πŸ† HONORABLE MENTION I found all there was to find


Gold Member
Jan 14, 2007
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I found all the gravestones there were to find, with the last one being found yesterday afternoon. I got it set, seeded and strawed the area, and although the wind blew the straw around last night, this pretty much concludes my cemetery restoration project, except for cleaning the stones when warm weather gets here to stay.
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I found all the gravestones there were to find, with the last one being found yesterday afternoon. I got it set, seeded and strawed the area, and although the wind blew the straw around last night, this pretty much concludes my cemetery restoration project, except for cleaning the stones when warm weather gets here to stay.View attachment 2074135
Good work, you should be proud.

The only next step would be a GPR survey to find the unmarked resting places. I am sure you would if it were at your disposal. Great job.
I would love to, but since I have been footing the expenses involved with the restoration myself, I don't want to personally bear the expense to have the GPR done. I have already spent way more than I should have .... 😱

Creskol, No Good Deed goes Unrewarded. Good things to come your way. You have done a great job with the utmost Respect. I'm sure that if those that repose there could, they would Thank You for all your hard work, Respect, and Dignity that you have shown them as well as the funds that you have spent as well. You sir, are a Good Man, and human being. We need more like you in this old world today. God's Speed to you and yours.

Creskol, No Good Deed goes Unrewarded. Good things to come your way. You have done a great job with the utmost Respect. I'm sure that if those that repose there could, they would Thank You for all your hard work, Respect, and Dignity that you have shown them as well as the funds that you have spent as well. You sir, are a Good Man, and human being. We need more like you in this old world today. God's Speed to you and yours.
You've done a wonderful service to those that passed as well as for the families. None will be forgotten now. You're a true example of kindness & compassion.
Way to go! Awesome that you were able to return that hallowed ground to the site it should be! We’ll done!
The area looks great Creskol. You should feel good about that project.
Many thanks you all. :icon_thumleft: Much appreciated.

I found all the gravestones there were to find, with the last one being found yesterday afternoon. I got it set, seeded and strawed the area, and although the wind blew the straw around last night, this pretty much concludes my cemetery restoration project, except for cleaning the stones when warm weather gets here to stay.View attachment 2074135
Great Job!!! Congrats!!!!

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