Hit Gold!


Jr. Member
Nov 15, 2017
Detector(s) used
Minelab CTX 3030
Minelab Sovereign GT
Troy Shadow X5
Fisher 1266X
Garrett Freedom 2
Garrett Deepseeker ADS ll
Garrett Deepseeker TR/VLF
D-Tex RS 200
Garrett Groundhog TR/VLF
A.H. Pro
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
Hit Gold! Ironman told me not to dig anything that read 6" or less. Had been digging 12-16 signals using the 17" coil that were reading 6"and was finding can slaw between 4-6". Got a 12-16, but it was reading at 9". I was using the 17" coil. Dug down a little over 6" and sold gold, figured it was gold anodized aluminum, about the size of a nickle. Then when I picked it up it was heavy. Didn't have my glasses on. Waited till Ironman got close and said I think I got gold. He looked and said it stamped 14k. After a little rubbing the dirt off it says "Love Always Jill" on the other side it has 12-25-67.


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Hit Gold! Ironman told me not to dig anything that read 6" or less. Had been digging 12-16 signals using the 17" coil that were reading 6"and was finding can slaw between 4-6". Got a 12-16, but it was reading at 9". I was using the 17" coil. Dug down a little over 6" and sold gold, figured it was gold anodized aluminum, about the size of a nickle. Then when I picked it up it was heavy. Didn't have my glasses on. Waited till Ironman got close and said I think I got gold. He looked and said it stamped 14k. After a little rubbing the dirt off it says "Love Always Jill" on the other side it has 12-25-67.
Nice find. Congrats 👏

1967 was a historic year! :coffee2:

21st October » Vietnam War: More than 100,000 war protesters gather in Washington, D.C.. A Protests against the Vietnam War or peaceful rally at the Lincoln Memorial is followed by a march to The Pentagon and clashes with soldiers and United States Marshals protecting t


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Nice! Now, where's the broken chain...
I can't ever remember finding a necklace in all of my years digging. Since 1975.

1967 was a historic year! :coffee2:

21st October » Vietnam War: More than 100,000 war protesters gather in Washington, D.C.. A Protests against the Vietnam War or peaceful rally at the Lincoln Memorial is followed by a march to The Pentagon and clashes with soldiers and United States Marshals protecting t

My guess is who lost it most likely served . I hope he made it back safely.

1967 was a historic year! :coffee2:

21st October » Vietnam War: More than 100,000 war protesters gather in Washington, D.C.. A Protests against the Vietnam War or peaceful rally at the Lincoln Memorial is followed by a march to The Pentagon and clashes with soldiers and United States Marshals protecting t
Based on where he found it, it likely WAS owned by a newly-minted 2LT shipping off to Vietnam.

I sure hope the young soldier came back home to Jill.

1967 was a historic year! :coffee2:

21st October » Vietnam War: More than 100,000 war protesters gather in Washington, D.C.. A Protests against the Vietnam War or peaceful rally at the Lincoln Memorial is followed by a march to The Pentagon and clashes with soldiers and United States Marshals protecting t

I know what happened in 1967 the Red Sox won the pennant

So much happened in 1967, didn't have time to read all of them. My impression also, just shipped off to Vietnam.

I can't ever remember finding a necklace in all of my years digging. Since 1975.
The machines you have listed would all have a hard time finding a small link gold chain. The one with the best chance would be the CTX in gold mode and a small coil.

I'll have to go back and give that setting a try.


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