How To Prepare For The Event............................


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Jan 6, 2005
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Download these five PDF's about the coming event. To understand what will happen, the timing of it, a short period (maybe a week) on our own. Mass arrests may panic some people, no bank transactions, cash, silver or gold only until banks reopen. Our money is safe.

As the event could happen any day now, some of you will want to prepare. Control of TVs and cable and internet will be taken over. The first 24 hours will be filled with information about why it is happening. During the first few days many people will be asking questions. Tell them what you know. Reassure them. But download and read the plans linked below. When the internet is down, they may be unavailable. I have printed mine and it would be worthwhile for you to do that also. Mostly to have some information handy.
As I read through my copies I will try to summarize the crucial points we are all worried about. We are guided by our galactic family. Source will determine the correct moment for the event.
[h=2]Wednesday, June 5, 2013[/h]
Intel about The Event

You might want to get some more intel about the Event to increase your own preparedness and also to help assisting others during the time of the transition.

Most of the intel in the following website is a quite reliable interpretation of information that came from reliable sources. Here it is:


Posted by Cobra at 2:55 PM No comments:

Cool video from outer-space!



[h=1]NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM[/h] Most of this Intel comes from sources deep within occult economy and it pertains to the restructuring of the financial system worldwide.


This will happen at the time of the Event and is actually part of the operation.

Day 1

When the critical mass of pressure is exerted upon the Federal Reserve it will be forced to repay debt that it owes to people due to its fraudulent operations. Since Fed does not have money to repay that debt, it will go bankrupt. This will trigger a chain reaction of BIS, IMF, World Bank and all central banks worldwide going bankrupt also.

Extreme volatility in markets will result in a worldwide stock market crash. Stock exchanges will close, including NYSE. All financial instruments such as options and credit default swaps will be zeroed out.

All shadow accounts will be closed and zeroed out. All public bank accounts of the Cabal will be seized. All foreclosures will be frozen, as well as all public and private debt (mortgages, loans, credit card debt).

Day 2-7

Banks will be closed and there will be a lot of uncertainty and confusion. Some businesses will be temporarily closed. Some of those that remain open may accept cash; other will only accept gold or silver coins. Credit cards will not be accepted as the system will go down. There might be moderate problems with distribution chain; it is wise to stock up some food and gasoline.

Revaluation (RV)

After about 1 week from the Event

There might still be light problems in the distribution chain.

New financial system will be introduced. It will be backed up with Yamashita gold. That gold will be stored in locations that are not to be disclosed yet. Yamashita gold will not be traded in open markets. Basket of currencies such as US dollar, Euro, British pound, Swiss franc, Japanese yen and Chinese Yuan will form the basis of this new system.

Those banks that did not have strong connections with Federal Reserve and did not go bankrupt will reopen. They will not be allowed to charge interest. All their accounting will be fully transparent to the public. Stock market will not reopen.

Revaluation will take place. It means that the exchange rates between various currencies will change, but not drastically They will reflect more truly the real productivity of nations. Iraqi Dinar will not gain much value, contrary to speculations of many people. Federal Reserve notes, Euro banknotes and other banknotes will be widely accepted, until they are phased out in a few months and new money is printed.

All fair business agreements, contracts and responsibilities worldwide will be kept valid and will be respected. Those business agreements that involve criminal or fraudulent interactions with the Cabal will be cancelled, null and void.

In a few weeks

Multinationals will be obliged to buy back their shares and this will effectively force them to go bankrupt. They will be split and healthy portions of those companies will be nationalized in their own countries.

The existence of Global Settlement funds will be then introduced to the public. Those funds include about $ 70 trillion from old money patriots connected to the Positive Military, $ 100 trillion from White Dragon Society and Templar groups, $ 120 trillion from Resistance Movement and $ 10 trillion from Saint Germain Trust. Global Settlement funds will also include all money and assets from the Cabal.

Global Settlement funds will be used for many purposes. First, all national, public and private debt will be paid off worldwide. After that, all people will receive restitution for all theft and criminal activity against them by the former Cabal. Then prosperity funds will be released and humanitarian, environmental and new advanced technology projects funded. Part of the money from Saint Germain Trust will go directly to Lightworkers, the rest of it will fund projects connected to the introduction of the First Contact.

Posted by Cobra at 4:27 AM 58 comments:April 2012

We will feel a Strong Energy at the "Event Flash". It will last only 15 minutes and be the last chance for dark forces join us.

[h=1]EVENT FLASH.[/h] What is meant by the 'Event Flash' is exactly that - a Flash of Divine energy from the Source, which passes through the Central Sun, and then will be received by the Galactic Confederation {especially Pleiadians} who will in turn give the intelligence to Lightworkers within The Light Resistance Movement. On the receiving of the information the LRM – some 300 Operatives, will make contact with the dark forces to see if they are willing to cooperate. If they are not willing to cooperate they will not be included.

All of this will happen extremely fast. From the time of the Flash to the Event it will take 15 Minutes!

There will be no announcement. There will be no media involved. This will just happen. This will be a complete surprise to everyone not in least to the Cabal. This can happen at any time. When it does we will feel a strong energy.


Will someone tell me what to do at the Event time? Who and How?

[/h] In the early hours and days of the Event, there will not be any outside sources to tell you what to do; this will be a time when you must listen to your true heart feelings and Intuition. You will have to ‘know’ what to do. Rely upon yourself. There will be many who react with fear and confusion. You will be a pillar of strength to these people. Rely upon your discernment which will be needed in this time of change. Advice to Lightworkers is simply.



Where are the Cabal? Can't they use this confusion to regain local control?

[/h] The Negative groups of people involving - Jesuits, Rothschild's, Rockefellers' and Illuminati about 1 - 2000, people will all be removed after 'The Event'.

The dark forces will be captured and taken from power. After the Event, members of the Cabal will be taken to prisons with zero contact with the outer world whatsoever and will be isolated from each other. An Adjudication process will then start and this will involve humanity as a whole. It will be a mass catharsis and dramatic healing process for humanity to see these criminals finally being held accountable for their actions. Most members of the Cabal are sociopaths = not capable of the positive emotions and responses, that make us human.

Humanity as a whole will decide what will happen to those individuals so that new balance is created. Amnesty will be granted to some of them. Most of them will be taken to the central sun to be recycled. For more details as to how the Cabal will be dealt with after the Event go to the text with the title ‘Removing the Cabal’ by pressing the following link to Cobra’s article on Portal 2012. You find it in the May 2012 archive. The link is found here.

Portal 2012: May 2012

Mass arrests of the Cabal are not merely a physical operation. So many Lightworkers {and definitely understandable for some who have been working day and night for this now for many years,} have been feeling frustration over the ‘delays’ as one might express it, time and time again. Yet there has never been a date given for 'The Event' and several months before December 21st 2012 Cobra informed us that the 21/12 would not be ‘The Event’ date. The delay in ‘The Event’ coming into being is because Spiritual support from Above, Below {Inner Earth evolved Society etc.} and not in least here on the surface, has been necessary, and is now necessary so that when the mass arrests happen human masses will not panic.

At a certain point, energies of the Galactic Central Sun will burn through all obstacles of the Matrix on the astral and etheric planes and all negative entities will be removed. They will be replaced with angels and spiritual guides as one prophecy beautifully states.

“The Net Must Come Down, It Ends, Light Enters.

The final step is simply taking down the net. This has to be done and events will then quickly follow.

The One will put forth all that energy to destroy the net itself and events will kick in almost immediately.
The programs will have no place to hide, no portals, no equipment, nothing. They will be led off and weather pattern of luminosity will begin.”

What will happen to us? How will we know what is going on? What about family seperation, kids at school, parents working... will we be able to meet at home? I mean.. kids will be scared. Will teachers understand and calm the kids? How can we prepare for something so sudden?

[h=1]The First 3-7 days Max[/h] In the first few hours of 'The Event' the Galactic forces will take over the satellites and communication stations. You will be able to receive intelligence as to what is going on around the planet.

The Resistance Movement will activate a virus and enter a code into the computer program that is the Rothschild’s Financial System. This has of course already been tested by removing a couple of billion dollars ‘for fun’. So they know that this will work. This virus will shut down the main frame accounts. Credit cards will not work. The banks will close.

There will be no way to transfer money at this time. It would be good to have cash, gold and silver coins.

Some stores will remain open. Some stores will accept cash, gold and silver. When banks close, people will have a tendency to panic.

There is no need for this panic
. People should not throw away money, which they might not be able to use in the first week, because this money will be useful later. There will be a few days of confusion until after the arrests are complete.

Because supermarkets can literally be emptied in the timeframe of 45 minutes after the news gets out, you would be wise to have at all times from now on food available to last you from 3 to 7 days max. A tank full of gas is probably sufficient unless you know personally that you will need to have more in reserve. A week’s supply of everything is all we need to be concerned about. Just be sure you have food and water for these days.

Within a few days there will be a new financial system put into place. Eventually the gold that has been taken by the cabal will be returned to humanity. The Cabal don’t even have real gold, they manufacture Tungsten gold {only outer layer is real gold}. We believe in their illusion and that’s why it works. It costs two cents to make a 100$ bill! When the new system is in place it will be gold backed currency. The new financial system is gold-backed.

After 'The Event' there will be a re-evaluation. It will be a time of transition for us all. Everyone will have the basics for everything they need.

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