I FOUND IT! My great great great grandfathers homestead!


Hero Member
Aug 15, 2012
Frederick Maryland
🥇 Banner finds
Detector(s) used
White's V3I , Minelab CTX 3030 , Cibola, Deus, ATPro, GPX 5000. 4800, 4500, & 3500.
Primary Interest:
Relic Hunting
I FOUND IT! My great great great grandfather's homestead!

Ok the best 1st. When searching for family history you want to find a personal item like a ring or something that is labeled , tying it to your ancestor. I find both. My 3rd target of the day was a token with my G, G, Great Grandfathers initials W. P. D. . I called my mom right away and she said there was a store on the property that workers or freed slaves bought supplies at. The 1860 census said there was 12 family members and 21 slaves living there, hmmmmm. My 6th target of the day was the ring with red stone. It's made of copper or brass and probably was a kids or a farm hands. Regardless I was super stoked to pull it out of the ground. I could of not dug anything else today but these 2 items and been extremely happy.




This item I've never seen before. It's lead with iron inside.




Thanks for looking.

Upvote 28
I could not imagine a better hunt then digging up history from my family like that! Thats awesome!!

Thank you sir. This was my 3rd time there looking. I almost gave up but I found a 1878 map that showed the location 1/4 mile further in the woods then the 1860 map. I didn't even know about the store or the tokens until I dug it up. My mom doesn't remember as much as she use to. The significants of the initials didn't even click until I said my GGG grandfathers full name to her. Then she remembered the story my grandfather told her about the store.

very cool, ive found my 3g grands place too on a map but unfortunately its on national forest. not to offend, but i wonder if the tag was an id that was used to identify the owner of a certain slave?
I found another 3 G site, but it's owned by the Historical Society. I'm sure it's a token , but how cool would that be to find a slave tag.

Wow great finds and an even better story... Congrats on finding some family history..

Wow great finds and an even better story... Congrats on finding some family history..

Thank you sir. I'd be headed back right now if it wasn't suppose to rain all day.

That is just as cool as it get's !!! Congrats !!!! I would love to find some of my old family homesites in Georgia, dating from 1682 ,through the civil war,and then to find a token with a family members initals, well I can dream ,,,,,,,,,,,, can't I ?

The personal link to what you find is the " Best " !

Best Wishes for more Family Related Keepers from CMD

Wow, that piece with your ancestors' initials is gotta be very gratifying. Congratulations!

Wow Jdug what an awsome story and to be able to make these finds - Amazing - I hope you find much more

That is an amazing opportunity.


Hello JDug,

That's priceless personal provenance, right there, sir! Outstanding.


I dream about hunting the old ancestral home(s) now and then. One of these days!!

My mom would have loved to have visited the Virginia locations, but she got sick and died before I found that final one, this past year.

Great stuff JDug....that is awesome being able to dig up your personal family items :icon_thumleft:

Day 2 at my ancestor's homestead produces another family store token, five coins, A HEART SHAPED MARTINGALE, and a few other goodies.



That is just as cool as it get's !!! Congrats !!!! I would love to find some of my old family homesites in Georgia, dating from 1682 ,through the civil war,and then to find a token with a family members initals, well I can dream ,,,,,,,,,,,, can't I ?
Thanks. Our American ancestry started about the same time. I'm 13th generation American, you?

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