Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

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Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.


In case you are wondering, the main concept of the LRL board is the fact that the manufacturers advertise that the things are all-electronic, yet they are actually dowsing devices.

Since there is no electronics known to perform or enhance dowsing, LRLs are no better than a bent coathanger, but prices high because of non-functioning electronics junk added on.

Further, real dowsers have all reported that you must be directly over the target to get an indication, as in water witching. And these dowsers also say that you can't detect treasure by dowsing.

So, with all that in mind, it appears that anyone promoting the use of LRLs will need to provide some genuine proof that they work. Which they can't, because they are fake devices, as has been shown on here many, many times, by professional electronics people.


:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

rockhound said:
Like I said, I am not out to prove anything. I could care less what you think, or how you spend your hard earned money. I am not interested in taking a test to prove anything. I also am not going to give any more iformation about the silver mine. It is and probably always will be, strickly off limits to anyone. I know you have heard it before, and will probably again. All I can say is that it is not where you can gain access to it. Since that time I have tried to figure out every available angle to get access to it, but going to prison is not an option for me. So, I wrote it off as an experience, an adventure, a lost cause and moved on. So did the rest of the party that was there when we found it.There are too many other treasures out there to dwell on one particular one. As for skirting the issue, I know there are frauds out there,scammers around every bush, and people making false claims. I am not denying that. That is why I spent so much time,(years)studying,testing,and retesting before I laid down my money on one. It takes a lot of convincing me to part with money I suspect will be wasted. Heck, I even made three trips to a local metal detector dealer to test all his units before purchasing a hand held metal detector. I wanted the best one I could buy, for what money I had allowed myself to spend. Iam patient and can wait years if necessary to make a decision on what,where, and when to purchase something. When I test something, I take it as far as humanly possible. My metal detector is now 20 years old, and I can still outsearch my buddies,who have new more modern models,that cost a lot more. I don't know when I will purchase a new LRL,as my available time to search has a lot to do with it. And I could tell you more stories better than that one,all true,but that is another thing altogether. Good Luck. rockhound

You must be a radish, because you are repeating.

Nobody wants to know any more about your fantasy silver mine, either.

We've heard all that "it works, trust me" hogwash before, hundreds of times. You have no need to keep repeating your slimey stories and testimonials.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

In case you are wondering, the main concept of the LRL board is the fact that the manufacturers
PLEASE NOTE: As the administrator, creator and owner of this site, I HAVE SEEN PEOPLE GET RIPPED OFF (defrauded) by people selling so-called "long range locators" (devices, that supposedly, can find precious metals at a distance). I HIGHLY recommend consulting a geophysicist ($100 in consulting fees could save you thousands, and you'll learn something!), before spending ONE DIME ON ANY "long range locator" . With that, I open this forum to the discussion of said devices.
Re: When Science shouts to the deaf
Reply To This Topic #35 Posted Jun 16, 2010, 04:00:20 PM Quote

This is ME. Marc Austin... the administrator and owner of this site. I am the one who warns people against fraudulent devices.

I have never said "there is not a device capable of locating gold and silver from a distance".

I have only stated the FACT... that >I< have seen people ripped off by fraudulent devices... and I recommend spending money to chat with a geophysicist BEFORE spending ONE dime on ANY LRL. Just get a second opinion before making your purchase. The wad you save just might be your own! HMM, a new header for the LRL forum!

Now - if you have a problem running your potential purchase past someone educated in things like locating things.... well say

That’s 61 happy LRL owners..Art

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Jeeze. First it's 8,500 LRL owners (with absolutely no proof). Then it's admitted to be only a dozen or so. Then it's 10,000 (with absolutely no proof).

Now it's back down at 61. With no proof of the count, or that they are happy.

And you wonder why nobody trusts you, conartie?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

rockhound said:
You do realize that if all you pooled your money,you could bring a lawsuit against these other manufacturers of LRL's. I haven't seen any against the others,besides the ones you named.This is your chance to find the proof you seek. You can be the LRL police. You will put the subject to rest,once and for all. If you are dedicated to exposing these fraudulent companies,this is the way to do it. A judge will listen to all arguments and make a decision on the evidence. Go for it. Good Luck. rockhound

That's not the point.

The point is that LRLs are fraudulent, and they simply don't work in any manner at all.

Some have already been declared fraudulent, in courts. But that is beside the point here.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Mr seem to be sticking to a regiment of fantasy, misinformation and misnomers galore. Typical of promoters of worthless junk.
Man-up and post who the fraudulent LRL makers/promoters are.
I can also see that law and legal issues are not your forte. Same goes for "treasure hunting" would assume
Seeing as you skeptics want to push you views of people that use LRL’s and are real Treasure Hunters I see no reason to continue this thread..Art

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Hey Rockhound..Treasure Hunters understand..I drove 600 miles one way to test a LRL..I bought it because it would work in a back pack with one 4 inch rod..It was the only way to make the recovery of some gold nuggets and was well worth the price..Art

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

rockhound said:
I thought you had definitive proof that all LRL manufacturers are frauds. Then all you have to do is prove it in a court of law. If not, then I don't see any point in continuing this discussion. I could give you a list of the best and better LRL's out there. I didn't say none would work, only that some work better than others. There are three types,you know. Only two have I tried. The problem I have in releasing that information is that I have spent years researching them. If you knew which one worked best, you could buy one,take it apart, and more than likely not,but if you did understand its working principles,obtain a patent on it. As I don't think there are any. Those who know how they work are not going to put it in a patent for all to see it. Someone could possibly figure it out. I have,in the past, released information, only to have that information patented, for which I got screwed out of the rights to it. I have several now that I had been thinking of patenting,but I don't want anyone to have access to the design or working principles of them. But unlike many before me,I will leave it to those whom I know will keep it secret until the time that there is a change in humanity.It will then be used for the betterment of humanity. It may even happen in my lifetime,we'll see. I had posted some information here,which I am now deleting,because of ther being a possibility of reading between the lines. Sorry for the long post,but I just mowed,weedeated, and finished the yard work, and am in no mood for humor or theatrics, at this point.Tired out. rockhound


I think you posted the above on the wrong board. It should be here. But, come to think of it, don't even bother with that, because we have heard it all before, almost word for word.

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Rockhound..Treasure Hunters understand..I drove 600 miles one way to test a LRL..I bought it because it would work in a back pack with one 4 inch rod..It was the only way to make the recovery of some gold nuggets and was well worth the price..Art

So, did you need PSI ability for that?

P.S. How did you loose your gold nuggets?

:laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7: :laughing7:

Don't be a doof---show the proof!
P.S. When will you man-up and take Carl's double-blind test, and collect the $25,000.00?
ref: Are LRLs More Than Just Dowsing?

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

My PSI tells me the dowsers wouldn't let SWR play. Like this on other forums too. My God man get a clue. I would guess you are the most ignored person on all TH forums. An achievement to be proud of.

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

fenixdigger said:
My PSI tells me the dowsers wouldn't let SWR play. Like this on other forums too. My God man get a clue. I would guess you are the most ignored person on all TH forums. An achievement to be proud of.

good grief nixdiggers grow up!

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

rockhound said:
I have,in the past, released information, only to have that information patented, for which I got screwed out of the rights to it.

Well.................... your released information is out there now
and patented and not secret anymore..... Well................
there is absolutely no reason not the tell everyone this secret
you had that is now patented and you got screwed out of the
rights to it. Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll................
Lets hear this big secret that is now public information...........
Patent numbers etc. would be the proof
Or is this just another silver (blue sky) mine?

Still waiting........................................................................

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Sorry I got off topic. The answer to the question is NO, it does not take PSI ability to operate a LRL. LRL's are designed to replace the natural abilities of a dowsing instrument,therefore no additional input is required from the operator.They are more sensitive,have farther range,and better lock on. Art, soon I will be retiring and will have more time to retrieve treasure. Looking forward to buying or building my new treasure finder(LRL). I have most of the necessary electronic parts,just need to find a control box and an appropriate antenna, or maybe use one of my old metal detectors and convert it to work as a LRL. I may just buy one,after I have had time to evaluate at all the new models out there. Mine still works fine, but I am wanting a backup.Good Luck with your treasure hunting. Rockhound
That is how it is done…Evaluate all the new technology..You know what you want the “tool” to do so you are way ahead of the newbie’s. I own four LRL’s and they all work..They all are different. One is in Alaska and one is in Oregon…The other two are setting in my room..I have told these guys many times that if you try to dowse with these devices you are doomed to failure..Good luck in your Treasure Hunting as it is the best hobby I have ever had..Art

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Still waiting...........................................................

That's what I thought

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

What cracks me up is people like rockhound who come
here telling how good their treasure finding LRL's work,
then continue on to tell about how when they retire
they will have more time to treasure hunt. What kind
of job pays better than a device that locates gold and
treasure. Even if you have to split the treasure many
ways it would seem to pay far better than any average
job. Your stories don't pass the smell test.

It's like conartie when he says there are 10,000 LRL
users out finding treasure, then says he has gold
hidden in the wilderness for 7 years for the purpose
of testing his LRLs. He obviously knows LRL's don't
work or anyone with one could come and take/steal
his supposed gold.

It's like fakedeal when he states that he wants to
discuss the theory behind the possibility that LRL's
might someday work. That is a clear admission that
he knows they don't work now yet he still comes here
and promotes them.

And not one of you promoters have the guts to take
a simple test and prove all the non-believers wrong,
that is fear of exposure, nothing less.

Anyway rockhound, according to your story,
you didn't get screwed out of the rights to your invention,
the company had a policy and was simply doing
what they legally are intitled to do with their
employees work! :icon_thumright:

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Good afternoon: bk, but too many posts to respond to, so will only pick up from tomorrow on
HI prongie. this format still ok ?

Don Jose de la Mancha

Re: Is a certain PSI ability needed or useful for Lrl"s? Dowsing yes.

Do you guys have any idea what all this anger you express means?? Goes right along with the other glitches. Enjoy,, , post pictures of something you do. Show proof of anything. Just because you ridicule all the photos we post, doesn't mean we'll do the same.

SHO-NUFF ,,,, A LRL test for all sizes.

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