Is anyone else having job troubles?

Usually they say hospitals are not hit by bad times because people always need health care. We have been cut back to 32 hours in all departments and pay freezes until further notice. I do have PTO(paid time off) that I can put in to cover my lost 8 hours, but I usually use my PTO for vacation time. Looks like no vacation this year.

As the Network Administrator I make pretty fair money for a small community($23.06 an hour) but things are really getting tight all around the country.

I saw something this morning that I have not seen in years.

We have a major railroad depot in this town (it is probably the only reason there is still a town). They go back and forth, every 10 minutes, 22 hours per day, 7 days a week - hauling coal from the mines. Many, many years ago, they also delivered freight, and the docks are still here.

This morning, for the first time in years, they were making lots of noise (more than usual), so I walked over a couple of blocks to see what all the commotion was.

Low and behold, they were hooking up and organizing a couple of trains of real freight. Lumber, and beams, and agricultural products, and a few tankers, a bunch of truck trailers, fertilizer - you name it, they were hooking it up. Two went out with freight, one of 97 cars, one of 92 cars. I don't know where they came from - don't know where they are going (two different directions, though).

Maybe - just maybe, they are expanding a bit, and all the furloughed railroad workers will be able to come back to work. (fingers crossed), especially since a big percentage of OUR business is based on the railroaders.


Good post Mrs. O...

I know this can't help everyone, but, when the tide turns (and it will turn), the entire railroad industry is going to need help. They are projected to loose 75 percent of their workforce across the board in the next several years. All the lifers will be retiring and it'll mean an entire new work force soon.

Check the web sites and watch the jobs... great pay and benefits.

i got into my wreck in set of 07 and was down till dec i broke my neck at the c-2 and that nov i had 4 blood clots 1 in each lung and 2 in my left leg so that kept me out untill june of o8 and have been looking for a job since i cant even get a job swinging a hammer for nothing i even went back to a old style job hunt and hung flyers like i did in hs i used to make money hand over fist just barely made 100.00 in the last 2 months good yhing i have a leather working back ground some of the guys on coinhunting .net have been having me make tool pouches for them dont know where they work at but i have made about 200.00 from those guys thank goodness for the working yankees up north and the good lord to give me the health to do it with

Sorry to hear that.

One of the problems, I am sure, is that you have a previous back/neck injury. A lot of employers, even if the economy was absolutely wonderful, wouldn't hire someone with that previous history, because, if you re-injure your back or neck, THEY become responsible for the incident. Even if something you are doing AGGRAVATES your old injury, they are responsible for the comp. (assuming you told them your history - and if you didn't, then you could lose the job for lying).

Either way - that's in a good market. In a bad market - the issue becomes astronomical.


My bosses have been saying "Jobs are on the line" for over a year. Sure enough a bunch of bosses got fired. siegfried schlagrule

Detectingfreak said:
Hey guys! I just got back from picking up my paycheck today. My last $100 paycheck :( I only get 5.5 hours next week. At least I get paid $9.50 an hour, but still. Is anyone else feeling the push on the economy really hard? I mean I can't believe that I only get 5.5 hours next week. I am a good employee and yeah I make stupid mistakes sometimes, but who doesn't? I mean really. I am just venting. At least I will have more time to Metal detect and CRH! :) Glad I bought my Minelab SE before the economy crashed :D

it is starting to pick up here again, I will be praying for you and your family

Mighty AP said:
I work in a sweatshop mig welding pallet rack systems, high volume quotas that are sometimes impossible to hit. The big boss is constantly pushing us, when you do finaly get to where you are able to hit quota........he raises it. I havent worked a job that I hate as much as I hate this place, this boss.......EVER! I just took some time off to go see my very sick father & got the feeling when I go in tomorrow I will be fired. I realy dont care, hate to say it, but I will somehow bounce back like I always have before but I gotta admit this thread, hearing your stories is kinda spookin' me. I wish every one of you the best of luck, dont give up. We'll get through this crap-fest somehow. :thumbsup:

Remember you and your family are in all of our prayers still

I have to tell you my friend Mary showed me something you made and sent her a while back. You my friend make one of the finest diggers I have ever seen. Perhaps you should go into your own business on here.


Our area hasn't been hit so hard with the economy crunch ....yet. I talked to a State Senator last night and he told me it was coming, working its way in from the two coasts toward us being in the mid-USA. I am retired on a pension too and unless our pension goes belly up I will be OK. I draw a state pension and of the several state pension programs ours is the only one that is solvent. The others have been borrowing money from mine for years. I think that will soon stop! Our unemployment rate is very low compared to the rest of the country but we have been losing businesses right and left. But for some reason others are opening up and absorbing a lot of the layoffs. We don't have a surplus of jobs at all,rather just barely keeping up. Our City developed a huge tract of light industrial land (installed infrastructure, etc.) and now can't find businesses to build on the land. Several large magnet stores were planned but they have been starting to re-nigh on when and the property is just sitting there vacant. The financial situation report for mid-America. Monty

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