I forgot to mention.

Skepticism is a two-edged sword. One side of it is a mechanism we use to protect ourselves from harm, danger, tragedies etc. The other side is if our skepticism is so intense and set, it can stand in our way of progress, of learning, and will cause us to miss out on good things that come our way. In short, like a sickness, it can make us so stubborn that total blindness sets in. It's the old saying: "None are so blind as those who will not see."

But, make no mistake about it, we are all skeptics about something. When it comes to dowsing though, tinpan, SWR, and others like them have it to the maximum degree and are thus blinded. To bad, so sad for them.

I too was at one time somewhat skeptical about dowsing. Now I am extremely, and I do mean EXTREMELY glad I looked into it for myself and found out it works great. That's what I call progress.

lesjcbs said:
Skepticism is a two-edged sword. One side of it is a mechanism we use to protect ourselves from harm, danger, tragedies etc. The other side is if our skepticism is so intense and set, it can stand in our way of progress, of learning, and will cause us to miss out on good things that come our way. In short, like a sickness, it can make us so stubborn that total blindness sets in. It's the old saying: "None are so blind as those who will not see."

But, make no mistake about it, we are all skeptics about something. When it comes to dowsing though, tinpan, SWR, and others like them have it to the maximum degree and are thus blinded. To bad, so sad for them.

I too was at one time somewhat skeptical about dowsing. Now I am extremely, and I do mean EXTREMELY glad I looked into it for myself and found out it works great. That's what I call progress.

Very true! Skepticism is healthy, and should be practiced.....in concert with wisdom. However, pseudo skepticism is a different ballgame altogether. It's practitioners act in concert, as a cult would, so to speak, even parroting phrases used by pseudo skeptic gurus....phrases involving the Easter bunny, Santa, the tooth fairy, etc.

A pseudo skeptic will not look at any evidence that is contrary to what they believe to be true ( sort of like a lot of current "scientists"), preferring instead to stay in the relative safety of their beliefs, almost as if they are truly incapable of learning something on their own. They refuse to experiment, instead they will just take a guru at his word. I suppose it's easier that way....don't hafta get up off the couch, ya know.

Also true. Getting off the couch and taking a pair of L shaped dowsing rods out into some location and actually dowsing, is key to finding out for ones self if dowsing works. I wonder if tinpan has actually tried dowsing in those rich gold areas he's in. If not, perhaps he fears he will find out it actually works. For some people, maybe even him, because of a high degree of self pride, it's a tough thing to find out they have been wrong about something. It's like this: "If you know you won't like the answer to a question, don't ask the question."

I would really like to be near open gold fields like where he is at. Man, that would be great. But, I am not.

lesjcbs said:
ART: Great video.

This next part is to pronghorn. Yes, I have you on ignore. I had your number long ago.
You have me on ignore,
And yet you keep talking at me,
a little odd don't you think?
I'm quite sure you know what ignore means,
it's just that your fragile little ego
won't allow you to actually do it.

All that jibberish you posted did not contain one
piece of evidence to back up Art's lies. So what is
this really about, you just want to converse with
people who see things your way? Makes your
make believe world feel safe and real.

lesjcbs said:
Also true. Getting off the couch and taking a pair of L shaped dowsing rods out into some location and actually dowsing, is key to finding out for ones self if dowsing works. I wonder if tinpan has actually tried dowsing in those rich gold areas he's in.

I wonder if you boneheads realize that tinpan is
the only one here posting pictures of finds, while
you continually whine about him not believing
what you do! Pictures of sand dunes don't count
as treasure finds. :laughing7:

boneheads? how did randyboy get something like that programmed in to a plastic skull like yours?

10claw: Are the skeptics calling names again? Just post your finds like I did in earlier posts and leave it at that. Of course, the skeptics won't like it and will do everything to discredit it.

What they haven't thought of is what are they going to say when an extremely valuable item is found while dowsing? That's going to be REAL INTERESTING. OH boy, I can hear it now. Slober, slobber, and more slobber. Of course, it's none of their business. OOP, saying it's "none of their business" might be like kicking over a yellowjackets nest.

lesjcbs said:
What they haven't thought of is what are they going to say when an extremely valuable item is found while dowsing?

Hahaha, you mean like has actually HAPPENED by every conventional method Ther's have used ?

lesjcbs said:
10claw: Are the skeptics calling names again? Just post your finds like I did in earlier posts and leave it at that. Of course, the skeptics won't like it and will do everything to discredit it.

What they haven't thought of is what are they going to say when an extremely valuable item is found while dowsing? That's going to be REAL INTERESTING. OH boy, I can hear it now. Slober, slobber, and more slobber. Of course, it's none of their business. OOP, saying it's "none of their business" might be like kicking over a yellowjackets nest.

No worries here some more finds from the last year Please post yours

tinpan the bottle is worth $500


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10claw said:
boneheads? how did randyboy get something like that programmed in to a plastic skull like yours?

Please post your finds from dowsing and back up your big mouth.


ok me first 22 ozs from 2 years ago your turn dowser post the treasure



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Not to worry? Really?

The very fact you said: "Not to worry", shows you ARE worried. You saw the junk I found and posted before while dowsing and you know darn well that if I had dowsed in gold fields, it could have very well been gold. I don't know about the other dowsers here, but, since I don't live in gold country, my chances of finding gold are slim to none. Since I can't post what's not available to be found, I posted what I found, thus showing that if dowsing doesn't work, I wouldn't have found them while dowsing in the first place, now would I? DAH!

It's like a storm off the coast that hasn't come on land yet, it soon will. THEN WHAT? Of course, it’s an established fact known by everyone around here; you and your skeptic buddies will do everything in your power to knock and discredit ANY dowsing finds, no matter what they are. But all you'll get is ulcers from it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again here, over the last two summers of dowsing, I have dowsed more than 300 targets in groups of 3 to 5 shots at a time and it took me less than a minute or so for each one. Using a metal detector alone and sweeping back and forth to scan every inch of ground so as not to miss anything would have taken at least 15 to 20 minutes to finally get the coil above them, if I was lucky to get it above it at all. Sweeping a coil back and forth is a true random search method while dowsing took me directly to them, no delays, no guessing, no wondering around. Dowse for direction to target, walk in that direction until rods cross. BINGO, you are there.

Your worst nighmare is if a dowser suddenly showed up in the same areas you are working with your metal detector. That would be choice. Can that be arranged?

So keep on laughing and calling names.

I strongly suggest you get a bottle of Pepto-Bismol or some other kind of Antacid drink and keep it within reach. Alka-Seltzer tablets will do also. You’re going to need it.

lesjcbs said:

Not to worry? Really?

The very fact you said: "Not to worry", shows you ARE worried. You saw the junk I found and posted before while dowsing and you know darn well that if I had dowsed in gold fields, it could have very well been gold. I don't know about the other dowsers here, but, since I don't live in gold country, my chances of finding gold are slim to none. Since I can't post what's not available to be found, I posted what I found, thus showing that if dowsing doesn't work, I wouldn't have found them while dowsing in the first place, now would I? DAH!

It's like a storm off the coast that hasn't come on land yet, it soon will. THEN WHAT? Of course, it’s an established fact known by everyone around here; you and your skeptic buddies will do everything in your power to knock and discredit ANY dowsing finds, no matter what they are. But all you'll get is ulcers from it.

I've said it before and I'll say it again here, over the last two summers of dowsing, I have dowsed more than 300 targets in groups of 3 to 5 shots at a time and it took me less than a minute or so for each one. Using a metal detector alone and sweeping back and forth to scan every inch of ground so as not to miss anything would have taken at least 15 to 20 minutes to finally get the coil above them, if I was lucky to get it above it at all. Sweeping a coil back and forth is a true random search method while dowsing took me directly to them, no delays, no guessing, no wondering around. Dowse for direction to target, walk in that direction until rods cross. BINGO, you are there.

Your worst nighmare is if a dowser suddenly showed up in the same areas you are working with your metal detector. That would be choice. Can that be arranged?

So keep on laughing and calling names.

I strongly suggest you get a bottle of Pepto-Bismol or some other kind of Antacid drink and keep it within reach. Alka-Seltzer tablets will do also. You’re going to need it.

You can go to any location the world to dowse for treasure .No-one has said other wise. So whats stopping you. Your making all the claims. I merely post what i have found with a md and digging old pits and camps. Now your claims are getting bigger. Do you really want to take this to the next level?

Another thing you assume that the 4 main objecters to dowsing are in this together." Well your wrong" in 7 years of TN i have spoke to one of these may be 6 times and the others i do not know. You just make it up as you go. Dowsing is a load of BS.


You can go to any location the world to dowse for treasure .No-one has said other wise. So whats stopping you. Your making all the claims. I merely post what i have found with a md and digging old pits and camps. Now your claims are getting bigger. Do you really want to take this to the next level?
There is nothing to stop us from enjoying our hobby..You can keep enjoying your Conventional Metal Detectors. It’s your time to waste if you want..Art

aarthrj3811 said:
You can go to any location the world to dowse for treasure .No-one has said other wise. So whats stopping you. Your making all the claims. I merely post what i have found with a md and digging old pits and camps. Now your claims are getting bigger. Do you really want to take this to the next level?
There is nothing to stop us from enjoying our hobby..You can keep enjoying your Conventional Metal Detectors. It’s your time to waste if you want..Art
Dowsing is not treasure hunting and telling lies is not a hobbie Just really sad :-\ :-\ :-\


tinpan: This is funny. By posting those items I found while dowsing, I already moved this discussion to the next level and that level was proof that dowsing works which you attempted to no avail to discredit. Must have been shocking for you to see with your own eyes things I found while dowsing. After all, that's not supposed to happen, but it did.

Could all the noise and negative comments you are making is because you would really like to be convinced that dowsing works as fast as we say it does so you can take it up and speed up your finds, but for right now you don't want to admit that for fear of being laughed at by other skeptics? Remember, I too for many years was a skeptic and I know how it feels to go through that kind of change in attitude. But I had to finally do it for myself and by myself as no one could do it for me. The same thing applies to you. No one can do it for you. Only you can do it for yourself.

Yes, I could travel to where gold has been found and in time hopefully I will. But until I can, I will use my time practicing finding junk through the dowsing process.

lesjcbs said:
tinpan: This is funny. By posting those items I found while dowsing, I already moved this discussion to the next level and that level was proof that dowsing works which you attempted to no avail to discredit. Must have been shocking for you to see with your own eyes things I found while dowsing. After all, that's not supposed to happen, but it did.

Could all the noise and negative comments you are making is because you would really like to be convinced that dowsing works as fast as we say it does so you can take it up and speed up your finds, but for right now you don't want to admit that for fear of being laughed at by other skeptics? Remember, I too for many years was a skeptic and I know how it feels to go through that kind of change in attitude. But I had to finally do it for myself and by myself as no one could do it for me. The same thing applies to you. No one can do it for you. Only you can do it for yourself.

Yes, I could travel to where gold has been found and in time hopefully I will. But until I can, I will use my time practicing finding junk through the dowsing process.

The difference is boy i,m going hunting in a few minutes for the rest of the afternoon If or when is not a factor . i,m for real and your just a big joke.

tinpan will post pic later just for you :laughing9: :laughing9: :laughing9:

Folks: Here's three things I found while dowsing the other day. Two rusty bent wires and one gum wrapper. All were from one to two inches in the ground. The wires were really hard to see as they looked like other dead grass stems or roots and it took some time to retrieve them.

Remember, according to the dowsing skeptics, dowsing doesn't work so this is not supposed to happen, but it did.


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lesjcbs said:
Folks: Here's three things I found while dowsing the other day. Two rusty bent wires and one gum wrapper. All were from one to two inches in the ground. The wires were really hard to see as they looked like other dead grass stems or roots and it took some time to retrieve them.

Remember, according to the dowsing skeptics, dowsing doesn't work so this is not supposed to happen, but it did.

I found this one with my eye and is clearly recorded into todays finds Gee those L-rods are so lame.



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tinpan, you talk about the next level, just how low do you plan on going? you already know randyboy cn't go up with plastic so it has to be down.
by the way, where did you buy all that BEAUTIFUL stuff you've been posting?

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