I found Oak Island story written before Lagina's found out about it.

So, you don't think a natural depression near a shoreline in Canada might just naturally have some logs buried by tide and storms?


...to try and find a non-existent large fortune....

Tsk tsk, CERTAINLY you understand that all the attempts with zero results DON'T mean "no treasure". The only thing that all the zero results mean is: A little more to the left. A little more to the right. Or a little deeper. The zero results NEVER mean "no treasure". Tsk tsk.

The only point I was trying to get across but ya'll can't see it for your skepticism, is that IF you were to dig under your swing set and DID find some logs that APPEARED to be placed there, would you not keep digging??? Never mentioned treasure.

Not if I hit more dirt underneath. I'd figure it was a corduroy road/driveway or cover for a spring or privy. Typical around here to lay logs over swampy spots so your tires don't sink in.

Might hit it with a metal detector - but I do that in my yard all the time, anyway.

Not if I hit more dirt underneath. I'd figure it was a corduroy road/driveway or cover for a spring or privy. Typical around here to lay logs over swampy spots so your tires don't sink in.

Might hit it with a metal detector - but I do that in my yard all the time, anyway.

but you kept digging and most likely would dig enough ( LEFT, RIGHT, ETC ) around to see if it was a road or what, and if you kept finding reason to believe there might be more to it you'd keep digging... THAT IS ALL I'M SAYING.

The others, need to take OI out of my comment that I didn't put in there and just look at what I said and NOT refer it to OI at this point.. Here it is again your skepticism at it's finest.
The treasure comment I won't bother with as I've swore off responding to your comments a few weeks ago...

but you kept digging and most likely would dig enough ( LEFT, RIGHT, ETC ) around to see if it was .......

Two things:

1) This entire logs (and fibers) thing, is merely pointing to the legend, to prove the legend. I mean: If the "legend" is bullet proof true, then sure, I agree that there are peculiarities in those finds. But since when are those starting facts true, in the first place ? If your "proof of those fact" is to merely point to the legend, then ........ that seems circular.

There is no shortage of misinterpretations in human recollection/interpretations. Especially when it comes to treasure fever where every squiggle or rock or log is now somehow now a treasure symbol. The same for Bigfoot hunt documentaries, where every broken twig is a "Bigfoot passed by this spot" sort of evidence, eh ? I can totally envision that whatever "logs" the little boys saw, immediately became (in the legend evolution) a sort of organized planks, blah blah. I have seen this type of thing evolve in a single night, single year, etc.... Where ..... later on .... it's just first-person singular "fact". Yet when you look closely, it was merely conjecture that are now first-person-singular, blah blah.

2) I can show you peculiarities in the landscape, within a mile of my house ,that I too could defy you to "show me an explanation". Eg.: "strange depressions in the ground", and "odd alignment of sticks", and "fibers", and "a gold link", etc..... And I can announce "treasure !" And no matter how many "more plausible explanations" you can offer to the oddities near my house, I can continue to find some reason why your particular explanation isn't sea-worthy. That's the wack-a-mole game.

We all know that no one can prove any of the old stories on the island..

It would be very simple to prove those old stories. All someone has to do is dig a hole and find something significant. Just because it hasn't yet happened in centuries doesn't mean that it won't, but it does arguably show a trend.

Not sure why people keep asking for proof...

Because people keep presenting the Money Pit legend as if it's factual.

but what if the significant thing has already been found? ( original 3 as suggested, Sam Ball the cabbage farmer )
I don't say the money pit is factual. I do believe there is a hole the original 3 started digging but of course can't prove it.
There are plenty of skeptics on here that also talk as if everything they say is a fact and we know it's not... Someone I won't name keeps saying it's a fact that the Money Pit never existed. That is not a fact. I can't prove it was of course but he can't prove it wasn't, and by making his statement he is calling all the writers from way back when liars... Heck might be true but it's not a fact...

There is very little you can say about the island treasure hunt that can be proven as fact. Almost nothing really, and this includes " that nothing has ever been found" No one can prove it hasn't...and there are the descendants of one of the 3 that claim they did find something.. May or may not be true but no one can prove it either way... What happened to the early days of this forum when we just discussed the show, stories, each other theories, etc. and all in good fun. I'll tell you what happened. There was some very strong willed skeptics that came in and start saying prove this and prove that and saying this that and the other never happened. ( which they can't prove either ) Most weren't talking in fact to start with. It was just their belief/theory... It was just a discussion till someone takes offense to it and the argument goes on from there... I still ask the skeptics, Why do you watch the show if it is all a lie and hoax for the searchers to get rich from their investors???

but what if the significant thing has already been found? ( original 3 as suggested, Sam Ball the cabbage farmer )
I don't say the money pit is factual. I do believe there is a hole the original 3 started digging but of course can't prove it.
There are plenty of skeptics on here that also talk as if everything they say is a fact and we know it's not... Someone I won't name keeps saying it's a fact that the Money Pit never existed. That is not a fact. I can't prove it was of course but he can't prove it wasn't, and by making his statement he is calling all the writers from way back when liars... Heck might be true but it's not a fact...

If it has been found and removed leaving no evidence, then it was likely pretty small to begin with (no rooms, tombs, caverns, vaults, mine work, etc.) and the joke really is on everyone still throwing money at the island in hopes of uncovering something.

The value on Oak Island continues to be tourism, publications and television rights.

What happened to the early days of this forum when we just discussed the show, stories, each other theories, etc. and all in good fun. I'll tell you what happened. There was some very strong willed skeptics that came in and start saying prove this and prove that and saying this that and the other never happened. ( which they can't prove either ) Most weren't talking in fact to start with. It was just their belief/theory... It was just a discussion till someone takes offense to it and the argument goes on from there... I still ask the skeptics, Why do you watch the show if it is all a lie and hoax for the searchers to get rich from their investors???

Maybe you could start an "Oak Island Fan Fiction" thread.

I found more money under my pillow that was left by the TOOTH FAIRY than anyone is ever going to find on Oak Island.

1. The island wouldn't have been forested at this point, having been cleared for agriculture some time earlier,

2. The island wasn't deserted. There were a number of people living and working on the island.

3. The three 'teenagers' weren't actually teenagers. They were adult men who owned property on the island.

You "totally believe" a story that is demonstrably false.

Not a shred of proof presented. These are just statements.

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