I believe we need a gun thread. Carrying while detecting?

Guns kill people, plain and simple. You want to shoot someone outside of battle, that's on your conscience not mine, I know guys who did it as warriors and they still struggle with it. If you are worried about someone shooting you, chances are you don't have permission to be there or shouldn't be there period. Everything else is just dust in the wind brothers and sisters. If someone is down on their luck, has societal problems, or even a substance abuse problem, I'm going to let them take my stuff. I ain't to proud to loose a few hundred bucks, beats getting shot. Everyone has an opinion, I respect that, just sharing my opinion. Debate and free speech make this world go round, express yourself.

Allen, how do you know they are only going to take your "stuff" and not harm you, do you know know how many victims are shot after surrendering their money and or valuables, I have a friend who was mugged for his detector when leaving a public beach at dusk and he ended up in hospital with a bad concussion. How do you know the next person they mug want be seriously injured or killed?

It is ridiculous to say "If you are worried about someone shooting you, chances are you don't have permission to be there or shouldn't be there period" 99.9% of us are hunting in public places or private property with permission..

Allen, how do you know they are only going to take your "stuff" and not harm you, do you know know how many victims are shot after surrendering their money and or valuables, I have a friend who was mugged for his detector when leaving a public beach at dusk and he ended up in hospital with a bad concussion. How do you know the next person they mug want be seriously injured or killed?

It is ridiculous to say "If you are worried about someone shooting you, chances are you don't have permission to be there or shouldn't be there period" 99.9% of us are hunting in public places or private property with permission..
Well said, TH. Terry

EDIT: TH, I'm looking at it from the perspective that Allen thinks I'm carrying a gun because "don't have permission.... shouldn't be there".... meaning, I'm breaking the law by being there. ╦╦Ç

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Allen, how do you know they are only going to take your "stuff" and not harm you, do you know know how many victims are shot after surrendering their money and or valuables, I have a friend who was mugged for his detector when leaving a public beach at dusk and he ended up in hospital with a bad concussion. How do you know the next person they mug want be seriously injured or killed?

It is ridiculous to say "If you are worried about someone shooting you, chances are you don't have permission to be there or shouldn't be there period" 99.9% of us are hunting in public places or private property with permission..

And some people are just out to harm you, period. Stuff be damned.

Here I am with my concealed carry in the inner-city park after detecting some predators.

Guns kill people, plain and simple. You want to shoot someone outside of battle, that's on your conscience not mine, I know guys who did it as warriors and they still struggle with it. If you are worried about someone shooting you, chances are you don't have permission to be there or shouldn't be there period. Everything else is just dust in the wind brothers and sisters. If someone is down on their luck, has societal problems, or even a substance abuse problem, I'm going to let them take my stuff. I ain't to proud to loose a few hundred bucks, beats getting shot. Everyone has an opinion, I respect that, just sharing my opinion. Debate and free speech make this world go round, express yourself.

I work as an RN on a locked psychiatric unit in a city hospital. Many of my patients are dangerous, violent, drug addicts, schizophrenics, and antisocials. Some of them are ex-cons who did many years for murder and rape convictions. They are out there. They're not always in bad neighborhoods, and they are not always the disenfranchised, misunderstood, down-on-their-luck characters that the media makes them out to be. On a good day they will take your stuff. On a bad day they will take your stuff and beat you, and rape you, and stab you and they'll laugh while they're doing it. You won't realize the danger you are in until one of these guys is in your face and there is no-one else around. It just makes sense to have the means to defend oneself, and when dealing with these characters, the more effective - the better.

I work as an RN on a locked psychiatric unit in a city hospital. Many of my patients are dangerous, violent, drug addicts, schizophrenics, and antisocials. Some of them are ex-cons who did many years for murder and rape convictions. They are out there. They're not always in bad neighborhoods, and they are not always the disenfranchised, misunderstood, down-on-their-luck characters that the media makes them out to be. On a good day they will take your stuff. On a bad day they will take your stuff and beat you, and rape you, and stab you and they'll laugh while they're doing it. You won't realize the danger you are in until one of these guys is in your face and there is no-one else around. It just makes sense to have the means to defend oneself, and when dealing with these characters, the more effective - the better.

And that post alone should melt any snowflake's idea of safety.

Evil does walk this earth. We can call it by any name your religion chooses, but it exists.

20+ Years ago, I took one 20something career felon (attempted murder of 2 deputies as a 15yr old + many many other crimes) to a psych eval. I knew I would have to STOP him if he got loose from his shackles. He was on trial for slitting a woman from crotch to breastbone just to watch her die. Lured her to a secluded spot with the promise of cheap drugs. I dearly hope the snowflakes that fight us on this issue never have to experience this element of society, despite the fact that their cluelessness contributes to the ease in which this evil persists and indeed, flourishes.

Oh, this is in a rural TN county, and the poor misunderstood soul is out of prison now. Sleep well without a firearm, snowflakes. These things are everywhere.

Let the Snowflakes rave on Boys and Girls. My idea of gun control is, if possible, to use both hands.
I learned that in the Army when I shot competition Le Clerc.

I carried a .22 pistol for many years while detecting. Now, I carry a Taurus ultralight in .38 loaded with my reloads.

I have a conceal carry permit, and carry when I'm in the wooded areas of Forest Preserves. Some of these woods are hundreds and hundreds of acres, with some less than desirables in them. I do not carry when detecting a private yard. When I do carry, the Ruger LCP .380 is my choice.

Guns kill people, plain and simple. You want to shoot someone outside of battle, that's on your conscience not mine, I know guys who did it as warriors and they still struggle with it. If you are worried about someone shooting you, chances are you don't have permission to be there or shouldn't be there period.

No, the aggressor shouldn't be there. Soldiers are there because someone else said they had to be and, generally, neither side is evil. Evil still appears regularly on our streets and at our doors. If you don't believe that you have been lucky.

I have been on Grand Jury duty and sat through cases were people were killed for $38, or because they were taking out the trash and a gang member wannabe had to kill someone for initiation. Unbelievable, callous evil. Maybe I'll have enough warning to not just go down sheepishly. Maybe not. At least I am somewhat able.

I'm no more worried about being attacked while detecting than I am at work or when grocery shopping or siting at a restaurant. But no less, either. Am I afraid? Not now. ;-) But I am sitting where I can watch the entrances and exits.

I'd rather have a soiled conscience than a grieving widow. Or worse, be a grieving widower. "If only" are the saddest words.

I agree, you'd better be Damn sure. But there is no opportunity to "arm up" if you decide this is bad and you are helpless. So instead you are prepared but cautious.

A much better state of affairs.

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I'm willing to bet you've never even been in a fistfight.

Childish remark. I'm 6'3" and weigh 200 pounds. I've had to deal with dozens of runts over the years who have a chip on their shoulder. It doesn't end well for them because I have the height, the weight, the strength and the reach. Plus I'm Irish and Scottish, so hitting me only makes me more angry!

Just because I'm not looking to shoot someone who gets in my face doesn't mean I take any crap from people. Mess with me and you will regret it.

Childish remark. I'm 6'3" and weigh 200 pounds. I've had to deal with dozens of runts over the years who have a chip on their shoulder. It doesn't end well for them because I have the height, the weight, the strength and the reach. Plus I'm Irish and Scottish, so hitting me only makes me more angry!

Just because I'm not looking to shoot someone who gets in my face doesn't mean I take any crap from people. Mess with me and you will regret it.
No wonder you're afraid of guns.
I don't carry on St. Patrick's day. Or when practicing for St. Patrick's day.
Never took crap either. Made it more challenging with tough guys like yourself ,but I'm still here.

I see that everyone has been busy, while I was going about my business today, Armed. Some of this is getting way over the top. I have been carrying since I was about 8 or 10. First a rifle and now-what I please. I haven't shot anybody yet. I am proud to have a family that cared enough and respected each other enough, to teach us how to protect ourselves. When we went to the woods, mountains and fields on our place, we carried. We had family target practice, starting I guess about 6. The message was clear. We were entitled to explore and work without being bothered or injured by man or beast. I have never killed anything "for fun". When we met a neighbor out there, they were armed too. Many people, are a foot shorter than Tim, and 1/2 his weight. They are not interested in fighting off anybody, and shouldn't have too. In our area there are bear, wild hogs, feral dogs, snakes, and some nice people, and some not so nice. I laugh at the idea of caring what the Tims of the world think. Ima

I let my permit expire after 5 years but I still carry. I dont see a reason for it. I had too many weird encounters with cops and it was just drama everytime, so I didn't renew. They should realize we aren't felons so it's all good but they'd rather hide behind my car like I'm going to start shooting.
I once had a national forest leo keep asking where my gun was at when I was camping as I was standing in front of him with basketball shorts on and my family behind me. I kept saying I wasn't armed, I was in my pajamas, and he insisted I was armed haha! That would have been some deep concealment!

I carry everywhere that doesn't have detectors, especially with my family. If there is a detector I might check my gun at the door but I'd never leave it unattended in my car because that's a horrible idea. Nothing is that important. It's not responsible of any gun owner. If its concealed properly no one would know anyway and that's the idea.
I've carried in my kids' schools, irs buildings, "no gun" businesses, everywhere...not a big deal if they don't know about it....and those places are always the soft targets and I realize this...all the more reason. Usually full of unarmed snowflakes.
Its not uncommon around rural Colorado for many to open carry and no one thinks twice about it. For every side arm you see someone wearing in Walmart there is probably another 5 tucked away concealed that you never see.

I have an s&w 40c, Springfield xd mod2 45 ACP subcompact and a s&w model 29 44 mag. The 44 is my usual woods gun and I carry it in a buscadero western style drop holster that can hold it's mass. It's great for back packing and rides perfectly.
The other two are usually tucked away and never seen but I always keep "one in the pipe" as a rule. If I need to draw I want it to go bang.
Fighting someone off while unholstering and still having to charge the weapon is an extra step I don't want and a step that can cost you big.
I strongly disagree with needing a permit to exercise my right to be armed and I don't want to support that anymore. My son has been talking about getting his permit and he wants me to take the class with him in Salida but I'm not sure on the whole thing. Seems like bs to me.
Ive only taken my 12 gauge detecting one time but it was to some old cabin ruins in the deep forest and we had already seen 6 moose on the way in so I was happy to have it. I had my wife and a dog with me and a Mossberg 500 loaded with 8 slugs brings a man some peace upon his shoulders.
I've only had to fire off two (warning) shots from my 40 once when my wolfdog tangled with a wolverine and I mainly did it to save my dog. He was being schooled hard and it was latched onto his face and wouldn't let go. They split up immediately when I fired and it was over that quickly. My dogs face got the worst of the whole deal, poor fella hehe.

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When I see someone armed in a store or business, I'm glad. The more decent people carry, the better I like it.
To reply about shooting and being prosecuted. In Tennessee, you have the right to protect yourself. If someone attacks you, and you are afraid for your life, you can defend yourself. I would rather be the one left standing, and talk about it later. It's also a matter of principle. We should not go around like sheep, hoping "they" wont pick us out to rob or beat up. We should hold our heads up, protect ourselves and go on, knowing we have done the best we can.

NO WAY! NO WAY! Guns do NOT kill people. Guns are inanimate objects. Left alone, they just SIT there. PEOPLE kill people.... sometimes with guns. ╦╦Ç
I did the PC don't make waves with this guy comment and completely missed his opening line. Good catch.

I got this theory that some people who get nervous at the thought of other people having guns about everywhere in everyday life.- they might be afraid of what they would do if they had a gun and they project their reasoning onto others. Its just a theory.

I did the PC don't make waves with this guy comment and completely missed his opening line. Good catch.
I will jump on one's foolish rhetoric in a heartbeat. If I seem slow to pick up on it, it's just I am trying to give the best possible answer before posting it. I'm not bashful about making waves. BTW, I'm pretty confident about my abilities. I have physically dis-armed two bad guys during my police days, without firing a shot. Got a "hero" medal for disarming a drug dealer (Van Skyhock) before he could shoot four of us. On the record.... Wauwatosa Police, a Milw suburb. Oh, that's spelled Terry Cieszki, if you're looking. ╦╦Ç

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Hi All ,An Australian female unarmed shoot dead by cop . Why ? TP

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