trip with du Pont, who already knew the way. Of course, Verrazzano had made the trip a generation or two earlier, and he was looking for a route to the Pacific - not for the New World, which had already been known to exist for some time. In fact, when you consider when the Norse settlements in Greenland finally died out, and when fishermen with no desire to explore began coming close to the New World, it's easy to conclude that the journeys never really stopped for any length of time; it was simply the goals that were different. Explorers want to find new things; fishermen want to find new fish. You don't find fish on land. The fishermen had been there for quite some time before the explorers became interested.

Did the Vikings tell anyone about the New World? They certainly had no issues with writing stories about it, so probably. Again, I'm not sure that the fishing trips ever really stopped for more than a decade or two, and probably only because the Little Ice Age was happening and travel in the north Atlantic was ill-advised.

But yeah, New Ross...what a headache. I could write a book about what's wrong with Mrs. Hope's book. It's almost as if it's a metaphore for the Money Pit phenomenon: legend stacking and massive logical leaps. "If it wasn't this, it was this. And if it wasn't that, it was this. And if it wasn't that, it was this. Or maybe it was this and that and this, but not that other thing. And this is part of a sword, and since I'm convinced that there were Vikings here, it is a Viking sword. And because it is a Viking sword, there were Vikings here. And since Cromwell's people wrecked the mansion, they probably used bombs. And this is a rusty piece of cast iron that's curved, so it must have been part of one of their bombs that they used when they blew up the king's castle that was actually a mansion that was built by Vikings and Indians."

GAAAAAAK! IT BURNS! The local lore already adequately explained what she found and she had to stack MORE and MORE elaborations on it! This sort of thing is seriously going to give me an aneurysm one day. ARGH!

Watched Episode #4, "something" is down there but it looked like they only pulled up a rock next week? Where's the flippin' Arc of the Covenant!? ;) How accurate was that snazzy little "there is silver or gold down there"?

So Episode #5 is the finale then? Then what? Will it be picked up, any one heard rumors? If it's not picked up, do Rick and Marty have a facebook, twitter, blog, website or something they post updates to?

I like the show becasue I like the people on it, that's all. I am a huge skeptic, I feel like Jon Voight in National Treasure... blah, blah, blah... "And that will lead you to another clue, and another clue..."

I like the show becasue I like the people on it, that's all. I am a huge skeptic, I feel like Jon Voight in National Treasure... blah, blah, blah... "And that will lead you to another clue, and another clue..."

I was thinking about that, another clue, another clue...

But then, "There is a way out...through the treasure room!"

It is funny, even with my limited Metal Detecting experience, you definitely don't high-five and get excited over multiple hits in the gold/silver range. There could just be a pile of cans.

They did say the biggest most import find to date, so who knows. Maybe the rock has inscriptions? Guess we have to wait till Feb 9th to find out. Not sure why there is an extra week...oh yes, the Superbowl.

I was thinking about that, another clue, another clue...

But then, "There is a way out...through the treasure room!"

It is funny, even with my limited Metal Detecting experience, you definitely don't high-five and get excited over multiple hits in the gold/silver range. There could just be a pile of cans.

They did say the biggest most import find to date, so who knows. Maybe the rock has inscriptions? Guess we have to wait till Feb 9th to find out. Not sure why there is an extra week...oh yes, the Superbowl.

Sounds like the season finale is going to leave us all hanging...

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G'd morning my friends, Coffee? :coffee2:kinda cold this morning down to 80 F.

K, regarding coir ( coconut fibre used for caulking ) I sincerely doubt that any northern European country ( Norsemen ) would be using it since Oakum was far more popular and readilly available, sides they used clinker construction --- some one from the south left,, or used it..

The pile of rocks mentioned, is most probably ballast materiel, which to me means that the ship that used them never left the area. If the wooden partitions exist, it is just possible that the ship from which the stones were removed was used as the source for them.

Putting all together, I would tend to believe that it was a Pirate operation, and yes many 'were' capable commanders and engineers..

However the only thing that they might wish to hide would be the missing loot from Panama.

Line forms on the left of the coffee line.

Don Jose de La Mancha

P.s. it is obvius that the only information that I have is what is posted in here.

So they found a rock..... A rock with "fools gold" running through it. Mystery solved. Money pit was an old "gold mine" (or a failed attempt at one). Timbers were simply the shoring for the mine shaft. I watch "gold rush"! The fingers going into the ocean are remnants of an old sluice box system. The coconut fibres used as "miners moss". Whoever originally worked the mine was executed after bringing the king/leader a boat load of fools gold. A crew was sent back to fill in the old mine to cover up the operation so that the king/leader wouldn't appear incompetent.
The swamp and any other anomalies could have been part of a large scale hydraulic ram pump used to keep the shaft clear of water seeping up through bedrock.
Any other mysteries you's need solved?????

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So they found a rock..... A rock with "fools gold" running through it. Mystery solved. Money pit was an old "gold mine" (or a failed attempt at one). Timbers were simply the shoring for the mine shaft. I watch "gold rush"! The fingers going into the ocean are remnants of an old sluice box system. The coconut fibres used as "miners moss". Whoever originally worked the mine was executed after bringing the king/leader a boat load of fools gold. A crew was sent back to fill in the old mine to cover up the operation so that the king/leader wouldn't appear incompetent.
The swamp and any other anomalies could have been part of a large scale hydraulic ram pump used to keep the shaft clear of water seeping up through bedrock.
Any other mysteries you's need solved?????

Can you solve bigfoot and aliens? :D

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Can you solve bigfoot and aliens? :D

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Aliens: In the late 60's, early 70's there was a bombardment of triangular shaped UFO sightings. We saw the stealth bomber first used in 1984 in the gulf war. The First FLYING prototype was airborne in 1969. UFOs are simply experimental aircraft of various sorts and aliens are simply a by product of mankind HOPING there's more to those "sightings".

Bigfoot: today they're all pretty much hoaxes. When people first started seeing them it was during a time when mountain dwelling men SPARSELY roamed country sides donning MANY layers of leathers and furs and often walking on crude hand made snowshoes. The caped pelt of an elk would have dark fur and made for a pointed hood when the neck portion was stitched together. Many layers would leave the impression of higher than usual shoulders. Crude snowshoes would cause strange prints and lead people to step in long dragging strides. Oh... And it's cold do massive mats of facial hair are a must. A startling glimpse of one of these mountain dwelling people who may be trespassing (so wouldn't stick around to talk) in a time where trespassers were shot on sight. Could easilly explain Bigfoot sightings in the 50s/60's.

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Welcome Rowanns !

well I can explain away the "G" pretty easily. at least in my Mind.
to two possibilities.

The "G" as I'm sure you know has been used by the Masons since the Masons invented
& just like today, where gangs paint their names on walls,
a Mason could have been so proud to be a member of the Masons he carved a "G" there.

may also have noting at all to do with a Mason.
maybe someone named George, Gary, or other person with the initial "G"
was there :laughing7:

Only thing is that I am not at all familiar with any families around here who have inscribed the initials of their surnames in a rock. I just don't see any of the early settlers having the time to do this. This was a mess of a land to clear and life was quite harsh here.

I am quite familiar with the Masonic Lodge, both in its present and past forms and while the romantic part of me would like to make the link to them, I just can't do that without some sort of proof.

Regarding Oak Island, it is the apparently artificially constructed beach at Smith's Cove that intrigues me more than any Money Pit or possible riches. Why the devil would someone artificially construct a beach? I'm not familiar with this being something that has been a standard thing to to.

It also hurts any theories that others were here long before Champlain and Cartier and the boys, and it also stymies any opportunity to take those theories seriously. I never read Mrs. Hope's book frankly, but came upon New Ross from other directions. I maintain and I will continue to maintain that the oral traditions and petroglyphs of the Mi'kmaw hold the key to the history of this area.

Mi'kmaw got nothing more than folklore.
They couldn't even tell the difference between a boat and a whale....

You are joking right? You have to be. First of all the Mi'kmaw wouldn't refer to a boat as simply a boat or a whale as simply a whale. There would be some sort of action assigned to the descriptions because the Mi'kmaw language is verb based, not noun based as English is. So to get to the root of their oral tradition and figure out what they may be referring to is to look at things in a completely different way, particularly as to what descriptions of objects may be based upon.

I find it amusing that they got all excited over a few non-ferrous signals. (i noticed that they didn't show the I.D. number off the CTX's screen though). They didn't even mention the SIZE of the signal, let alone the depth indicated. If that's all it takes to get them excited, they would absolutely wet their pants if they hunted in my area! Non-ferrous crap is everywhere..... The last episode of the year? After only 5 episodes? Already ran out of money? Waiting for Spring? What??

So they found a rock..... A rock with "fools gold" running through it. Mystery solved. Money pit was an old "gold mine" (or a failed attempt at one). Timbers were simply the shoring for the mine shaft. I watch "gold rush"! The fingers going into the ocean are remnants of an old sluice box system. The coconut fibres used as "miners moss". Whoever originally worked the mine was executed after bringing the king/leader a boat load of fools gold. A crew was sent back to fill in the old mine to cover up the operation so that the king/leader wouldn't appear incompetent.
The swamp and any other anomalies could have been part of a large scale hydraulic ram pump used to keep the shaft clear of water seeping up through bedrock.
Any other mysteries you's need solved?????
That's as good a theory as anyone's......

They're throwing so many ideas out there it's ridiculous. About the only thing they haven't tied to Oak Island is Atlantis....or have they.....hummm....:icon_scratch:

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