Idiots! Morons! and other Nitwits


Sr. Member
Dec 19, 2015
South Fork Yuba River, Motherlode
Detector(s) used
GoldBug II
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I don't get in much, but I had to post this.
I overstay on BLM lands on the south fork of the Yuba, have for almost 7 years.
never been any probs, until this year.
too long a story to go into detail today, but had a fire out a mile from me last week.
woke up at about 7am last tuesday to a column of smoke for the first thing I saw. not something I ever want to see out where I'm living and trying to get some of the shiny stuff.
CalFire showed up fairly fast and a couple hours later it was out.
I've had problems with one particular POS this year, with my gear being grabbed at by him, trash he left me being pointed a finger at for....and
being woke up in the middle of the night sleeping on bedrock by this wizzbrain telling me he got people chasing him...he had to come down the trail, and cross the river at night to get to me.
I figure meth, I hate them tweaker scum.....he rambles on, stays the night a few feet from me, wakes up and leaves the next morning.
what I didn't know is that he left behind a loaded 20 gauge shotgun on the bedrock not 20 feet from where I sleep.
found out next day when some campers walking the bedrock told me about it. I unloaded it and set it where it can't be seen.
I think this nitwit set the fire last week, not deliberately, just because he's senseless.
never been paranoid on the south fork before, but this year has been the local potheads on the radio station are calling it "a state of emergency"!
just what I need, BLM coming down to move me on.
BTW, the gold has only been so-so..last coupe weeks might've put 8 .dwt in the poke, not what I'm used to, but I can live with it.
Happy Trails Mi Amigos y Amigas

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Being stalked and or harassed by deranged lunatics can be a bit stressful. Going through that myself. LEO tell me to set up a game cam.

Living off the grid ain't easy. God Bless, stay safe, be smart! :occasion14:

A Queensland Heller or even a little J. Russel Terrorist can go a long ways to helping you out!

Hi; I live in the City and I've met ALL types of Psycho's. It goes with the territory here. Question : Coming from a City Slicker ;like me this may soound dumb but why don't you have a gun yourself. El Psycho could have shot you and walked away to light more fires. Protect yourself and stay safe. Me, I have a 9mm Blue Steel Smith & Wesson and yes I will use it no prob ok. Good Luck. PEACE:RONB 8-)

He's in Kalifornistan.The law abiding are defenseless. Background check to even buy ammo , I think.

Wow, that's crazy!! Some of you guys are more trusting and have more guts than I do...There's no way, i could sleep if some random guy wondered up in the middle of the night with a story of people chasing him, then wanted to sleep a few feet away! Nope sorry! Time for one of us to move!

That is actually my only real fear of the woods, or anything remote...Not sure why, but I'm more afraid of running into a nutcase that's unstable, than I am of a wild animal....

Maybe because I ran into one on my own land, had a pistol in his hand arguing with me that I wasn't the owner and he knew the owner, when he started getting worked up, I basically told him he was right and I MUST have been confused.First closest house was about 3/4s of a mile maybe further.... Her and I went the other way. now I don't go there un armed anymore....I wasn't confused, two of my posts are 4 or 6 inch pipe with concrete in them...U.S. forestry markers, so there is no confusion there.:laughing7: but the confused guy with the gun was right that day....:laughing7:

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You can have all the Guns you want, but when you are sleeping and no warning you could become a dead man.
Hi; I live in the City and I've met ALL types of Psycho's. It goes with the territory here. Question : Coming from a City Slicker ;like me this may soound dumb but why don't you have a gun yourself. El Psycho could have shot you and walked away to light more fires. Protect yourself and stay safe. Me, I have a 9mm Blue Steel Smith & Wesson and yes I will use it no prob ok. Good Luck. PEACE:RONB 8-)

You were a smart man that day.
Wow, that's crazy!! Some of you guys are more trusting and have more guts than I do...There's no way, i could sleep if some random guy wondered up in the middle of the night with a story of people chasing him, then wanted to sleep a few feet away! Nope sorry! Time for one of us to move!

That is actually my only real fear of the woods, or anything remote...Not sure why, but I'm more afraid of running into a nutcase that's unstable, than I am of a wild animal....

Maybe because I ran into one on my own land, had a pistol in his hand arguing with me that I wasn't the owner and he knew the owner, when he started getting worked up, I basically told him he was right and I MUST have been confused.First closest house was about 3/4s of a mile maybe further.... Her and I went the other way. now I don't go there un armed anymore....I wasn't confused, two of my posts are 4 or 6 inch pipe with concrete in them...U.S. forestry markers, so there is no confusion there.:laughing7: but the confused guy with the gun was right that day....:laughing7:

KEEP it simple-as a motion sensor-cheap Harbor Freight work fantastic. So bloody loud your eyes bleed and scares away bears, tweakers and homeless insane slime in seconds AND wakes me up asap as sleep with a few weapons for serene sleep. You never need a weapon till you need it, never leave home without one EVER in todays sic sic sic world-John

When Im sleeping out in the hills I have been putting up some alarms near camp for this exact situation. Easy cheap diy trip wire with a harbor freight window alarm and some fishing line..


You were a smart man that day.

Just survival. Through life I kind of learned how to read people pretty quick. There wasn't going to be any rationalizing or explaining to him. So, better off to find a way out at that point.

I often wondered if he wasn't distracting me from something else. It was on a well beaten path, and we were following it. I know there isn't any structures in there. I've looked around a couple of times since, but never found anything. My thoughts were pot plants, or who knows what. Maybe he even had a small chemistry set there and has since packed up. who knows! Just hope he's long gone now!:laughing7: another thought was...Some of the Roots in that area aren't too kind to "outsiders" that buy their land. and that might have been a scare tactic which is probably the most likely because of his age.

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Doesnt surprise me at all. I have been out multiweek Army trainings on California bases. Every time we would get BOLOS for vehicles and people. Seems the drug runners move along the mountains and the bases arent fenced off at the higher elevations so the mules are found on the bases.

The reason for the BOLOs is because training soldiers have lots of expensive (and nice) weapons but no ammo. The drug runners are often armed.

Rampant substance abuse and the lack of proper care (or control) for the mentally ill is destroying the fabric of our society.

For the financially impared a simple fishing line with a few empty cans with rocks in them makes a wonderful noise for a warning, ez,cheap safe and effective-John

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