Homeless people

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Most entertaining homeless guy I ever saw would find a couple he thought was on a date (because he figured the guy was more likely to be generous in front of her). He would walk up and say, "Sir, would you be kind enough to help out an unemployed magician?" Most guys would say, "sure, can you do a trick?"..."Yeah, my best trick is putting a dollar bill up my nose and making it come it my mouth!" Then the guys always say, "Man, I gotta see that, and hand him a dollar bill, (even better when the guy doesn't have a one and hands him a five or better.) Then the homeless guy would roll up the bill and stuff it in his nose and grunt and snort and snot all over the bill and pull it out of his nose and say, "Sorry man, didn't work that time". Then you should see their faces when the homeless guy tries to hand the snotty bill back to them...hee hee...classic, at least this guy was doing something for his money!

Not so homeless tonight

I had a homeless chick tag along with me for a night.Very beautiful,but some serious issues.I wish i had the time to help her,but as usual i have to stay moving.Got tired of the street and got a room.How good it felt.

A friend told me about a street woman he knew. His job was at a place that provided clothes and food for needy people. The street woman was usually across the street. She always had a huge number of grocery carts (like eight) with endless amounts of stuff. He asked her why she hauled all the stuff around. She said it prevents the police from bothering her.
Seems if the cops arrest her they have to inventory all her stuff. Hours of paper work kept them away.

Some might blame street people for taking drugs and not finding a way out. My guess many here might chose drugs if life were hopeless. Experts have said living on the street is extremely stressful. Some might think as they don't work and don't have any bills their life should be stress free. It's not. Living w/o knowing or having little control over your life creates stress from many directions. I've known two people that ended up on the street and that was their lowest time in their life. Sometimes drugs are an addition and sometimes just some time off. I don't blame them much.

Allright if your in a major city there is no way you should have any problem earning enough money to keep a place. You can pick up cans and bottles for deposits, get a shelter box for a address and get a loading job. Or be a labor, run drugs for a dealer. See all kinds. Not to mention the shelters and agencies that help. The reason they have such a hard time with getting a job is they don't renew their I'd! Nothing else that's it.

In our small town we have 100 plus homeless. We have one shelter, and our food banks require a license and mail to get food. But again why can't they make 21 bucks a year to renew a license? Because some don't want to.

There are people out there that are homeless not because of something they did. I've been evicted before,I've been without jobs, no money, but I still kept a home, and food and vehicle. It's called determination and a will not to quit. And that's why they stay homeless they quit, give up, feel bad for me.

do you seriously need an ID to be a drug runner? really?

there are people out there because their car broke down and they lost the only job they had, there are people out there that are homeless because they had an accident and by the time they got near back on their feet every thing was gone, there are people out there whos' jobs just stopped, their kids got sick and they didn't have healthcare insurance so they stayed home to take care of them instead of letting social services take the kids away. There are people out there that have dependency problems, with that I'll agree, but to be homeless by choice is not high on the list.

I don't know where you live but here a one bedroom apartment costs minimum $600.00 a month(and that's a dump), how many cans and bottles do you have to pick up off the street to make that? What about the security deposit, the deposit for electricity, for water, food. Then you say get a loader job, are you going to have a cell phone and address for people to reach you, or are you going to complain that the homeless shouldn't be able to afford cell phones? Then on top of that, you smell, you get that odor that doesn't wash out in a shower and no one wants to be near you. Tell ya what. Take three weeks off of your job, go homeless. Tell us all how it is and how easy it is to live on the street.

I had two friends that didn't make it out there, one was stabbed to death over a cigarette, the other one just died.

They are most all smoking synthetic pot called bazarro!I stopped and smoked some with some young people because i do smoke pot at times.That was a big mistake!I had to call ems!I thought i was actually dieing!The ems workers said,oh you smoked some bazarro!give it 20 mins and you should feel better.I was about to get in the ambulance,but decided to just get a grip.The bazarro is really cheap and will get one really really high fast.No more for me.

They all smoke bazzaro!

There just are some that give up on everything.Just don't care about anything anymore.

A few pics.The homeless are still trying to figure me out.They do not trust me with this cell phone.I am not the typical homeless type.Some trust me very much.A lot of alcoholics that go to jail every day.All and all i am having fun.Plan to do some metal detecting next month.Checking on some places that should hold some old coins and relics.




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Can't wait to get back to treasure hunting!I believe i am going to find some cool stuff in these mountains!The homeless do not trust me with the video part.Going to do some hiking and camping with the bears in another week so,time for a new story soon.

Ok,i love this song,this is one of my favorites.Be treasure hunting soon.Super bored.Nothing better to do.So much better off without you !

So you're a homeless dude documenting other homeless folks? I'm trying to understand. Im getting the feeling though that "understanding" might not come easy when joined with "Spiritrelic"

I'm trying to be open minded about this thread but im just missing something. This IS a metal detecting site correct? We have someone recording the homeless,who seems to be homeless himself but somehow goes out metal detecting? Best part is the supposed "cool factor" of some of the homeless ppl oh and the smoking of bizzaro pot. I have read a lot of posts about what this site is meant for and how we as a group come together over something we all share, what exactly are we sharing on this thread. From what I see it's a shame to see ppl homeless especially the ones who choose this because they won't get off their butts and do something about it and don't tell me oj they can't. We run a huge program from our church and those who want out get out and make something of themselves the others just want a handout not a hand up.

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

They exist as they can.We too. So different huh?.Don,t believe its a fine line?.Count your blessings. Stuff happens and people respond differently. Disaster comes in different forms sometimes in an instant.Not all cope the same, or can. We,re all related still.

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So you're a homeless dude documenting other homeless folks? I'm trying to understand. Im getting the feeling though that "understanding" might not come easy when joined with "Spiritrelic"

I havent been able to figure any of his posts out yet...There are all these songs that have NOTHING to do with his topic...Its almost like a mad mans rant

Umm believe me as an actual Christian and not just Sunday church filler I do count my blessings,everyone of them. Falling on hard times lets see...bit by a tick contracted Lyme disease with two co-infections that attacked my brain, spinal chord and heart. At 38 had to get an emergency pacemaker placed so I'd live. Because of all the medical issues I lost my 6 figure income,my insurance, had to liquidate all our assets to pay for medicine to stave off infections. We came close to losing our home several times but by the blessings of God we kept it and now live off of my wife's income only, why? Because as I was told by the black social security rep lady "you will be declined because you're a white man but if you were a black woman with kids you would have it today" I said that's racist but its been 4 years of fighting so she didn't lie to me. We have cut back on everything and I don't dare question where my blessings come from nor do I blame anyone for my circumstance or go take drugs or drink to get away from my problems....its called CHARACTER and MORAL VALUES. Are there ppl that need help, yes and I push my body to help those on genuine need, these little videos of drunks etc make no sense to me. I'm no better than anyone,im saying anyone can make something better for themselves if they try. im done ranting now. Flame on

Get your facts first, then distort them as you please-Mark Twain

Just deal with me as i am.I can get crazy.The law just came in and busted all the local smoke shops that were selling the synthetic pot yesterday.I talked to many homeless people that said the bazarro made them sick as it did me.I am glad because this fake pot has to contain many harmful chemicals.When i smoked it i really felt like i died and went to hell.There are young women selling there body to smoke this crap.I will take you on a journey,hang tight.

Every one wants to control someone.you will never control me.You all hunger to control.Give it up,you have no power.The more you try to control the more foolish you look.

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