I thought about it,I dont want to but,Im left with little choice.

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Sorry to thread jack just a very weird experience I had I think it was very inhuman. Part that makes me the maddest was sitting in the back of a squad car for 2 hours in shackles and cuffs. I was giving the cop hell about my cuffs being to tight and my hands getting numb. He said ohh well. Then said something about why you so quite I said I'm pondering on filing a lawsuit against the court. He got quite and said how and I said a lawyer will find a way. He treated me nice after that unno. That was 4-5 years ago. I was young and dumb.

Actually I dont feel so bad anymore.The guy is just a lying piece of crap that will say anything to get himself out of a jam.He thinks that he can treat people any way he wants to because god will forgive him.What he doesnt realize is the people he screws over wont.Thats the sad part about him.The lawyer did some numbers crunching and came up with the fact that the scumbag has been screwing me out of 3000 dollars a year in rent.So far the suit is for 30k,but its climbing.:laughing7:Theres a statute of limitation since I already filled for it once and dismissed it.

Your case I know really nothing about legal wise.My case has to go to housing court not criminal court.

Actually I dont feel so bad anymore.The guy is just a lying piece of crap that will say anything to get himself out of a jam.He thinks that he can treat people any way he wants to because god will forgive him.What he doesnt realize is the people he screws over wont.Thats the sad part about him.The lawyer did some numbers crunching and came up with the fact that the scumbag has been screwing me out of 3000 dollars a year in rent.So far the suit is for 30k,but its climbing.:laughing7:Theres a statute of limitation since I already filled for it once and dismissed it.

How did you arrive at $3000?

sent from a potato...

Kind of complicated buddy,you would have to ask him that.He's the one that crunched the numbers.

Kind of complicated buddy,you would have to ask him that.He's the one that crunched the numbers.

I assume you paid more than that per year right?

sent from a potato...

Have you found a new place to live yet?

sent from a potato...

Not yet,the notice to move is garbage,so that stalls everything including him selling the house to the people who want it.I'm waiting on a guy I know whose room mate is moving out the either the first of May or 2 weeks into May.I'll probably stay there until the dust clears.

Life is good,but not for my landlord.My lawyer is going to ream his butt for triple damages LMAO.

The funniest part about the whole thing is this dirtbag is supposedly a born again christian.[/

Just because someone says they are something doesn't mean they are. People lie and pose about things all day long so you should not judge a group but only the individual.

Just because someone says they are something doesn't mean they are. People lie and pose about things all day long so you should not judge a group but only the individual.

Never said I was judging anybody.I didnt even attempt to judge anybody or judge a group.As a matter of fact for your information my sister is a born again christian.If I was judging a group,I would be judging her too now wouldnt I?Best to read things a little more carefully before YOU start judging.Hmmm?

Just got the contract in the mail from my lawyer.Pretty expensive,glad I'm not paying for him.Signed,dated and about to go mail it.May the crap roll fast and furious downhill.:laughing7:

lmao,I dont think they would like my collection agency for nonpayment.:laughing7:

lmao,I dont think they would like my collection agency for nonpayment.:laughing7:

As a "bill collector" who handles all our company's court proceedings - if you win, and he claims he doesn't have the money or refuses to pay - ask your attorney about a "Writ of Execution".

No, you won't get to string him up, but if used properly, he may wish you had.

Last time I used that, a gella owed under $1,000.00 when the Sheriff went to his home. Still remember his call. Bill was wasted: "and they took my damned truck!!!"

A "Writ of Execution" forces the Sheriff to seize property from the "Judgment Debtor's" possession to satisfy the judgment. All proceeds go towards satisfying the judgment.

If he works (not likely though) garnish his wages. You get up to 25% of his take home pay.

In many states, the spouse of the Judgment Debtor is equally liable ... I have garnished wages from debtors' husbands or wives more than a few times.

Hope everything goes your way though, as you will be on the hook for attorney's fees for your attorney and his if you lose. Why would I say that? I know too many lawyers and judges personally.

How do you think politicians learned to be so crooked? They started as lawyers. Two words: POTUS and FLOTUS.

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He's too cheap to hire his own lawyer lol.He does work,he has to now,before he just did the estimates I did the work lol.He has jobs lined up so he has no choice.I wont lose its open and shut,he's been brought to court for the same thing,not by me.He settled out of court.Not this time.Good idea though buddy.Its also impossible for him to claim he doest have the money,he just sold two other houses he owned,and he also owns land in vermont.He also use to brag about his 401.

He's too cheap to hire his own lawyer lol.He does work,he has to now,before he just did the estimates I did the work lol.He has jobs lined up so he has no choice.I wont lose its open and shut,he's been brought to court for the same thing,not by me.He settled out of court.Not this time.Good idea though buddy.Its also impossible for him to claim he doest have the money,he just sold two other houses he owned,and he also owns land in vermont.He also use to brag about his 401.

Never good to brag about one's wealth. Best to keep people guessing...

sent from a potato...

Never good to brag about one's wealth. Best to keep people guessing...

sent from a potato...

So THAT's why you don't use your cell phone to post! By the way, what species of potato do you prefer?

Have you ever tried a yam or turnip?

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