Quartz Question


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Mar 8, 2014
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Recently they started building in my subdivision again, so a lot off cool looking things get worked to the surface. One of those is quartz with some kind of Redish, maroon type stuff on it.Is it some type of rock or mineral decay? Maybe? In the sun it even looks slightly metallic at times, Also in newer cuts, below the topsoil, I'm seeing this same maroon or purpleish streaks! Can anyone tell me what that is! I was trying to look it up, but I'm coming up with nothing...

Here's a pic...Not sure if it will show up like it does when looking at it...I have some other quartz pics of the area...I'll add below..
rocks 007.JPG

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And of course it doesn't show up in the picture well.....I'll try to get some better pics later, when I find more of it...It's soft and will stain your hands. has a graphite feel, if that makes any sense....

Here's some more pics of a bigger chunk of quartz we carried home on our walk...:laughing7: Not sure if there is anything special, just sticking some pics on...It does have some iron, and other stuff that I haven't identified yet....Just looked interesting and a lot going on in some of these pieces we find. The pics below are all from the same chunk...Interesting area..Anything from almost crystal clear quartz to stuff like this. The pics don't show the colors well..

rocks 006.JPG
rocks 005.JPG
rocks 003.JPG
rocks 002.JPG
rocks 001.JPG

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Thank You! I'll check those out!! This is a cool area! And since we are still fairly new to it, it's all alien and interesting to us!:laughing7: The neighbors probably laugh at us for digging around and carrying rocks home!:laughing7:


The color in your first link is almost dead on...It's soft though and crumbles easy, like?? Then the only other way I know how to describe is when you use powder graphite...You get that metallic, slick look and feel on your fingers...But it's maroon, purplish,red, like the pic in the first link, not grey like the graphite...If that makes any sense at all! Sometimes it's in thin streaks by it's self, and we are also finding quartz that has it through it, like the first pic that doesn't show it well....That type of quartz looks woody(?)....like it's grained, like... wood!:laughing7: Then there is other quartz that looks almost pure, crystal like, but usually small, shards of it.......

I hope they dig deeper...I want to see what's down there!:laughing7:

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It's mineralized for sure but iron deposits usually yield red Quartz like that and it's not uncommon to find gold in the same area. Old timers say the redder the better

Here's a couple more pictures, this is clear Quartz(?) we found today...I think it's quartz....My pictures really stink, and it's hard for me to get the colors right. This is almost clear, when I take the pictures it picks out the surface...Just doesn't look the same in a pic...

Is there enough there for someone to confirm that this is quartz or id this? Sry, I'm trying to learn, and I'm not positive this is quartz, just think it is.:laughing7:

It has four sides, but is almost triangle shaped, if that makes any sense, or has anything to do with it. Like triangle, with one pointed side ground flat...Is the only way I know how to describe....They are digging around here, and it's been chipped up....We found it in a machine track...The pictures seem to make it look a lot more jagged than it looks to the eye...it feels fairly smooth on the sides....

quartz 005.JPG quartz 004.JPG
quartz 001.JPG quartz 002.JPG
quartz 003.JPG

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Instead of starting a new thread on the same topic...I'll just ask here...:laughing7:

There is a cut, that goes about 10 feet down into the clay type layer, There are quartz strings(?), veins, whatever you call them...Looks like a spider web of quartz...So, Her and I are are on a building site looking and picking at it!:laughing7: I send her for permission! She has good luck walking up to a construction site and they show her the quartz and she asks to come back and get some of it.:laughing7:

My question, this is the bubbly type quartz, if we were to follow that deeper does it get more pure? Less bubbly? Or is that depth, way way down there?

Another question, was this the actual way this pushed up through the clay? spider web like, or was this one vein and the mud and clay split it apart to make it look web like? I'll try to get a pic later, just trying to understand how these are created and what to look for...We are also finding, a coating on some quartz, almost when you break it, it looks like an outer shell of something different, usually rusty type color...

Just trying to learn slowly, if anyone has a clue of what I'm trying to describe....Thanks!!

What should we look for to find the crystal clear? We find pieces of it on the surface after they cut and move dirt around, we want to find it's source....Is there possibility of terminated crystals? And what are the indicators?

There is so much I want to know, but books get a little confusing, I have to actually go look and see, what's going on to understand...

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